

单词 rethink
释义 re·think 英riːˈθɪŋk美riˈθɪŋkAHDrē-thĭngkʹ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹¹²²⁹BNC²⁴⁸³⁴iWeb¹⁰⁰⁶²Economist⁷⁶¹⁶
thinking again about a choice previously made;

he had second thoughts about his purchase

change one's mind;

He rethought his decision to take a vacation

re-,再,重新,think,思考。蒋争熟词记忆re-再;重新think想⇒再想;重新考虑re-再;重新think想⇒再想;重新考虑近义词 volte-face向后转about-turn向后转about-face向后转consideration考虑reconsider重新考虑change course改变路线afterthought事后的想法second thought再三考虑reconsideration重新考虑change of heart改变看法change your mind改变主意think again重新考虑改变主意…second thoughts再考虑, 重新考虑…have second thoughts经过重新考虑而改变主意…

用作动词As to whether she is the right girl for you, you have torethink.这个女孩对你是否合适,你得好好再想一想。
We'd betterrethinkthe whole plan.我们最好重新考虑一下整个计划。
We need torethinkwho is responsible for housekeeping.我们需要重新考虑谁做家务的问题。用作名词A good deal ofrethinkis needed on this question.这个问题需要多加考虑。
Afterrethink,we have decide to withdraw our claim.经再三考虑,我们决定放弃索赔。verb.reconsider
同义词 amend,reassess,reevaluate,reexamine,revise,reworkcorrect,emend,polish,rearrange,rehash,retrace,reviewchange one's mind,consider again,go over,have second thoughts,recheck,replan,reweigh,run through,see in a new light,sleep on,take another look,think better of,think over,think twice,work over
反义词 spoil
backpedalverb backtrack
about-face,back,change,fall back,retract,retreat,retrocede,retrograde,reverse,withdraw
backtrackverb backpedal
about-face,back,change,fall back,rethink,retract,retreat,retrocede,retrograde,reverse,withdraw
reconsiderverb think about again
amend,change one's mind,consider again,correct,emend,go over,have second thoughts,polish,rearrange,reassess,recheck,reevaluate,reexamine,rehash,replan,rethink,retrace,review,revise,reweigh,rework,run through,see in a new light,sleep on,take another look,think better of,think over,think twice,work over
redefineverb define again
redidverb start over
did over again,redecorated,redesigned,remade,remodeled,renovated,repeated,rethought,revamped,revised
redoverb start over
do over again,redecorate,redesign,remake,remodel,renovate,repeat,rethink,revamp,revise As to whether she is the right girl for you, you have to rethink.

The mother of two daughters said she visited prisons and talked to convicted rapists to find out whether such a device would have made them rethink their actions.
两个孩子母亲的埃勒斯说她曾经采访过监狱并同强奸犯进行谈话,看此种装置是否有助于他们反思自己当时的行为。 yeeyan

“ We must rethink all assumptions, from innovation to marketing to sales and promotion, ” he says.
他说“我们必须重新思考所有假设从研发到市场到销售到促销。” ecocn

Among other implications, engineers would need to rethink they way they plan coastal and offshore structures.
从其他含义中说,工程师将需要重新考虑他们设计沿海结构的方法。 yeeyan

Authorities said there was no radioactive leak, but critics urged France to rethink its nuclear power in the wake of the catastrophe at Japan’s Fukushima plant.
当局说那里无放射性泄漏,但是批评者呼吁法国应该重新考虑它的核能不再步入像日本福岛核电站的大灾难。 yeeyan

Based on this try to extrapolate to estimate the time it will take to get the final answer and if it's going to take significantly more than a minute rethink your strategy.
利用这些简单的常识去推断得到最终答案的程序运行时间,如果发现程序需要运行远超过一分钟的时间,那么重新考虑你的解决方案。 yeeyan

But in response to drug violence, a group of state governors has recently called for a complete rethink of policing, the judiciary and the prison system.
然而,出于对毒品暴力行为的回应,最近一个州长团体公开呼吁对警察制度,司法体系和监狱系统进行彻底的反思。 ecocn

Companies may need to rethink their strategies as they gain access to these new sorts of workers.
企业也许需要重新考虑它们的战略通过这些另类的工人获取利益。 kekenet

He and the analysts at CSBA argue that America needs to rethink its strategy in the Pacific.
他和 CSBA的分析家认为,美国需要重新考虑它在太平洋的战略。 yeeyan

He wants Germany to rethink its approach and look at the regulated home- schooling regimes elsewhere in Europe.
他希望德国重新考虑这种方法并借鉴欧洲其他地方的家庭教育监管体制。 yeeyan

If that's not the language you wanted to end up with, you might need to rethink the initial feature.
如果其不是你最终希望得到的语言,那么你可能需要重新考虑最初的功能。 yeeyan

If money is tight, schools and hospitals will rethink whether they need to employ all the extra staff they have hired in recent years.
因为如果资金短缺,学校和医院得重新考虑是不是有必要继续聘用近年来额外雇佣的员工。 ecocn

If not, rethink your goals.
如果不是,重新考虑你的目标。 yeeyan

If the affair sparks a rethink of those rules, some good may come of it.
如果这次事件能引发对这些规则的反思,那么可能会有些好处。 ecocn

Next, Sony should rethink its user interface and software platforms.
接下来,索尼应该重新考虑它的用户界面和软件平台。 yeeyan




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