

单词 retrained
释义 re·train·ed 英ˌriː'treɪn美ˌriː'treɪn COCA⁵⁸⁹²⁷BNC⁶⁶⁰²⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
teach new skills;

We must retrain the linguists who cannot find employment

train again;

He is retraining to become an IT worker

近义词 reeducate再教育reskill教授新技能re-educate重新教育rehabilitate使恢复reorient 重定 … 的方向(…

用作动词You couldretrainthem or you could hire new workers.你可以重新对他们进行培训也可以雇用一些新的工人。
It is a continuous work toretrainthe medical engineers.医学工程人员再培训是一项长期的工作。
Some peopleretrainto improve their skills and to use new technology.某些人还要再培训以提高技能或掌握新的技术。 Muscles that are holding other muscles captive have to be retrained in order to free- up other muscles to move correctly.
那些会带动其他肌肉运动的肌肉必须要得到训练,以让其他的肌肉恢复正确的自由活动能力。 sh-mtzk

The commissioners of each specialized committee shall be retrained by the Foundation from persons who are specializing in law or in other professions.
各专门委员会之委员,由基金会聘任具有法学或其他专门学识之人士组成; cntranslators

The formation of methanol is retrained to a large extent and the formation of ethanol and acetic acid are improved to a certain degree in the first step of the reaction with water.
反应第一步通入水在很大程度上抑制了甲醇的生成,在一定程度上促进了乙醇和乙酸的产生。 cnki

To do this, workers will need to be educated and often retrained.
有鉴于此,劳动者必须要接受过教育,并且不断进行过培训。 yeeyan

You are not going to go into some place and say let's have micro- credit programs and try to get people retrained and entrepreneurial when they are depressed.
当人们患有精神病时,我们不可能在其所处的地区实施小额信贷项目,并试图将他们重新塑造成企业家式的人物。 worldbank

After the dot-com crash few years ago, people were leaving the Internet and telecom fields in droves to get retrained.
在几年前网络公司崩溃后,人们成群地离开互联网和电信领域去进行再训练。 chinapubmed.net

After several surgeries, metal implants, pain and months of recuperation, he retrained as a respiratory therapist.
经过数次手术,金属植入物,痛苦和个月的休养,他再培训作为一个呼吸治疗师。 ganxi-ganxiji

All factions start with full starting armies except Maratha, which starts with half sized starting armies but these armies can be retrained to full strength.
各派别开始全面开始,除马拉的军队,开始一半大小开始的军队,但这些军队可以接受再培训,以全力。 clanlong

Amid skepticism from friends, she retrained for a career as a personal financial adviser.
在朋友的一片质疑声中,她接受了成为个人金融理财师的再培训。 iciba

Besides, this paper have analyzed factors that restrict multi- reservoir system power station, and turn former problem into retrained non- linear planning problems.
同时,本文还分析了制约梯级水电站各个因素,将原问题化为一个有约束非线性规划问题。 cnki

Community outreach workers who perform testing are now being retrained to focus on getting their clients into treatment.
社区之前执行检测任务的推广人员现在重新接受培训,培训重点是如何说服人们接受治疗。 yeeyan

He slowly retrained himself how to walk. In time, he took up running and even started to compete in races.
他慢慢地训练自己走路, 后来他开始跑步,甚至还参加了跑步比赛。 remword

Heavy Armourer can significantly improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
重甲工坊可以为军队提供更为精良的盔甲。 www.totalwar.honga.net

His spinal cord had to be retrained to produce the muscle movements needed to stand and take assisted steps on the treadmill.
他的脊髓必须经过重新训练,才能产生站立以及行走所需的肌肉运动。 xddhy

However, these people could be retrained for more productive professions or they may seek to become entrepreneurs.
但是,这些人可以接受再培训以得到更高效的职业,或者寻求创业。 yeeyan

I was at boarding school as a boy and then spent twenty-one years in the services. After that, I retrained as a teacher and taught in a boys' school for7- to13-year-olds.
我从小生活在寄宿学校,接着在这样的服务机构呆了21年,后来,我参加了教师培训,然后在一所男子学校教7至13岁的学生。 yeeyan

I was actually recently laid off of a position working at our local community college, helping dislocated workers get back and get retrained.
我的实际情况是,最近从本地社区学院的工作岗位上解雇了,这个岗位是帮助失业工作重新工作,并得到培训。 yeeyan

Many countries have redesigned their child health records, upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work.
为了将世卫组织的标准并入工作中,许多国家已经重新设计了他们的儿童健康记录、升级了人体测量设备并重新培训了卫生工作人员。 who

She retrained herself from scolding her child until the guests left.
她强忍住不责骂孩子,直到客人都走了。 iciba

She retrained to her hometown specially to see her sick mother.
她专程回家乡去看望她生病的母亲。 blog.sina.com.cn

Simultaneously, the Air Force will be focusing on ensuring Airmen who are in overage specialties are retrained into shortage career fields.
同时,空军集中于保证是在过剩专业再培训入短缺事业领域的空军。 tujiwar

The aircraft carrier program was delayed and these pilots were retrained and reassigned for destroyer commands.
由于航母项目的拖延,这些飞行员经过再次培训后被分派去指挥驱逐舰。 yeeyan

The prediction process runs fast, though it has to be retrained if the type of laser is different.
该方法速度很快,但需要对不同的激光器类型的神经网络进行重新训练。 fabiao

They have retrained a number of young technicians for our factory.

Those still unqualified shall be retrained or sent back.
不合格的,延长培训期限或者退回。 lawyee

When it's time to execute, teams need to be retrained.
当开始执行时,团队需要再次培训。 ibm




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