释义 |
re·state·ment 英ri'stetmənt美ri'stetmənt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³¹²⁷¹BNC³¹⁸⁷⁰iWeb²⁶⁶⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.再声明²¹;重述⁷⁹
Noun: a revised statementrestate重申restatement mechanism财务报表物价调整机制…general purchasing power restatement一般购买力重估…retroactive restatement追溯重计,追溯性财务… restate-ment行为|结果⇒n.再声明²¹;重述⁷⁹近义词 rehearsal排练repetition重复reiteration重覆endorsement支持confirmation确认reassertion再主张reaffirmation再断言
名词100% 用作名词Restatement can prompt the interviewee to expand or elaborate on what has been said.重述回答会暗示被访谈者扩展或是详细说明他曾说过的内容。noun.paraphrase 同义词 digest,explanation,rehash,rendering,rendition,rephrasing,rewording,summary,translation,versionnoun.repetition 同义词 reiterationfrequency,habituation,intermittence,iteration,regularity,repetitivenessreoccurrence paraphrasenoun translation, interpretation digest,explanation,rehash,rendering,rendition,rephrasing,rewording,summary,version reiterationnoun repetition recapitulation,redundancy,repeat,restatement renderingnoun paraphrase digest,explanation,rehash,rendition,rephrasing,restatement,rewording,summary,translation,version repetitionnoun duplication;doing again alliteration,broken record,chant,chorus,copy,echo,encore,ingemination,iteracy,iterance,iteration,litany,paraphrase,periodicity,perseveration,practice,reappearance,recapitulation,recital,recurrence,redundancy,rehearsal,reiteration,relation,renewal,reoccurrence,repeat,repetitiousness,replication,report,reproduction,restatement,return,rhythm,rote,staccato,tautology repetitionsnoun duplication;doing again alliteration,broken records,chants,choruses,copies,echoes,encores,ingeminations,iteracies,iterances,iterations,litanies,paraphrases,periodicities,perseverations,practices,reappearances,recapitulations,recitals,recurrences,redundancies,rehearsals,reiterations,relations,renewals,reoccurrences,repeats,repetitiousnesses,replications,reports,reproductions,restatements,returns,rhythms,rote,staccatos,tautologies translationnoun rewording;interpretation adaptation,construction,crib,decoding,elucidation,explanation,gloss,key,metaphrase,paraphrase,reading,rendering,rendition,rephrasing,restatement,simplification,transcription,transliteration,version Not until the promulgation of Restatement of the Law on Restitution in 1937 did unjust enrichment in common law formally become the third civil obligation equivalent to contract and tort. 至1937年《美国返还法重述》的公布,不当得利在英美法中才名正言顺地成为与合同,侵权并肩而立的第三种民事责任。 cnki The exact state of Castilla La Mancha is unclear and a restatement of its accounts is likely. Castilla La Mancha的具体状况并不清晰,它很可能进行重新编制账目。 ecocn The key factor of a successful third restatement is the balance of flexibility and certainty of conflicts law. 第三次重述的成功与否,关键在于能否在冲突法的灵活性和稳定性之间实现平衡。 cnki The Restatement Second of Conflict of Laws, for example, contains423 sections, cites upwards of four thousand cases, and took over a decade and a half to prepare. 例如,《冲突法重述第二版》包括了423节,引用了四千多个案例,花费了十五年进行准备。 lingdi The Restatement of each field is divided into sections, which are black-letter statements of principles or rules, often with subdivisions. 每个领域的重述都分为若干节,有黑体字印刷的关于规则原理的陈述,通常还有再细分的条目。 lingdi The Restatement of each field was drafted by one or more reporters, eminent law teachers, in collaboration with a group of advisors, including teachers, practitioners, and judges. 每一领域的重述由一名或几名报告人负责起草,都是著名的法学教师,同时还有一组顾问配合工作,其中包括教师、实务家以及法官。 lingdi As in B the player may not ask for only a partial restatement or halt the review. 如 B款所述,牌手不克不及要求复述部分叫牌或者打断复述。 xkdown At the heart of the document is a restatement of NATO’s core commitment to collective defence, enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. 这份战略的主要内容是重新修订了记载在《北大西洋公约》第五条中的关于联合防务的核心承诺【注释2】。 ecocn But due to its inherent shortcoming and weakness, the theory was discarded in the Uniform Commercial Code and the Restatement Second of Contracts. 但由于存在着明显的缺陷,后被美国《统一商法典》和《第二次合同法重述》所放弃。 cnki Even so, the Obama administration’s restatement of that position in writing on its second day was immediately seen as significant. 不仅如此,奥巴马政府关于该立场的重申可谓意义深远。 yeeyan He articulated a clear vision for China's future, including a restatement of the country's goals for reducing the carbon intensity of its economy as growth continues. 他清楚地表达了中国未来的前景,包括再次重申中国将在继续增长的同时降低二氧化碳排放量碳浓度的目标。 yeeyan Increasing the financial restatement issues seriously, not only a threat to investor confidence, and damage to the economy. 财务重述问题日渐严重,不仅威胁到投资者信心,而且损害到社会经济。 fabiao It has now been revised by the same process and is published as the Restatement Second. 现在则已经通过同样的程序进行修订,作为《 法律重述第二版》出版。 lingdi Mr Geithner’s blast at China was a restatement of Mr Obama’s campaign position, and was buried in102 pages of written answers to senators vetting his confirmation. 盖特纳对中国的抨击是奥巴马竞选活动时立场的重申,并且这些抨击隐藏在送交参议员审核其证据的102页书面回答中。 ecocn Studies reveal that companies with restatement in corporate reports tend to record unsatisfactory earnings, rapid asset growth, fewer cases of auditory committee and poor audit quality. 研究表明,相对配对样本而言,补丁公司的业绩较差, 公司的总资产增长较快,较少设置审计委员会,且审计质量较差。 iciba The reasonably induced reliance may be used as the basis of enforcement of promise, according to the section90 of Restatement second of Contracts of America. 根据《合同法重述》第90条的规定,被引诱的合理信赖可以作为强制执行允诺的基础。 cnki They had to assume that every restatement was the result of deliberate deception; but the psychological traits they tested for would only appear in a person who knew he was lying. 他们不得不推想每一次的重申都是故意欺瞒的结果。但是研究人员所测试的心理素质只会在一个人知道他在撒谎时显露出来。 ecocn This is a less sunny restatement of benefit number 1, but it is perhaps even more important. 这和第一条的意思差不多,但是这一点更重要。 yeeyan This part provides a new interpretation and restatement of VAM from a legal point of view, which is a highlight of the paper. 该部分从法律角度对对赌协议进行了全新的解读和重述,这是本文的一大亮点。 fabiao Together, the Digest and the Code were meant to be a complete and authoritative restatement of Roman law. 《法学汇编》与《查士丁尼法典》合在一起,是对罗马法完整而权威的重述。 falvtrans Using a test generator breaks this concept because the generator writes the test using the production code as input. The generated test is not a human restatement, it is an automatic translation. 使用测试生成器破坏了这个原则,因为生成器是以产品代码作为输入来生成测试的,而且因为它是全自动转换的,所以其生成的测试代码也不便于阅读。 infoq When restatement companies change CEO, the new leadership team help regain organizational legitimacy and improve audit risk, thereby reducing the extent of the increase in audit fees. 当重述公司更换 CEO时,新的领导团队有助于恢复组织合法性和改善事务所面临的潜在审计风险,从而降低审计费用的增加程度。 fabiao Restatement of the Law, Second, Contracts. 法律重述,第二次,合同法。 blog.sina.com.cn |