

单词 retransmit
释义 re·transmit 英riːtrænz'mɪt美riːtrænz'mɪt 高COCA¹³⁷⁵⁵³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴³⁵⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

transmit again At the same time the request- reply mechanism based on serial number is designed to retransmit the data which has mistakes or be lost.
同时采用基于流水号的应答机制,保证了出错、丢失数据包的重发。 cnki

Played back via a speaker using a similar needle unit, the device could retransmit the sounds.
通过使用类似针状装置的扬声器进行回放,就可以将声音还原了。 yeeyan

The new algorithm, split fast retransmit, is the key of SCTP load sharing.
分集快速重传算法是实现负荷分担的关键。 cnki

The average size of the retransmit queue can be calculated from the packets scanned counter if the number of SACK options sent is also tracked at the client.
如果在客户机可以跟踪发出的 SACK选项的数目,则重传队列的大小可从扫描包计数器中计算得到。 ibm

The infrastructure uses an exponential back-off algorithm to determine when to retransmit, based on a computed average round-trip time.
基础结构会使用指数倒退演算法,根据计算出来的平均来回时间决定何时重新传输。 microsoft

The link- state retransmit interval defines the time between retransmissions.
链接国家重新界定区间之间的时间转播。 chinaunix.net

They then retransmit packets from the source segment to the destination segment when necessary.
之后在必要时,网桥将源网段的数据包重发送到终网段。 yeeyan

An implementation- dependent unit of time which, in case of collision, is used to determine the delay after which data stations may attempt to retransmit.
一种依赖于实现的时间单位,一旦碰撞时用来确定时延,其后数据站可试图重传。 wiki.mycreative.com.cn

Correcting these dropped packets requires the transmitter to first recognize that the packet was not acknowledged, and then retransmit that packet.
要纠正这种丢失现象,首先需要发送端知道到发送包后并没有得到应答,然后重新传送这个包。 tinyosstudy

For the avoidance of doubt you shall not be entitled to reproduce, permanently store, or retransmit the contents of our Website without our prior written consent.
为避免疑义,在得到书面许可之前,您无权对本网站的内容进行复制、永久储存、或再传送。 walkermorris

In order to provide reliable data transmission service on disturbed channels, a modified Go-Back- N ARQ protocol is used to retransmit data by a communication gateway.
文中介绍为了在有扰信道中提供可靠数据传输服务,通信网关在应用层使用经过改良的连续 ARQ协议机制实现数据重传。 cnki

In TCP protocol, the state machine, slip window mechanism and timing to retransmit mechanism are simplified, and the number of connection is reduced.
在 TCP协议简化了状态机,滑动窗口和定时重传机制,减少了连接数。 cnki

Quantum repeaters could potentially use small chips of diamond to catch, store and retransmit this information to extend the range, enabling quantum networks to work over much longer distances.
量子中继器可以采用小型钻石芯片来获取,存储和再传输以扩展信息传输范围,使量子网络可跨越更大的距离。 blog.sina.com.cn

Requests earnestly each everybody to retransmit positively, lets more people know this matter!
请大家认真对每一个积极转发,让更多的人知道这件事! hongdou.gxnews.com.cn

Retransmission timer expires for a connection for the first time or the fast retransmit phase is turned on.
连接的重新传输计时器首次计时到期,或者打开了快速重新传输阶段。 ibm

Sliding window strategy depending on the retransmit timer is used to enhance throughput of network.
选择依赖于重发时钟的滑动窗口策略来提高网络吞吐量。 cnki




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