

单词 restored
释义 re·stored 英ri'stɔ:d 高四G宝COCA⁹⁶³⁴BNC⁶³²⁰iWeb¹¹⁵⁵⁸Economist⁵⁵⁷⁵

动词 restore:
return to its original or usable and functioning conditionreturn to life; get or give new life or energygive or bring backrestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or brokenbring back into original existence, use, function, or positionrestore恢复restored plant cover复原植被restored acid再生酸,回收的酸…plug restored indicator shutter插塞还原吊牌盖…restored signal恢复的信号restored polar signal再生复流信号…restored cycle医 复原周期心…restored building重新翻修的建筑…
GRE红宝书源于: restore(v 恢复; 重建
re重新 + store 商店,贮存,商店重新建立,重新贮存货物→恢复
restor-ed如|被…的⇒adj.恢复的近义词 fixed固定的

用作形容词He feels completelyrestoredto health after a period of intensive care.通过一段时间的精心照顾,他感到身体完全康复了。adj.rebuilt
同义词 reestablished,refreshed,renewed,repaired,replaced,returned,revived
changedadjective exchanged
comfortableadjective good feeling
adequate,agreeable,appropriate,at rest,cared for,cheerful,complacent,contented,convenient,cozy,delightful,easy,enjoyable,enjoying,gratified,hale,happy,healthy,hearty,loose,loose-fitting,made well,pleasant,pleased,protected,relaxed,relaxing,relieved,rested,restful,restored,satisfactory,satisfying,serene,sheltered,snug,snug as a bug in a rug,soft,soothed,strengthened,untroubled,useful,warm,well-off
convalescentadjective improving, recuperating
ambulatory,discharged,dismissed,gaining strength,getting better,getting over something,getting well,healing,mending,on the mend,past crisis,perked up,rallying,recovering,rejuvenated,rejuvenating,released,restored,strengthening
freshadjective energetic, healthy
active,alert,blooming,bouncing,bright,bright-eyed,bushy-tailed,chipper,clear,dewy,fair,florid,glowing,good,hardy,invigorated,keen,like new,lively,refreshed,rehabilitated,relaxed,relieved,rested,restored,revived,rosy,ruddy,sprightly,spry,stimulated,undimmed,unfaded,unused,unwearied,unwithered,verdant,vigorous,vital,wholesome,young
fresheradjective energetic, healthy
active,alert,blooming,bouncing,bright,bright-eyed,bushy-tailed,chipper,clear,dewy,fair,florid,glowing,good,hardy,invigorated,keen,like new,lively,refreshed,rehabilitated,relaxed,relieved,rested,restored,revived,rosy,ruddy,sprightly,spry,stimulated,undimmed,unfaded,unused,unwearied,unwithered,verdant,vigorous,vital,wholesome,young
freshestadjective energetic, healthy
active,alert,blooming,bouncing,bright,bright-eyed,bushy-tailed,chipper,clear,dewy,fair,florid,glowing,good,hardy,invigorated,keen,like new,lively,refreshed,rehabilitated,relaxed,relieved,rested,restored,revived,rosy,ruddy,sprightly,spry,stimulated,undimmed,unfaded,unused,unwearied,unwithered,verdant,vigorous,vital,wholesome,young A backup of a database is a database copy, together with control information, ready to be restored in the event of a failure.
数据库的备份是数据库的副本以及一些控制信息,在出现故障的情况下,可以随时用它进行恢复。 ibm

By doing so, a database backup image encrypted by one DB agent and managed by one security server, can be restored to another DB agent managed by another security server.
在导入之后,由一个 DB代理加密并由一个安全服务器管理的数据库备份映像可以恢复到由另一个安全服务器管理的另一个 DB代理。 ibm

Lights were restored to Monrovia’s street corners just months ago as part of an international effort to help Liberia rebuild.
蒙罗维亚的街灯是几个月前刚刚修复的,是国际社会帮助利比里亚重建努力的一部分。 worldbank

After every test case, the application under test is restored to its initial state, which involves cleaning up the test data created during the test case run.
每次测试之后,测试程序都会恢复到初始的状态,这就会在测试用例运行期间清除所有创建的测试数据。 ibm

And, after both, the cessation of hostilities along the restored borders has held, even if its form does not quite deserve the name of peace.
而且两场战争之后,在修复完好的边境上,敌对状态都得到了中止,尽管这样的状态还不值和平之名。 yeeyan

Cobbe saw the cleaned-up version, with the hair restored, and realised that it was a copy of his mystery painting at home back in Ireland.
科布看到经过清理与恢复头发式样的版本,他方才意识到这幅画仅是他住在爱尔兰家时,家里那幅神秘绘画的一个副本。 yeeyan

Content can be shared, traced, and restored between any number of Workspaces.
不同的工作区之间可以共享,追踪和恢复内容。 ibm

Cooper said the archives is trying to determine if the document can be restored.
库珀说国家档案馆正努力地确定这份档案是否能被修复。 yeeyan

During this time, mobile generators were transported to the site and some power was restored.
这期间,移动发电机被运送到事发地点,一些电力已经恢复。 yeeyan

First, we agreed to sustain our recovery plans until growth is restored, and a new framework for prosperity is in place.
首先,我们同意维持我们的复苏方案,直到经济恢复增长,直到为繁荣制定的新框架得到实施。 putclub

If the queue manager is ever restored from the backup, the impact to all those applications is unpredictable at best.
万一要从备份中恢复队列管理器,对所有那些应用程序的影响在最好的情况下也是不可预测的。 ibm

If a database image is marked inactive it can no longer be restored, however it can be still be extracted from the TSM server and the extracted image can be used to perform a restore.
如果一个数据库镜像标记为非活动,那么它就不能再被恢复,但是仍然可以从 TSM服务器提取该数据库镜像,而被提取的镜像可用于执行恢复。 ibm

If any object to be restored references an object in another schema, and this object does not exist in the target database, the procedure will fail.
如果恢复的任何对象引用另一个模式中的对象,而被引用的对象在目标数据库中不存在,那么这个过程将失败。 ibm

In it she reported that Gorbachev warned the guards he would take“ extreme measures” if his links to the outside world were not restored.
她在日记中写道,戈尔巴乔夫警告看守说,要是他与外界还未恢复联系,他将不惜采取“极端手段”。 yeeyan

It is the second state to do so since the Supreme Court restored state control over the punishment in 1976.
自1976年最高法院恢复州政府对刑罚的掌控以来,这是第二个宣布废除死刑的州。 ecocn

It's possible that at least some of those funds will be restored by the Senate, but public hostility toward foreign aid is growing more intense, not less.
有可能参议院会恢复批准这些拨款,至少批准其中一部分,但是公众对外国援助的敌意却并未减少,反而与日俱增。 www.mytimes.net.cn

Many of these are beautifully restored to their original glory.
许多古宅都被修复到其原始的繁荣模样。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, Bear Stearns' management did not believe it could open for business on Monday without a transaction that restored market confidence in the firm.
同时,由于没有任何交易可以恢复市场信心,贝尔斯登的管理层也不认为在周一就可以开展交易。 yeeyan

Once you configured the primary and standby databases through various database configuration parameters and restored the primary database at the standby location, you could start HADR function.
在通过各种数据库配置参数配置了主备数据库并在备用位置恢复了主数据库之后,您就可以启动 HADR函数了。 ibm

Peace was finally restored in the city.

The doctor restored him to his sight.

The city has restored order out of chaos.

The table space or the entire database must be restored before the table space can be used.
在使用表空间之前,必须恢复表空间或者是整个数据库。 ibm

Therefore, administrative functions are unavailable until the primary server is restored or replaced.
因此,在修复或替换主服务器之前,管理功能是不可用的。 ibm

To understand the answer to this question, you have to know how the JSF framework builds the tree of components whose values must be restored.
要理解这些问题的答案,您必须了解 JSF框架构建组件树的方式,这些组件树的值必须进行恢复。 ibm

We must admit our sins to God if our relationship with Him is to be restored completely.
如果我们想完全修复与上帝的关系,我们就必须在上帝面前承认我们的罪恶。 yeeyan

When a database is restored to a different server it contains a set of users and permissions but there may not be any corresponding logins or the logins may not be associated with the same users.
将数据库恢复到其他服务器时,数据库中包含一组用户和权限,但可能没有相应的登录或者登录所关联的用户可能不是相同的用户。 cnblogs




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