

单词 retentive
释义 re·ten·tive 英rɪˈtentɪv美rɪˈtɛntɪvAHDrĭ-tĕnʹtĭv ☆☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝COCA⁹⁷²⁵²BNC⁵⁶⁰²³iWeb³⁷⁴³³

good at remembering;

a retentive mind

tenacious memory

having the capacity to retain somethinghaving the power, capacity, or quality of retaining water;

soils retentive of moisture

anal-retentive过于追求细节完美源…anal肛门的non retentive alloy软磁性合金retentive soil持水土壤non retentive material软磁性材料retentive magnetism剩磁retentive alloy硬磁性合金moisture retentive吸湿的retentive material硬磁性材料retentive activity保留活性
方振宇词汇奥秘re回+ten拿,持,握+tive形容词后缀,…的→能再次回想起来的 →有记忆力的,记性强的
re回+ten拿,持,握+tive形容词后缀,…的→能再次回想起来的⇒有记忆力的,记性强的GRE红宝书retain能力强的,尤其是保持记忆知识的能力;钱博士re向后+tent保持+iveS.形⇒能保持的形近词retainv.保持近义词 long长的spongy像海绵的tenacious抓紧的absorbent能吸收的recollectiverecollect的形容…反义词 unretentive记忆无保持力的…

用作形容词She has an amazinglyretentivememory.她有着一个惊人的好记性。as in.absorbent
同义词 absorptive,dry,imbibingbibulous,penetrable,permeable,porous,pregnable,spongy,thirsty
反义词 impermeableas in.tenacious
同义词 cohesive,determined,dogged,forceful,persistent,relentless,resolute,spunky,staunch,steadfast,stout,strong-willed,stubborn,tough,unswervingadamant,bound,clinging,coherent,fast,firm,inflexible,intransigent,iron,meaning business,mulish,obdurate,obstinate,persevering,persisting,pertinacious,possessive,purposeful,set,solid,stalwart,sturdy,sure,tight,true,unforgetful,unshakable
反义词 afraid,irresolute,kind,unreliable,weak,yieldingloose,slack,surrendering,unattachedas in.tenacious
同义词 adhesive,clinging,clingy,fast,firm,fixed,glutinous,gummy,inseparable,mucilaginous,resisting,secure,set,tacky,tight,viscid,viscose,viscous,waxy
反义词 loose,slack,surrendering,unattached,weak,yielding
absorbentadjective capable of physically taking in a liquid
tenaciousadjective sticky
adhesive,clinging,clingy,fast,firm,fixed,glutinous,gummy,inseparable,mucilaginous,resisting,retentive,secure,set,tacky,tight,viscid,viscose,viscous,waxy Is the perceived need to protect yourself from prosecution just another anal- retentive legal formality?
意识到保护自己免遭诉讼的必要只是另一种转眼即忘的法律程序吗? iciba

It doesn't even matter what technology you use—just be totally anal- retentive about it looking good and provide plenty of original content.
使用什么样的技术无关重要但永远也不要忘记要令网页看起来怡人且能提供许多第一手资料。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Substituting nitrogen for carbon makes steel harder and edge retentive but nitrogen doesn't react with chloride- so rust never even starts.
碳的存在可以提高硬度,所以能使刀变得锋利,但是碳同时也是铁和氯化物反应产生锈蚀的催化剂。 knifriend

The advances of gastric retentive oral dosage for the treatment of gastric ulcer was reviewed in this paper.
综述了国内外治疗消化性溃疡胃滞留剂的研究进展。 dictall

The change from high to low of vocality's breath retentive center about“ fulcrum” is determined by the bulk of breath to the vocality's function .
气息“支点”即声乐气息的保持中心的高低变化是由气息对声乐作用力的大小来直接决定的; cnki

The retentive price set by the trustee;
委托人提出的保留价; falvtrans

The retentive time and the maximum concentration value for each component at various temperature are obtained experimentally under nonlinear condition.
在非线性条件下,得出了各组分不同温度下的保留时间和最大浓度值。 cnki

Very different Retentive force was found in different designed retainers.
不同的磁性固位体设计形式所产生的固位力不同。 cnki

Although XML itself is whitespace retentive, most applications normalize whitespace before further processing.
尽管 XML本身保留空白,但大多数应用程序会在做进一步处理之前将空白标准化。 ibm

Conclusion The retentive form helps to get better retention in restoring the wedge- shaped defect with light- cured composite resin.
结论光固化树脂修复楔状缺损时,制备固位形有助于提高疗效。 cnki

Conclusion: Clinically dentin adhesive agents can improve the retentive force and adaption of amalgam restorations.
结论:临床上牙本质粘结剂能改善银汞充填体的固位力和密合度。 cnki

Conclusion: Medicinal fungal new type bi-directional solid fermentation technique can be applied in the area of the detox and retentive-acting effect of T.
结论:药用真菌双向性固体发酵工程可用于研究开发解毒持效的雷公藤菌质。 dictall

Fibrous ridges pose a prosthodontic challenge for the achievement of stable and retentive dental prostheses.
纤维性牙槽嵴修复的固位和稳定性充满挑战。 degree-distance

It is essential precondition to improve retentive continuous unilateral entrance to realize high yield high efficient.
提高单进保接续是矿井实现高产高效必不可少的前提条件。 chemyq

MC is the high- efficiency water- retentive agents which will decrease the bleeding ratio and delamination degree of mortar, and improve its cohesion and sagging resistant significantly.
MC是干拌砂浆的高效保水剂,它使砂浆泌水率、分层度降低,粘聚性、抗流挂性提高。 cnki

Non- combustible gases should be passed through micro- organism retentive filters.
非易燃气体要通过微生物过滤器。 pharmproc

Objective:To evaluate the effects of different cements on retentive strengths between abutment and base crown.
目的:比较四种粘固剂对种植体钛基桩与金瓷(非贵金属基底冠之间粘结力的影响。 cnki

Pale ink is better than the most retentive memory.
暗淡的墨水比最好的记忆好多了。 yeeyan

Sterilizing the bulk solution by passing it through a 0.22 micron bacteria- retentive filter.
使用0.22微米的除菌滤摸过滤原液,进行灭菌。 fuliaochina

The result shows that zinc phosphate cement is the most retentive cement.
结果表明,磷酸锌粘固剂所获粘接力最大。 cnki




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