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词汇 restrain
释义 re·strain 英rɪˈstreɪn美rɪˈstrenAHDrĭ-strānʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA¹⁰⁰¹²BNC¹¹⁹⁴⁴iWeb⁹⁶⁵⁷Economist¹⁰⁷⁷⁰

vt. 抑制,遏制; 管制,克制,约束

hold back sb/sth from movement or action; keep sb/sth under control or in check

keep under control; keep in check;

suppress a smile

Keep your temper

keep your cool

place limits on extent or access;

restrict the use of this parking lot

limit the time you can spend with your friends

to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;

This holds the local until the express passengers change trains

About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade

The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center

The terrorists held the journalists for ransom

hold backto compel or deter by or as if by threats
restrain, restrict

这两个词都有“限制,约束,管制”的意思。restrain的语气比较温和,有时指自我约束; restrict是指限制在一个界限或范围内。









re-,向后,往回,-strain,拉,词源同constrain, constrict。即拉回,引申词义限制,约束。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 strain来自古法语estreindre,绑紧,拽紧。来自拉丁语stringere,绑紧,拉紧,压紧。来自原始印欧语*strenk,紧的,窄的,词源同strict, stress, stringent。拼写比较rain来自古英语regnian。引申词义扭伤,过滤,及相关词义压力,拉力,张力等。来自中古英语streon,种族,品系,血统。来自古英语streon,收获,财富,繁殖。来自原始日耳曼语*streuna,堆积,收获。来自原始印欧语*stere,展开,伸展,词源同strew, stratum, structure。后用于指动植物的品种,品系,以及病菌的类型,种类等。 constraincon-,表强调,-str,拉紧,收缩,词源同strict, strain。 constrictcon-,表强调,-str,拉紧,收缩,词源同strict, strain。
用作动词 v.
~+名词restrain oneself自制,克己,忍耐restrain one's tears止泪副词+~hardly restrain几乎克制不住~+介词restrain from抑制…不使…restrain in drinking节制饮酒
restrain from v.+prep.

制止〔阻止,限制〕…做prevent sb or oneself by force or effort from sth or doing sth wrong

restrain sb/oneself from sth/v-ingI had to restrain myself from telling him what I thought of him.我不得不克制自己,不告诉他我对他的想法。
The man lost his temper and had to be restrained from violence by neighbors who held his arms.那人火气上来了,邻居们不得不拉住他的胳膊不让他动武。钱博士re向后+strain=string-的法语音变,拉紧→向后拉紧⇒抑制,控制,约束
GRE红宝书源于: restrictv 限制; 限定
re 回 + strain 拉紧,扭伤,紧张→向回拉紧→克制;re 回 + 拉紧的string→向回拉绳子;restrict制, 约束
re向后+strain=string-的法语音变,拉紧→向后拉紧⇒抑制,控制,约束。非常记忆rest休息+rain雨⇒休息时下的雨阻止了我出行词根记忆re+strain拉紧→重新绷紧神经→阻止;抑制非常记忆rest rain⇒雨阻止我去游玩,只好在家休息词根记忆re + strain拉紧→ 重新拉紧 ⇒克制词根记忆re+strain拉紧→重新拉紧→阻止,抑制词根记忆re+strain拉紧→重新拉紧→阻止,抑制词根记忆re回+strain拉紧→阻止;抑制词根记忆re回+strain近义词 limitarrestcontainpreventwithhold反义词 impel驱使
S+~+ n./pron.I must learn to restrain myself.我得学会约束自己。
If you can't restrain your dog, you must lock it up.如果你无法管住你的狗,就必须把它关起来。
I could not restrain my anger.我无法抑制我的愤怒。Prestrainern.抑制剂Pnonrestraint无拘束Pself-restraintn.自制Prestraintn.抑制克制束缚Prestraineda.限制的拘谨的克制的Prestrainedlyad.限制地谨慎地忍耐地Punrestraineda.未克制的无限制的放纵的Prestrainablea.可抑制的可制止的可遏制的可管束的

用作及物动词He couldn'trestrainhis curiosity.他抑制不住自己的好奇心。
She tried torestrainher sobs.她设法抑制住自己的悲泣。
Shame mayrestrainwhat the law does not prohibit.羞耻或许能阻止法律所不能禁止之事。
We must notrestrainchildren of their liberty.我们绝对不要限制孩子们的自由。verb.keep under control;hold back
同义词 confine,constrain,curb,curtail,detain,deter,govern,hamper,hinder,inhibit,keep down,kill,limit,prevent,repress,restrict,subdue,suppressarrest,bind,bridle,chain,check,circumscribe,contain,control,cool,cork,debar,delimit,direct,fetter,gag,guide,handicap,harness,hold,impound,imprison,jail,keep,manacle,muzzle,pinion,proscribe,staybottle up,box up,choke back,crack down,hem in,hogtie,keep in line,lock up,pull back,sit on,tie down,tie up
反义词 aid,allow,assist,encourage,free,help,let go,liberate,permit,promote,release,start,turn on,abandon,forsake,give up,leave,loose,loosen,misguide,mislead,neglect,set free
adjournverb stop a proceeding
curb,defer,delay,discontinue,hold off,hold over,hold up,postpone,prorogue,put off,recess,shelve,stay,suspend
arrestverb stop or slow
block,can,check,delay,drop,end,freeze,halt,hinder,hold,inhibit,interrupt,knock off,obstruct,prevent,restrain,restrict,retard,scrub,shut down,stall,stay,suppress
barverb prohibit
ban,boycott,circumvent,condemn,debar,deny,disallow,discountenance,discourage,eliminate,enjoin,except,exclude,exile,forbid,freeze out,frustrate,hinder,interdict,interfere,keep out,limit,obstruct,ostracize,outlaw,override,preclude,prevent,refuse,reject,restrain,rule out,segregate,shut out,stop,suspend
bateverb subside
abate,check,curb,ease,ebb,fall off,lapse,lessen,let up,moderate,restrain,slack off,slacken,wane
bindverb obligate;restrict
compel,confine,constrain,detain,engage,enslave,force,hamper,hinder,hogtie,indenture,lock up,necessitate,oblige,prescribe,put half nelson on,put lock on,require,restrain,restrict,yoke
bottle upverb hold in check
box up,bring to naught,check,collar,contain,coop up,cork,corner,cover up,cramp,curb,enclose,entrap,hold back,hold down,hold in,keep back,keep feeling inside oneself,keep secret,repress,restrain,restrict,shut in,suppress,trap A glut of empty houses and flats will restrain rents, a big chunk of the consumer- price index.
空房和公寓的供应过剩将抑制房租价,房租价占消费者价格指数的一大块部分。 ecocn

The industrialised countries, meanwhile, are reluctant to bind themselves to targets that do not also restrain countries they see as competitors.
与此同时,工业化国家也不愿意接受那些并不同时约束他们视为对手国家的目标约束。 yeeyan

“ I mobilised my supporters and I can restrain them, ” he said.
“是我动员起来的支持者,我也能控制住他们,”他说道。 yeeyan

America’s army chiefs were right to use their influence to restrain Egypt’s armed forces from shooting into the crowds see article.
美国的军队的领导人正用他们的影响力约束埃及军方停止向无辜的群众开枪见文内。 ecocn

But weak global demand could restrain the growth in trade.
但是,全球需求的疲软可能抑制贸易的增长。 iciba

Finally, under our broad notion of using contractual arrangements to restrain competition, one type of contracts is replaced by another type.
其三,从我们的广泛概念看,以合约安排来约束竞争,一种合约是取代了另一种。 cri

I also think that concluding the Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations would restrain protectionism and help create greater security of market access for developing countries.
我还认为,完成多哈多边贸易谈判可以抑制保护主义,帮助为发展中国家市场准入建立更多的保障。 worldbank

Individuals restrain themselves all the time; why can't we do it collectively?
每个人都在时时约束自己,为什么我们不能集体约束自己? yeeyan

Most economists think that the “ neutral” rate of interest, which would neither stimulate nor restrain demand in the euro area, is now more than3% in nominal terms.
大多数经济学家认为,欧元区的“中立”既不刺激需求也不抑制需求利率现在要高于3%名义上的数据。 ecocn

Privately, however, the Americans are increasingly unhappy about supporting a government that does not appear to be making enough effort to restrain Shia militias and reach out to the Sunnis.
然而私下里,美国人越发不满于支持这样一个政府,该政府似乎并未对抑制什叶派武装分子以及与逊尼派接触作出足够努力。 ecocn

She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.

This can only breed resentment, not to mention reduced incentives for other countries to restrain their own spending.
这只会引起怨愤,更不必说这是在降低对于其他国家抑制本国消费措施的激励。 yeeyan

This is a method to restore functions of the heart and spleen by using irritating factors to restrain excessive anxiety.
这是一种利用能够激怒人的事物抑制过度焦虑,从而恢复心脏和脾脏的功能的方法。 hjenglish

Urban planners continue to believe they can restrain suburbia and improve upon it.
城市规划者仍旧相信他能够抑制郊区,并依靠它提高自身水平。 ecocn

We can accept someone's anger and still restrain them if they get violent.




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