

单词 retainment
释义 re·tain·ment 英rɪ'teɪn美rɪ'teɪn
vt. 保持; 保留

keep; continue to have or hold

vt. 挡住

keep in place

hold back within;

This soil retains water

I retain this drug for a long time

the dam retains the water

allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature;

We cannot continue several servants any longer

She retains a lawyer

The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff

Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on

We kept the work going as long as we could

She retained her composure

this garment retains its shape even after many washings

secure and keep for possible future use or application;

The landlord retained the security deposit

I reserve the right to disagree

keep in one's mind;

I cannot retain so much information

retain, keep, preserve, reserve


1.keep指把某一事物置于自己的权力或管理之下; retain和reserve同义,均指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物, retain是较为正式的用语,还可指记住某事; preserve指把某物“收藏”或“保存”好。

2.retain含有不失去的意味; reserve则强调继续保持而不致失去; preserve强调防止破坏作用,要采取措施使某物完好无损或质量不变。例如:

His business has been taken over by a big corporation, but he still retains some control over it.他的商店被一家大公司接管了,但他仍保留部分控制权。
You'd better reserve your strength for tomorrow's climb.你最好留点力气明天爬山。
Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold








14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的retinere:re 向后) +tenere (握),意为阻止,保留。
用作动词 (v.
~+名词retain an appearance of youth看上去依旧年轻retain the characteristics of the working people保持劳动人民的本色retain one's interest in life保持着对人生的兴趣retain the memory of sb仍记得某人retain a memory of one's schooldays仍记得学生时代的情景副词+~always retain一直保持still retain仍旧保持~+副词retain basely基本上保留retain gloriously光荣地保留retain indefinitely不明确地保留retain invariably始终如一地保持retain righteously正直地保留retain selfishly自私地保留~+介词retain on〔over〕对…保持…
retain on〔upon,over〕 v.+prep.

对…保持… keep (sth such as influence over sb or sth)

retain sth on〔over〕 sthHow does an aging politician retain his hold on the loyalty of the voters?一个年迈的政客是怎样使选民继续支持他的呢?
His business has been taken over by a big corporation, but he still retains some control over it.他的商店被一家大公司接管了,但他仍保留部分控制权。
The bank has taken further steps to retain control over the value of the pound.这家银行已采取进一步措施来保持对英镑购买力的控制。近义词 save救keep保持hold拿着recall回忆employ雇佣reserve保留preserve保护maintain维持remember记得withhold抑制conserve蜜饯continue继续recollect回忆keep back隐瞒hold back阻碍keep on反复地做keep hold of握紧keep in mind记住hold on to紧紧抓住hang on to紧紧抓住反义词 abandon放弃
S+~+ n./pron.China dishes retain heat than metal ones do.瓷盘比金属盘能保温。
She tried to retain her self-control.她力图保持自我克制。
We shall retain our rights.我们将保留我们的权利。
This village still retains its old world character.这个村庄仍然保持着古色古香的特色。
She retains a clear memory of her schooldays.她对学生时代的事仍记忆犹新。
He finds it difficult to retain information.他发现记住信息很困难。
Her memory retained everything she read.她过目不忘。
They built a wall round the shore of the lake to retain the water.他们沿着湖边筑起一道堤来挡水。
The tickets for the cinema must be retained well by a careful person.电影票必须让细心人保管好。



I will retain my right.我将保留我的权力。
Does it retain the key elements of the original story?它是否保留了原作的关键要素?
She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain matters.她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。
Heretainedthe best lawyer in the state to defend his case.他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。as in.maintenance
同义词 care,conservation,preservation,supply,upkeepaliment,alimentation,alimony,allowance,bacon,bread,continuance,continuation,food,keep,keeping,livelihood,living,nurture,prolongation,provision,repairs,resources,salt,subsistence,sustainment,wherewithalbread and butter,carrying,sustaining,sustention
反义词 destruction,neglect,negligence,end,entertainment,finish,fun,stopdesertion,forsaking,ignoranceas in.reservation
同义词 booking,restrictionplace,withholdingbespeakingexclusive possession,retaining,setting aside
反义词 openness
maintenancenoun perpetuation, support;sustenance
aliment,alimentation,alimony,allowance,bacon,bread,bread and butter,care,carrying,conservation,continuance,continuation,food,keep,keeping,livelihood,living,nurture,preservation,prolongation,provision,repairs,resources,salt,subsistence,supply,sustaining,sustainment,sustention,upkeep,wherewithal
reservationnoun the act of holding something, or thing held for future use
bespeakingbooking,exclusive possession,place,restriction,retaining,retainment,setting aside,withholding




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