

单词 restaurateurs
释义 restaurateurs restərəˈtəz COCA³⁸⁸²⁵BNC⁴⁵²⁶⁷Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.餐馆老板;饭店主人restaurateur的名词复数原型restaurateur的复数 And classical music, it seems, may be manna for restaurateurs.
现在看来,古典音乐可能是餐馆老板的甘露。 www.kankan.com.cn

At the meeting are leaders of small banks, two Pennsylvania restaurateurs, a woman who owns a firm that markets to people with disabilities, a cabinetry retailer and others, the White House said.
出席会议的有小银行的领导人、2位宾夕法尼亚餐饮业代表、1位残疾人产品的女性老板、1位精细家具零售商等等据白宫人士介绍。 yeeyan

Never mind the smell of drains and wilting heat in summer, the pickpockets and the cheating restaurateurs.
下水道难闻的气味,夏天让人发蔫的热浪,还有扒手以及欺诈顾客的饭馆,这些都没关系。 ecocn

The actual business model involves partnering with restaurateurs and store owners to provide services that make environments more hospitable, he said.
实际的商业模式包括与餐馆和商店合作,并为用户提供更便捷的服务。 yeeyan

Around half the businesses on the tree- lined Main Street are new, boosted by custom that is lured into town bu the farmers' market and the mix of independent retailers and restaurateurs.
绿树点缀的主街上有一半商店是新开的,人们蔚然成风地受农村集市和各种独立零售店和餐馆吸引到镇上,更促进了这里的发展。 blog.sina.com.cn

At some point, restaurateurs got in the habit of adding flour to make chowder thicker and thicker, and now this is what consumers have come to expect constitutes a bowl of“ authentic” clam chowder.
有一点,食客们养成了往汤里加面粉的习惯,使它变得越来越稠,以至于当他们想要一碗“正宗的”蛤蜊杂烩时,他们心里面想的就是这样一碗稠稠的汤。 yeeyan

Bars on the steamy banks of the White Nile are filled with Kenyan traders, Ethiopian waiters, Chinese engineers, American security contractors, Eritrean restaurateurs and Ugandan motorbike drivers.
白尼罗河冒着蒸汽的岸边,酒吧里挤满了肯尼亚贸易商、埃塞俄比亚侍者、中国工程师、美国保安承包商、厄立特里亚餐馆老板和乌干达摩托车手。 yeeyan

Consistency In 1998 Gordon Sinclair, the owner of a well known Chicago restaurant, was struggling with a problem that afflicts all restaurateurs.
一致性1998年,芝加哥一家著名餐厅的老板戈登·辛克莱正致力解决一个困扰所有餐厅老板的问题。 dj.client.iciba.com

For almost two weeks, restaurateurs have been offering free tea and sandwiches.
将近两周以来,餐厅一直再提供免费茶水和三明治。 ecocn

I was amazed that restaurateurs are not required to learn this simple emergency procedure.
我很讶异,饭店并没有被要求学习这个简单的急救程序。 yeeyan

It seems Chinese restaurateurs in North America need not bother with this translation aid.
似乎美国北部的中国餐厅不需要这种翻译帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn

Many restaurateurs are content with one restaurant;
众多餐馆老板只拥有一家餐馆; renren

Many restaurateurs are content with one restaurant; many plumbers are happy to plumb alone.
许多餐馆店主非常满意只拥有一个餐馆的现状,许多管道工很乐于独自工作。 ecocn

Retailers, restaurateurs, and personnel at other food- service operations should not sell or serve any Nestle Toll House prepackaged, refrigerated cookie dough products subject to the recall.
零售商,餐馆,和其他食物服务部门的人事部门都不能出售或提供任何的这些小饼,以相应这项召回政策。 dxy

Scottish restaurateurs Catherine and David Gardner took three years to refurbish Villa Bordoni, a10-room villa in the Tuscan countryside.
在苏格兰餐馆老板 Catherine和 David Gardner花了三年时间去翻新Bordoni别墅,一个位于托斯卡纳乡村的10间房别墅。 yeeyan

Some restaurateurs may worry about the litigiousness of our society, that rushing in to help might result in a lawsuit if the assistance is not rendered properly.
一些餐厅或许会担心社会诉讼:仓促进行了不合适的救助或许会导致诉讼。 yeeyan

The few groups to raise objections, such as caterers and restaurateurs, have been criticised in the press and have retreated.
表示反对的少数团体如餐饮业一直在媒体上受到批评,现在它们也已偃旗息鼓。 yeeyan

Restaurateurs are trying to avoid passing the higher cost of ingredients on to customers by increasing productivity—by training waiters to double as kitchen hands, for example.
酒店老板通过提高生产力——比如训练服务员也到厨房打杂——来避免将过高的成本因素转嫁给消费者。 ecocn




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