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词汇 awlaki
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Al- Awlaki was killed in Yemen, not in a war zone.
但奥拉基是被炸死在也门,而不是在战区。 ecocn

And late last month, an American drone killed top terrorist Anwar al- Awlaki—part of an escalating unmanned air assault in the Horn of Africa and southern Arabian peninsula.

And Samir Khan, the internet hipster raised in Queens, left his parents home in North Carolina in2009 to join Awlaki in Jihad against America.
在纽约皇后区长大的互联网弄潮儿,萨米尔.汗,也是为了与奥拉基一起对美国发动圣战,而在2009年离开北卡罗来纳州的父母前往也门。 yeeyan

Anwar al- Awlaki, of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, for example, has emerged as a powerful force, his charisma a stark contrast to the dour, scolding image al-Zawahri projects.
举例来说,阿拉伯半岛上的基地组织头目安瓦尔·奥拉基已经成为一股强大的力量。他的个人魅力同扎瓦赫里顽固、苛责的形象形成鲜明对比。 hxen

Mr. Awlaki was born to Yemeni parents in New Mexico in nineteen seventy- one.

The Guardian ran a helpful sketch of a drone, accompanied by the text, “Al- Awlaki’s position was tracked for several days before the attack on his vehicle by a drone armed with Hellfire missiles.”
《卫报》刊出了无人机的草图,很有说明性,附有文字,“搭载‘地狱之火’导弹的无人机袭击奥拉基的汽车之前,他已经被追踪好几天了。” yeeyan

The vast majority has no more use for Awlaki than for Bin Laden, and is generally glad to be rid of them.
无论是对于奥拉基,还是对于本拉登,沉默的大多数都没有什么用处——他们也很高兴美国人干掉了这两个人。 yeeyan

All available information indicates that both plots were planned and prepared by the trio of Awlaki, Khan and Asiri, with scant involvement by other AQAP leaders or operatives.
所有证据都指明这两次阴谋是由奥拉基、萨米尔.汗以及阿斯利三人策划和准备的,其他基地组织阿拉伯半岛分部的领导人几乎没有参与其中。 yeeyan

Anwar al- Awlaki, an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen, grew up in New Mexico.
也门的一名杰哈德领导人安瓦尔•奥拉基 Anwar al- Awlaki在新墨西哥州长大。 ecocn

Anwar al- Awlaki was charged this week in Yemen for inciting violence against foreigners.
这周 Anwar al- Awlaki因煽动暴力行为抵制外国人在也门被指控。 yeeyan

Civil- liberty advocacy groups have raised concerns about targeted killings by drones of suspected terrorists, especially in the case of al- Awlaki who was an American citizen.
支持公民自由的团体表达了对嫌疑恐怖分子被无人机定点清除,特别是对曾经是美国公民的安沃•奥拉基被清除的关注。 ecocn

In a March posting, Mr. Awlaki, who lived in the United States for nearly20 years, predicted that America would become“a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps.”
在一篇三月份的帖子中,在美国生活了将近20年的阿瓦拉吉预计美国将会成为“宗教歧视和宗教集中营之地”。 panmuslim

Mr Awlaki is not well known in Yemen but he hails from a prominent family within the powerful Awlaki tribe.
奥拉基本人在也门没什么名气,但是他来自强大的奥拉基部落里的一个有名的家族。 ecocn

Not that there is any love lost among most Arabs and Muslims because of Awlaki's demise.
我并不是说有多少阿拉伯人和穆斯林会因为奥拉基的死而开始厌恶美国人。 yeeyan

Rajib Karim worked as a software engineer for British Airways, where he contacted Anwar al- Awlaki, an American- born radical cleric based in Yemen.
拉杰卜·卡里姆是英国航空公司的一名软件工程师。工作期间他联系到一名活动于也门的美国出生的激进牧师安尔瓦·阿瓦拉奇。 ecocn

The Shabwah attack killed a number of militants but not al- Awlaki and led locals to demand that AQAP operatives leave.
在沙布瓦赫的袭击中,一些基地组织成员被击毙但是不是奥拉基的手下,当地人也因此要求基地组织成员们离开。 yeeyan

They add that killing a man who is plotting to kill Americans is a legitimate act of self-defence, given that al- Awlaki was in a country that was unable to act against him.
他们补充道,鉴于奥拉基当时身处的国家无法对他采取行动,击毙密谋杀害美国人民的恐怖分子属于正当的自卫手段。 ecocn

Yemeni deputy prime minister said Thursday that the23-year-old Nigerian met last year in Yemen with Anwar al- Awlaki.
周四,也门一位副总理表示,这名23岁的尼日利亚男子去年曾在也门与安沃·奥拉基碰面。 hjenglish

Yemeni officials charged Mr. Awlaki with “ inciting violence against foreigners” for the killing last year of a French oil industry worker in Yemen.




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