

单词 resettle
释义 re·settle 英,ri'sɛtl美,ri'sɛtl ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁷²⁷⁶BNC⁴⁷⁹⁶⁴iWeb²¹⁶³¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
settle in a new place;

The immigrants had to resettle

re-,再,重新,settle,建立,定居。re-后-settle⇒v.重新定居⁶³;再安顿;重新成为定居点;再坐下¹⁹v.使再定居;再安顿下来;使重新安居指让人们在新地方定居到他国定居;重感舒适;使在新地方定居;使再殖民;再就席近义词 move移动shift移动migrate迁移transfer转移emigrate移居transplant移居relocate重新装置immigrate移居入境

用作动词Many of the refugees wereresettledin Britain and Canada.许多难民重新定居在英国和加拿大。
The government is taking measures toresettlethose laid-off workers.政府正采取措施重新安顿那些失业工人。
The region was onlyresettled200 years later.这一地区200年以后才重新有人住。
The birds flew around and thenresettledon the pond.鸟儿飞来飞去,然后落在池塘边上。as in.transplant
同义词 emigrate,graft,immigrate,remove,uprootdisplace,move,readapt,recondition,reorient,reset,revamp,shift,transfer,transpose
反义词 plant,remain,sow,staypreserve,save
transplantverb relocate
displace,emigrate,graft,immigrate,move,readapt,recondition,remove,reorient,reset,revamp,shift,transfer,transpose,uproot The Secretary General is welcoming the president's promise to resettle most of the displaced Tamils by the end of the year.
斯里兰卡总统承诺要在今年年底之前重新安置大多数流离失所的泰米尔人,联合国秘书长潘基文对此表示欢迎。 ebigear

Wane says Niger needs help because it is a costly operation to resettle so many people.
瓦内指出,尼日尔需要帮助,因为重新安置这么多人花费相当高。 www.voanews.com.cn

“ European countries can and must resettle refugees, ” added Phillips.
欧洲国家有能力,而且必须安置这些难民。 voanews

A senior Rwandan official privately says the country has seven years to resettle people from the countryside in towns.
一位卢旺达高官私下里表示国家有7年的时间帮助流亡者们定居,或者? ecocn

Appropriately resettle laid-off workers, not allowed to infringe their lawful rights and interests.
妥善安置下岗职工,不得损害职工的合法权益; lawyee

China hopes the aid will help Kyrgyzstan to resettle the refugees.
中方希望这批物资能够有助于吉方做好相关的难民安置工作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Construction of the dam was approved in1992 despite strong opposition, eventually creating a400- mile-long reservoir and forcing some 1.4 million people to resettle.
尽管遭到了强烈反对,大坝的建设方案仍在1992年获得批准,最终催生了绵延400英里的库区,140万人被迫迁徙。 ebigear

He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate- approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.
他口头批评不利于弱势群体的政策,如议会通过的一项妨碍难民重建家园的税务法案。 starwarschina

It would help if Mr Obama could give a lead by showing that America was ready to resettle some of these people in its own communities. That is proving hard.
若奥巴马能带头表示美国已准备在自己国家的社区重置一些囚犯,这将会有所帮助,不过却很艰难。 ecocn

Muslim businessmen will find it harder to rebuild shops in mainly Christian districts and Christian home owners will struggle to persuade their families to resettle in mainly Muslim areas.
穆斯林商人会发现要在基督教徒聚居区重新修建商铺更加困难,基督教徒也要大费周折劝说他们的家人重新居住到穆斯林聚居区。 ecocn

Palau President Johnson Toribiong issued a statement saying his country would be“ honored and proud” to honor Washington's request to temporarily resettle the ethnic Uighurs.
帛琉总统托里比翁发表声明说,帛琉将为接受华盛顿的要求而暂时安置这些维族人感到荣幸和骄傲。 ept-cn.com

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has promised to resettle all displaced civilians in their home villages by January31st.
总统马欣达•拉贾帕克萨已经承诺在2010年1月31日前完成所有难民的返乡安置工作。 ecocn

Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.
退职工人易地安家的,可以发给相当于本人两个月标准工资的安家补助费。 fanyijia

South Korea said it has no intention of repatriating the four though it is willing to hold talks on how to verify their intention to resettle in the South.
韩国则表示无意遣返这四名叛逃者,但他们愿意开展对话来探讨如何核实叛逃者们希望留在韩国的意愿。 yeeyan

Tens of thousands are now beginning to resettle near the homes they fled from, but it is not easy, says the BBC's Charles Haviland.
当地上万人已经开始在其原来的住所附近重新定居,但是这件事还是有困难的。 yeeyan

They resettle themselves in Australia.
他们在澳洲重新定居下来。 hotdic

Yet another cause of unrest has been a state-run program to resettle Tibetan nomads, causing great disruptions in their traditional way of life.
另外一个造成动荡的原因是官方对游牧民的定居政策,给他们的生活造成了很大的混乱。 yeeyan

Your child should fuss a bit and attempt to resettle.
你的孩子应该大惊小怪了一下,试图重新安置。 spiiker




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