

单词 resoundingly
释义 re·sound·ing·ly 英rɪ'zaʊndɪŋli美rɪ'zaʊndɪŋli 高COCA⁵⁹⁷⁸⁹BNC⁵⁷¹⁸⁹iWeb⁴⁰⁴²⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

in a resounding manner;

he then so resoundingly denounced his former friend

近义词 aloud出声地loudly大声地deeply深深地clearly清楚地roundly圆圆地definitely肯定地resonantly共鸣地sonorously朗朗地emphatically断然地unquestionably当然地unequivocallyunequivocal的…
The common refrain is resoundingly clear in that a plant-based diet is both preventive and healing, whereas a diet high in animal protein is destructive to our health.
一个常见的说法被成功地澄清了,以素食为主有助于预防及康复,而含有大量动物蛋白的饮食则对健康有害。 yeeyan

To be sure, we've been doing this for a reason I resoundingly applaud.
说实话,这样做的理由深得我心。 blog.sina.com.cn

Viktor Yushchenko, the winner of Ukraine’s “ orange” revolution five years ago, was resoundingly voted out in the first round of the Ukrainian presidential election.
维克多•尤先科,五年前乌克兰“橙色革命”的获胜者,在乌克兰第一轮总统选举中彻底出局。 ecocn

After the first appearance at the Harlem School of the Arts, New York Harlem Singers has a resoundingly successful tour to Mexico, Korea and United States.

I reject these theories, and so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change.
我拒绝这些理论,而且美国人民在11月参加投票并用投票支持变革时他们也是拒绝这些理论的。 yeeyan

If so, many Brazilians appear not to have noticed. President resoundingly won re-election last October, largely on the strength of support from the poor.
如果有问题,很多巴西人看起来还没意识到,去年十月总统 Lula成功获得连任,这要在很大程度上归功于穷人的支持。 ecocn

It was shortly after the North Carolina primary in May2008, which Obama had won resoundingly.
这是在2008年5月北卡罗来纳州的初选之后,那一次奥巴马赢得漂亮。 yeeyan

Japanese voters have resoundingly rejected the party that has set the country's policy agendas for more than half a century.
日本选民响亮地拒绝了半个多世纪来为日本制定政治纲领的政党。 ebigear

Listens to the phoenix legend that resoundingly, the resonant singing sound to let us feel one's blood bubbles up to the brim.
听着凤凰传奇那高亢、嘹亮的歌声让我们感到热血沸腾。 dota123

President Lula resoundingly won re-election last October, largely on the strength of support from the poor.
总统卢拉去年12月成功再次当选,主要原因就是穷人提供了很大支持。 ecocn

Talk about its leaving the euro seems far fetched and has been resoundingly rejected by policymakers, but the country's road back to economic competitiveness is steep indeed.
关于希腊退出欧元体系的讨论似乎很不靠谱,决策者已经明确表态反对这一提议,但希腊重获经济竞争力的道路将异常艰难。 fortunechina

The weakness of America’s recovery was underscored by resoundingly gloomy jobs data.
令人沮丧的就业数据表明了美国经济复苏的疲软。 ecocn

This is one reason why the unrest in Egypt and Tunisia echoes resoundingly across the region.
这便是埃及与突尼斯的动荡为何会在整个中东地区引发共鸣的一个原因。 ecocn

Yet most political analysts have little doubt what would happen if the Lisbon treaty, the constitution's successor, were put to a vote: it would be resoundingly rejected again.
然而如果这一宪法的继承者,即里斯本条约也采用公投的方式,大多数政治分析人士对其结果确信无疑:这份条约同样会遭到选民彻底的抛弃。 yeeyan




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