

单词 rethought
释义 re·thought 英ˌriː'θɔːt美ˌriː'θɔːt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁹⁸⁷¹BNC⁶⁷⁹³⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
名词 rethink:
thinking again about a choice previously maderethink再想
同义词 amend,reassess,reevaluate,reexamine,revise,reworkcorrect,emend,polish,rearrange,rehash,retrace,reviewchange one's mind,consider again,go over,have second thoughts,recheck,replan,reweigh,run through,see in a new light,sleep on,take another look,think better of,think over,think twice,work over
反义词 spoil It has also rethought the way it monitors how countries fare in meeting conditions attached to its crisis- mitigation loans.
同时还重新考虑了对各国为达到其“危机缓和”贷款附有的条件而采取行动的监督方式。 ecocn

The report will also contend that entrepreneurialism needs to be rethought: in almost all instances it involves not creative destruction but creative creation.
我们还将告诫读者,个体创业主义还是需要三思一番:几乎所有相关例子都说明他不仅不会导致创新的枯竭,反而导致创新的肆虐。 yeeyan

The tech tree has been completely rethought and it is no longer broken up into eras.
科技树已经完全被重新制定过了,它将不会再被各个不同的时代所分割。 civclub

After the setback of imperial examination, Tang Yin rethought deeply the value of life.
唐寅经过科场考案的打击之后,对人生的意义进行了再思考。 cnki

And I think that's what Agile is all about. It's a bunch of smart people that have rethought the general approach.
我想这就是敏捷开发的内容:一群聪明人对常规方法的重新思考。 ibm

Apparently he'd rethought parts of the story in the meantime.
很明显,那时他重新思考了某些故事情节。 yeeyan

By that test, an awful lot needs to be rethought after this past year.
以这一标准检验的话,去年之后,有太多的事情需要重新思考。 ecocn

If you can’t explain how a tactic helps you achieve the strategic outcome, then it’s probably not the best choice and needs to be rethought.
如果你不能解释这条战术如何帮助你完成战略目标,那么它很可能不是最佳选择,需要你重新考虑一下。 yeeyan

It is not just investment bankers and top executives whose pay structures need to be rethought.
这不光是投行银行家和高管的薪酬结构需要重构。 ecocn

Many economists rethought the ethical problems of economics, re inspected the ethical value of the study on economics, especially after Daniel.
许多经济学家对经济学的伦理问题进行了反思,重新审视了经济研究的伦理意义。 iciba

Mr Palmisano would be in the wrong job, however, had he not gone on to say that such concerns have to be rethought and to stress the economic and social benefits of smart systems.
帕尔米萨诺可能从事一个错误的工作,然而,他没有继续说出这些忧虑应该被从新考虑以及强调智能系统对经济和社会的益处。 yeeyan

Mr Windsor says the mining tax should be rethought as part of an overall tax- reform conference that the independents demand for mid-2011.
温莎说,独立议员将在2011中期选举中提出在全体税收改革计划讨论中重新考虑这项采矿税。 ecocn

Much will have to be rethought, however, and analysis and discernment are more productive if those weighing the options have a mental catalogue of past successes or failures.
然而许多要被重新思考,如果那些衡量选择的人对过去的成功和失败有一个清晰的认识,那么分析和辨别就会变得更富有成效。 angozj

Now a paper* by a group of IMF economists suggests that the fund has substantially rethought its position on the use of restrictions by emerging markets on capital inflows.
如今,一篇报告——由 IMF的一群经济学家撰写——这样认为,国际货币基金组织在关于新兴市场国家对资本入境的限制措施如何使用的问题上已经切实再三思考其立场。 ecocn

So, finding a feeling spread code in people spread is not only the key of success of present spread in marketing but also a rethought of Chinese people culture characterizations.
因此找寻大众传媒中的情感传播密码不只是当代媒介在市场营销中的取胜之道,更是关乎中国大众传媒文化品格的一次反思。 cnki

That strategy is being rethought.
但是现在这种策略被重新提起。 ecocn

The system is now being rethought.
这个系统现在正在考虑重新调整。 ecocn

This discovery prompts us that the origin of the Tale of Han Ying's Collection of Poetry is worth being rethought.
这一现象提示我们,对于《韩诗外传》的渊源问题,值得引起我们的重新思考。 journal.ctbu.edu.cn




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