

单词 restructuring
释义 restructuring 英riː'strʌktʃərɪŋ美ri'strʌktʃərɪŋ 高COCA¹⁰⁴⁴⁸BNC⁷²⁵²iWeb¹¹⁰³⁸Economist⁴¹⁷⁸

动词 restructure:
construct or form anew or provide with a new structurerestructure重建strategy-oriented restructuring面向策略的重构…program restructuring程序重新构成…restructuring matrix重构矩阵network restructuring language网络重构语言…restructuring graph重构图restructuring algorithm重构算法strategy-independent restructuring与策略无关的重构…database restructuring数据库重构restructuring program重构程序cognitive restructuring调整认识法restructuring directive重构指令dynamic restructuring动态再构成
近义词 reform改革shake-up动摇reformation改造reshuffle重新洗牌reorganization改组streamlining流线型化rearrangement重新整理

用作名词The rating system is undergoing a completerestructuring.房地产税制正在进行全面的调整。
With financialrestructuring, the real assets do not disappear.进行金融重组,真正的资产不会消失。
Economicrestructuringwas vigorously promoted.经济结构〈调整〉积极推进。
The economicrestructuringis conducive to the development of the poor areas.经济结构〈调整〉有助于贫困地区的发展。as in.reorganization
同义词 shake-upreconstitution,reestablishmentas in.shake-up
同义词 revolution,upsetoverhaulreorganizationreconstitution,reestablishment
reorganizationnoun rearrangement
shake upnoun reorganization
shakeupnoun reorganization
overhaul,reconstitution,reestablishment,restructuring The bondholders will gain from an orderly restructuring, and if the value of the assets is truly greater than the market and outside analysts believe, they will eventually reap the gains.
债券持有人将从有序的重组中获得收益,并且如果其资产价值确实比市场和外界分析师认为的要高,他们终究会兑现这一收益。 yeeyan

But is the restructuring going far enough?
但这些重组难道就已经足够? ecocn

But he may be wrong to oppose any kind of debt restructuring for Greece, which is patently bust.
但是,他反对希腊任何债务调整的行为也许是错的,希腊显然已经破产。 ecocn

He saw himself as a pioneer, ramming home his ideas about “ restructuring the Orient” in speeches and plays.
因为他自己是个先驱,在各种演讲和戏剧中灌输家乡人以“重建东方”的思想。 ecocn

He insisted negotiations on the aid were“ well on track” and that there was “ no question about restructuring” Greek debt.
他坚持表示,对希腊的救助正在很好地进行中,而且也不存在对希腊债务重组的问题。 yeeyan

If the country is to be governed by a military junta, then fundamental restructuring would seem to be on the table.
如果这个国家将要被一个军人集团统治,那么体制的根本重建将会被提出在谈判桌上。 yeeyan

Instead of austerity and pretence, a credible rescue should start with growth and, where it is unavoidable, a serious restructuring of debt.
除了节制和托词,一个可信的拯救应该从增长开始,这里有一个无法避免的,严肃的债务重组。 ecocn

Second, the dangers from debt restructuring have diminished even as the costs of delay are rising.
其次,即使延期偿付的成本在上涨,债务重组带来的危险也已经消失。 ecocn

That is why we favour restructuring Greece, but letting it stay in the euro.
这就是为什么我们赞成重组希腊,而非让它留在欧元区。 ecocn

The cabinet is restructuring.

There would probably be more protests against the loss of democracy in Greece than in Newfoundland, but it could set the stage for the radical economic restructuring that Greece needs.
对于民主国家身份的丧失,在希腊出现的抗议大概会比纽芬兰更多,但这么做可以为希腊需要的彻底经济重组铺平道路。 iciba

We are experiencing not merely another turn of the business cycle, but a restructuring of the economic order.
我们正在经历着的不仅仅是又一轮的商业周期,而是一次经济秩序的重组。 yeeyan

What do you think the most important thing is in a restructuring?
那您认为在重组中最重要的事情是什么? yeeyan




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