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词汇 retorts
释义 re·tort·s 英rɪ'tɔːt美rɪ'tɔːrt COCA⁵⁹⁶³⁷BNC⁶²⁶⁰⁷Economist¹¹⁴⁷⁴
vt. 反驳

reply quickly and sharply


a quick, angry or humorous reply

a quick reply to a question or remark especially a witty or critical one;

it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher

a vessel where substances are distilled or decomposed by heat
answer backanswer,reply,respond,retort,return







retort pouch杀菌袋,蒸煮袋,软罐…still retort静止式杀菌锅…coking retort炼焦罐retort room杀菌室,杀菌车间…vertical retort立式碳化炉,竖式蒸馏…quartz retort石英蒸镏罐retort residue甑渣retort process干馏过程,反应罐直接…inclined retort斜式甑glass retort玻璃曲颈瓶,玻璃甑…steel retort钢蒸馏罐retort gas蒸馏气体,甑中产生的…distillation retort蒸馏瓶retort carbon甑炭,蒸馏炭,蒸馏罐…horizontal retort横式甑,平罐,卧式碳…retort stoker甑式加煤机,机械燃烧…retort oven甑式炉retort press蒸馏罐压制机…gas retort干馏甑,干馏炉…retort furnace甑式炉
近义词 reply回答repay偿还answer回答return返回respond回答counter柜台response反应snap劈啪作响comeback恢复rejoinder回答come back回来retaliate报复replication复制squelch发出嘎吱声rejoin使再结合…riposte机敏的反驳或应答…bite back不说出来急忙缩回…
S+ ~+n./pron.He retorted the invective on her.他用恶言讽刺还击她。S+~+that-clauseHe retorted that it was all my fault.他反驳说全是我的错。引出直接引语“Don't be ridiculous!” Pat retorted angrily.“别荒唐了!”帕特生气地回答道。用作名词n.His retort was acid.他的反驳非常尖刻。
用作动词Heretortedthat it was my fault as much as his.他反驳说我的错误并不比他的小。
The analysts couldretortonly that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。
'Don't be ridiculous!' Patretortedangrily.“别荒唐了!”帕特生气地回答道。用作名词Her roommate'sretortmade her angry.她同屋的反驳使她生气。
Chueh-min thought he was making a crushingretort.觉民提出了这个他自己以为是很有力的反驳。
She appeared to enjoy a boldretort.这种大胆的顶嘴,她似乎觉得很有趣。 Mr Plattner, not to be outdone, retorts that it doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Mr Ellison might say such a thing.
对此,普莱特纳十分自信予以反驳:“想知道埃里森先生何出此言并不需要吃什么药”。 ecocn

These were just fishing agreements, retorts Peru.
而秘鲁却反驳那只是一个捕鱼协议。 ecocn

To the obvious question about the internet, he retorts that the web has provided lots of utility for users but much less in the way of profits—and relatively few new jobs.
而在互联网这个显而易见的问题上,他反驳道,互联网为网民带来了极大的便利,但相比之下,利润却很少——产生的新岗位也相对较少。 topsage

When Leckar says his client’s data is seized, Scalia retorts, “ Do you have any case involving seizure of data floating in the air as opposed to papers?”
莱卡回答,是他当事人的数据信息。 于是斯卡利亚反驳他:“你以为空气中漂浮的数据信息,而不是纸质文件,也能支持你的论点吗?” yeeyan

“ President Clinton, ” his boss quickly retorts.
“克林顿总统,”他的老板很快就反驳说。 yeeyan

“ You're a loony,” retorts the king.
国王则反驳道,“你是一个疯子。” ecocn

“This”, retorts a Tehrani, “is what they say every winter, and nothing gets done.”
一个德黑兰人反驳道:”这些话他们每年冬天都说,但从来没付诸于行动。 ecocn

As he spits out retorts with majestic acerbity, you think for a minute that he's right and the Agency is wrong—that he knows too much or has dug too deep.
在他大力刻薄愤怒的反驳时,有那么一刻你认为他是对的是部门的错误,Cox知道的太多了或者他想知道更多的。 yeeyan

At least the question should be put, he retorts.
他反驳道至少要将问题提出来。 ecocn

CEBS retorts that it was testing for a double- dip recession, not economic Armageddon, and for jitters in some countries’ sovereign- bond markets rather than a break-up of the euro zone.
CEBS反驳道,这次测试是为避免第二次衰退和对一些国家主权债务的疑虑而进行,并不是对经济的末日审判,或是分裂欧元区。 ecocn

Europe had no idea the rest of the world was going to copy its standards, retorts a Eurocrat sweetly.
欧洲并不知道世界的其它国家将打算直接照搬其行业标准,一位欧共体官员不无喜色地反驳道。 ecocn

Even so, it retorts, it managed to put an end to the violence without outside help.
即使是这样,它反击道,就算没有外界的帮忙,他们也能很好地处理好这次暴力事件。 ecocn

Here are ten of history’s best comebacks, retorts, repartee, insults, or whatever else you’d like to call them.
下面是史上十大最佳的反驳,你说这些是机敏的回答也好,不动声色的侮辱也好,都可以。 hjenglish

His success strongly retorts the rumor that Chinese are genetically weak in the track and fields.
他的成功雄辩地反驳了认为中国人在体质上不善于田径运动的说法。 hxen

Louboutin retorts that granting a trademark to one or several colours, such as Gucci's stripes, is the same.
鲁布托反驳道,授权的商标是一种颜色或是多种颜色,其性质是一样的,比如古奇的条纹就是他的商标。 ecocn

Mr Arpaio retorts that he has seen no decrease in illegals.
阿尔帕约反驳说,他还没有看到非法移民在减少。 ecocn

Mr Mayer retorts that even the IMF has learnt that its interventions work only if countries co-operate.
梅耶反驳说,国际货币基金组织认识到,干预措施只有在各国协同合作时才能奏效。 ecocn

Mr Obama retorts with some justification that he showed better judgment than her in predicting the debacle in Iraq even as she was voting to authorise it.
奥巴马先生反驳加上一些辩解说他在预测美国在伊拉克的彻底失败这一点上比她显示出更好的判断力,而她那时正在投票授权打这场战争。 ecocn

Nonsense, retorts AT&T.
胡说, AT&T反驳道。 ecocn

Not so, retorts Mr Schmidt.
施密特先生反驳道事实并非如此。 ecocn

Often my loud complaints about this, and Bob Rubin’s retorts to them, were funny, but the issue was dead serious.
我对于这种现象大声抱怨,鲍勃.鲁宾则进行反驳,情形常常显得很可笑,但这个问题实在太严重了。 yeeyan

President Boris Tadic retorts that only by keeping on track towards Europe can Serbia actively undermine Kosovo's attempts to win full acceptance as an independent country.
塞尔维亚总统波利斯•塔迪克反驳道,塞尔维亚只有不断地向欧洲靠拢,才能够在挫败科索沃企图赢得别国对其国家独立的完全承认的种种努力。 ecocn

Really listen, try to understand that point of view, don't just nod while you formulate your retorts.
真正倾听,试图了解观点,不要一边点头,一边准备自己的反驳。 hjenglish

The Mormon church retorts that an ill-educated farm boy such as he could not simply have made up so sublime a work as the Book of Mormon.
摩门教会反驳说,像他这么一个没有受过良好教育的农村男孩是不可能做出像是编造《摩门经》这样的伟大事业。 ecocn

The other side retorts that the practice of giving stuff away undermines the value of all content.
另一阵营反驳说免费信息破坏了这些内容的价值。 ecocn

The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.
当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为时尚,其价格立刻扶摇直上。 yeeyan

The schools tell Mr McEntee that collecting the data is too expensive; he retorts that they already have most of them.
这些学校告诉麦肯特收集相关数据是相当昂贵的,他反驳道他们已经拿到大部分数据了。 ecocn

Vartan Oskanian, Armenia's foreign minister, retorts that “expressing concern about a process that doesn't exist is disingenuous”.
亚美尼亚外长法尔坦•奥斯卡尼雅 Vartan Oskanian反驳道,“对一个并不存在的进程表示关心是没有诚意的”。 ecocn




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