awschalomCOCA¹⁵²³⁵⁶ 例句 “ Oddly enough, perfection may not be the way to go,” said David Awschalom of the University of California, Santa Barbara. “ We want to build in defects.” “说来奇怪,完美的宝石也许并不是我们所追求的”圣巴巴拉市加利福尼亚大学的 David· Awschalom说,“我们想要的是有瑕疵的”。 yeeyan The technique has “a fidelity of 85 to95 percent,” Awschalom said March22 in Dallas at a meeting for the American Physical Society. 这项技术的保真度在85%至95%之间, Awschlom在3月22号达拉斯的美国物理学会会议上说道。 yeeyan