

单词 resounds
释义 re·sound·s 英rɪ'zaʊnd美rɪ'zaʊnd COCA⁶⁸⁵¹³BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
ring or echo with sound;

the hall resounded with laughter

emit a noise近义词 ring戒指boom繁荣thunder雷noise噪声echo发出回声resonate共鸣reverberate回响make noise叫嚷, 发出噪音…

用作动词The sonorous voice of the priestresoundedin the church.教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
The whole buildingresoundedthe siren's warning.整个大楼回响着警报声。
His fameresoundedall over the world.他名扬全球。
His name willresoundthrough ages.他的名字将万古流芳。 All of a sudden, I hear midnight laughter. The sound is muffled, as if not to wake those who sleep; yet all around the air resounds to this laughter.
我忽而听到夜半的笑声,吃吃地,似乎不愿意惊动睡着的人,然而四围的空气都应和着笑。 www.360doc.com

The coarse bell resounds sadly from the square tower as if it came from a world faraway. Aimless Breeze flaps against the heavy glass windows like playing an ancient elegy.
钟声嘶哑,从广场塔楼响起,一下下在空中哀鸣,像发自远方世界的叹息。和风飘泊无依,扑击着沉沉的玻璃窗,好像奏起陈旧的挽歌。 dongman

The call for peace and fellowship now resounds through all of these realms and this collective call creates a wave of energy that engulfs me, the earth.
和平与友谊的请求现在通过所有这些实相回应着,这个共同的呼声创造了一股能量的浪潮吞没了我,地球。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sharp and strict air defence warning sound resounds through in the sky;
尖厉的防空警报声响彻天空,敌人又来空袭了! http://java.moffy.com

Bus, train and ship whistle, aerial defence alarm resounds.
汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。 iciba

Every morning, the sound from the tower resounds through the sky, like a waltz.
每天清晨,钟楼的钟声响彻云霄,就好像天空的圆舞曲。 promottweets

Far away the sea sounds and resounds.
远处海的声音和回声。 gourt

Finally, the familiar click resounds— someone has taken the plunge.
最后,那熟悉的咔哒声回响起来——有人冒险做了尝试。 yeeyan

His body was consigned to a common grave, but his genius still resounds in concert halls the world over.
他的遗体被安葬在一个普通的墓地里,但他那才华横溢的音乐至今仍在世界各地的音乐厅中回荡。 zftrans

Kindles the flame of hope in my heart, which resounds with spring thunder.
让我心中燃起希望的烈焰、响起春雷。 hjenglish

Mischievous laughter resounds outside.
门外面回荡着顽皮的笑声。 yeeyan

My heart again resounds in rapture.
心儿在狂喜中萌动。 douban

The mood at this moment, is the voices of rain that resounds through valley.
此刻的心情,是响彻于山谷的潺潺雨声。 blog.sina.com.cn

The people in the enemy- occupied territories are also delighted, and the fame of the guerrillas resounds everywhere.
敌占地区内的民众亦十分高兴,到处都传播游击队的声威。 www.1stenglish.com

Yet the post-war cry of“ never again” resounds less in Britain.
但是战后“大战不能再来一遍”的言论在英国反响有限。 ecocn




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