

单词 Retina/surgery
释义 Retina/surgery
Vitreous and retinalsurgeryposes a risk to corneal endothelium in the aphakic and pseudophakic eyes.为保护角膜内皮,行玻璃体、视网膜手术时应尽可能保留晶体。
Conclusion Internal combined external drainage for complicated retinal detachment in vitreous retinalsurgeryis a safe and effective method.结论改良内外联合排液在玻璃体视网膜手术治疗复杂性视网膜脱离安全、有效。
In this paper, our nursing experience of 11 cases of supra choroidal hemorrhage during vitreo retinalsurgerywas summarized.笔者总结11例玻璃体视网膜手术并发脉络膜上腔出血患者的护理经验。
There was also no significant change of the cell densities, but an tendency of cell loss in the aphakic and pseudophakic eyes after vitreous and retinalsurgery.玻璃体切除+晶体摘除术后角膜内皮细胞密度显著降低。无晶体眼及人工晶体眼行玻璃体、视网膜手术,术前、后角膜内皮细胞密度虽差异无显著性,但呈现一下降趋势。
He is a plasticsurgeryspecialist.他是个整形外科医生。
I hope the doctors won't have recourse tosurgery.我希望医生可别非动手术不可。




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