

单词 retractable
释义 re·tract·able 英rɪ'træktəbl美rɪ'træktəbl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁵⁹⁵⁹BNC⁴³⁰⁵⁰iWeb¹⁵⁴⁷⁵

capable of being retracted;

retractable landing gear

retractable fin可收进舷侧鳍…retractable guide可撤导板retractable radiator收放式散热器,可伸缩…retractable antenna收缩式天线retractable probe可收起的受油探管…retractable wheel伸缩轮,收缩起重轮…retractable launcher收放式发射装置…retractable arbor能自由伸缩的芯棒…retractable undercarriage伸缩起落架
retract-able能-能力表形容词,可…的,能…的⇒retractable adj.可收回的,可撤消的,可缩回的,可缩进的近义词 folding可折叠的telescopic望远镜式的

用作形容词The house has aretractablestaircase that lowers to the ground.这幢房子有一条缩回放到地面的楼梯。 A retractable lower guard must cover the teeth of the saw, except when it makes contact with the work material.
除了工具接触工作物料的时间以外,必须使用可伸缩的下防护装置来覆盖住锯齿。 vpsafety

The Recoilable-Belt Rail with plastic base, also referred to as “ one meter line” in China, is a retractable isolation rail extensively applied in banks, hospitals, metro and other public places.
塑料座式伸缩隔离带:又称一米线,就是能够自由伸缩连接的隔离带,被银行、医院、地铁等商务和公共场合广泛使用。 chinafanyi

The remaining superheater banks and the economizer shall have semi- retractable or fixed rotary blowers.
剩余的过热器管束和省煤器应有半伸缩式或固定旋转式吹灰器。 www.1x1y.com.cn

The retractable design allows for boats to cruise through the canal unobstructed, and the bridge rolls up every Friday at noon.
收缩设计使船只畅通无阻的通过运河。卷桥每周五的中午会卷起来。 yeeyan

Also under consideration is a project to cover the entire Bernabeu with a transparent retractable roof.
一个透明的可伸缩式的,足以覆盖整个伯纳乌的顶罩也正在考虑之中。 yeeyan

At first glance it’s merely a wrist band that projects time, much like the Alessi Concept we saw earlier, but then you realize it’s actually a phone with a retractable transparent screen at the base.
乍一看它仅仅是一个能投射出时间的腕带,非常像我们之前看到的阿莱西的概念 Alessi Concept,但你意识到它竟然是一款底部带可伸缩透明屏幕的手机。 yeeyan

By having a field that rolled out of the stadium to fully bask in sunlight, the Cardinals could have a retractable roof and natural grass.
通过将体育场内的一片草坪卷起来放置到阳光充足区域的方式,红雀队就即可以拥有可伸缩的屋顶,又能拥有自然草坪了。 yeeyan

CCTV footage released yesterday showed pandemonium at the hotel gates after a dumper truck rammed into the retractable metal barrier there.
昨天公布的闭录电视录像显示,一辆载重自卸卡车撞开可伸缩的金属路障后,酒店门口出现的混乱场面。 yeeyan

Cowboys Stadium is a domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas.
牛仔球场是一个拥有可伸缩的圆拱形屋顶,位于德州阿灵顿。 yeeyan

Deinonychosaurs, such as the velociraptor, walked on two legs, ate meat and had vicious retractable claws.
“恐爪龙类”比如“伶盗龙”,用两条腿走路,食肉,有邪恶的可伸缩的爪。 yeeyan

From the sheepskin floor mats to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.
从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。 edu.sina.com.cn

It also features the unique“malls-within- a-mall” concept with themed shopping areas like Gold Souk, Fashion Island, and The Grove, an indoor-outdoor streetscape with a fully retractable roof.
其独特的“城中城”设计使得数个分门别类的购物中心至于其中,包括黄金剧场,时尚岛,树林度假村和有着全收放式顶部的街道景观。 yeeyan

Lange’s Antares20E is a single- seat glider with a retractable propeller powered by a40kW electric motor and72 lithium-ion cells mounted in the leading edges of its wings.
Lange的 Antares20E是单座可带伸缩螺旋桨式滑翔机,由40千瓦电动机驱动,并在机翼前缘装有72个锂电池。 ecocn

Male chimaeras, for example, have retractable sexual appendages sprouting from their foreheads.
比如,雄性银蛟的性器官可从额头上伸出。 yeeyan

One clever innovation that I recently got with my ethernet cable was a retractable spindle.
最近我对网线使用了一个聪明的革新,那就是可伸缩导线。 yeeyan

Some gliders can launch themselves with a retractable propeller turned by a small combustion engine.
有些滑翔机可以靠着由小型内燃机驱动的可伸缩螺旋桨来起飞。 ecocn

The first handset- maker to release a compliant device is Sony Ericsson, whose smartphone has a retractable PSP button-pad.
首家发布兼容掌机的制造商是索尼爱立信,其智能电话有个可伸缩的 PSP按钮盘。 ecocn

The military didn't replicate Wolverine's indestructible skeleton and retractable claws.
美国军方并未复制狐狼的坚不可摧的骨骼以及自由伸缩的利爪。 yeeyan

There are two types of needle electrodes: simple straight needles and a straight, hollow needle that contains several retractable electrodes that extend when needed.
有两种类型的电极针:简单的直线针和直线空心针它包含了几个必要时可伸缩的延长电极。 yeeyan

There will be possibility to store power on lithium-ion batteries, use electric motors built into the rear wheels, and accept charge via retractable leads in the back.
电摩采用锂电池供能,后轮也装上了电动马达,尾端还配备了人性化的可伸缩充电线。 yeeyan

Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.
跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。 ebigear

You can run your social streams as a retractable bar above your desktop screen.
你可以通过桌面上的可伸缩条来显示来自社交网站的信息流。 yeeyan

Retractable blowers shall be provided for the convection evaporative surface third pass and inlet to the superheater.
应为对流蒸发面第三通道和至过热器的出口进口提供伸缩式吹灰器。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Retractable glazing and operable louvers provide low- tech solutions with a high impact design.
可伸缩的玻璃窗,可调节的百叶窗,为高强度设计提供了低技术解决办法。 yeeyan




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