

单词 retirement pension
释义 retirement pension 英rɪ'taɪəmənt 'penʃən美rɪ'taɪrmənt 'penʃən 短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺

a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work近义词 superannuation退休金old-age pension退休金retirement benefit退休金retirement fund资产换置基金,退休基金…
用作名词He lives on theretirement pension.他靠退休金生活。
Her retirement income will be ample for her needs.她的退休金足够她的需要了。
Our old-age pension will be uprated next month.下个月将提高我们的养老金标准。
He petitions the government for a special pension.他请求政府给予特殊养老金。 Actually, in the course of a working lifetime workers do not pay enough into the system to cover all the costs of a federal retirement pension.
事实上,美国人工作一辈子所交的社会保障税并不够联邦退休金计划的支出。 edu.sina.com.cn

As one of the important pillars of Chinese retirement pension system, the development of enterprise annuity concerns whether the reform of Chinese social security system is executed smoothly or not.
作为中国养老保障体系的重要支柱之一,企业年金制度的发展关系到我国社会保障体制改革的顺利进行。 fabiao

China's current pension insurance, include Retirement Pension of enterprises, Pension of government organizations and institutions, and the establishing pension of country.
我国现行的养老保险包括企业养老保险、机关事业养老保险和尚在建立阶段的农村养老保险。 fabiao

Enterprise supplementary retirement pension insurance is a kind of insurance which is built up according to the economical ability of enterprise itself.
企业补充养老保险是企业根据自身经济能力为本企业职工建立的一种辅助性的养老保险。 cnki

In order to achieve the balance of security and profit of retirement pension, supervision mode in most countries shows a mixed state, bearing characteristics of both modes.
为实现养老金安全、收益的平衡,大多数国家的监管模式体现出一种混合状态,即兼具谨慎人规则与数量限制监管的特点。 cnki

In our current system of retirement pension system for urban employees, there is a remarkable gap between men and women workers in pension size and distribution.
在我国现行城镇企业职工养老保险制度下,男女职工的养老金表现出明显差异。 cnki

Later it dawned on me that he meant I would receive a retirement pension from the Chinese state, which is not true.
之后我才慢慢明白,他言下之意是我将得到中国政府的退休金,不过这可不是真的。 edu.sina.com.cn

Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.
诺贝尔奖对我来说不是退休金,获奖刚好发生在我写作生涯的中间。 joyen

The key to the set-up of retirement pension system lies in the balance of using the fund.
建立养老保险制度的关键是要保证基本养老保险基金的收支平衡。 fabiao




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