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resowing 基本例句 补种¹⁰⁰ In addition, 6-18-month-old children not yet vaccinated meningitis vaccine should pay close attention to the out-patient clinics resow vaccination.另外,6-18个月龄儿童还未接种流脑疫苗的,应抓紧到各卫生院接种门诊补种。 Tianjin is also the first country to achieve a government-funded, free for children aged 2-13 resow hepatitis B vaccine, and have achieved remarkable results.天津市还在全国第一个实现了由政府出资,免费为2至13岁儿童补种乙肝疫苗,并取得了明显效果。 Where aridity, degeneration or soil erosion occurs as a result of overgrazing, users of the grasslands shall be required to reduce grazing and resow forage grass so as to restore vegetation.因过量放牧造成草原沙化、退化、水土流失的,草原使用者应当调整放牧强度,补种牧草,恢复植被。 In this article, the author spreads the whole probability from the scattered style to the continual style by using the know ledge of infinitesimal calculus and provides its applied example inresowinggeometry probability problems.摘要利用微积分知识把离散型全概率公式推广到连续型,并给出在几何概率问题上的应用实例。 Farmers now anxiouslyresowingthe parched pampas are expected to plant wheat over as little acreage as was sown in 1903, when pioneers were still expanding the frontier, says Mr Weskamp.Weskamp说:“农民们现正焦头烂额地忙着在干旱的潘帕斯草原上重新播种,他们希望小麦的种植面积能够达到1903年时的水平,彼时,先人们主要忙于开拓疆土。 Where aridity,degeneration or soil erosion occurs as a result of overgrazing,users of the grasslands shall be required to reduce grazing and resow forage grass so as to restore vegetation.因过量放牧造成草原沙化、退化、水土流失的,草原使用者应当调整放牧强度,补种牧草,恢复植被。 |