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re·serve 英rɪ'zɜːv美rɪ'zɜːrv 高COCA³²¹⁸¹BNC²⁸⁹⁰⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 vt.保留⁶⁴;预订²³;延期²n.候补²;预备品²;贮存²n.含蓄³;克制²原型reserve的现在分词形容词reservable名词reserver过去分词reserved现在分词reserving三单reserves v.动词 vt. 贮备; 保留store, keep back, for a later occasion vt. 留作专用keep for the special use of, or for a special purpose vt. 预订secure possession of, or the right to use n.名词 C贮藏; 储备a quantity of sth kept for future use; store C保护区a piece of land set aside for wild animals, plants, etc. U矜持,拘谨; 寡言the quality of being reserved Noun: formality and propriety of mannersomething kept back or saved for future use or a special purposean athlete who plays only when a starter on the team is replacedmedicine potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functionsa district that is reserved for particular purposearmed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergencythe trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary Verb: hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency;they held back their applause in anticipation give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause;I will earmark this money for your research She sets aside time for meditation every day obtain or arrange for oneself in advance;We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's arrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance;reserve me a seat on a flight The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family please hold a table at Maxim's v.动词 reserve, bookbook和reserve都表示“预订车〔船票,戏院〕等”,有时两者可通用,但列车上的“老弱病残者”座位不能用book,而只能用reserve。例如: Some seats on train are reserved for the old and handicapped.列车上有些座位是留给老人和残疾人的。reserve, keep, preserve, retain这组词都有“保存”“保留”或“保持”的意思。其区别在于: 1.keep指把某一事物置于自己的权力或管理之下; retain和reserve同义,均指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物, retain是较为正式的用语,还可指记住某事; preserve指把某物“收藏”或“保存”好。 2.retain含有不失去的意味; reserve则强调继续保持而不致失去; preserve强调防止破坏作用,要采取措施使某物完好无损或质量不变。例如: His business has been taken over by a big corporation, but he still retains some control over it.他的商店被一家大公司接管了,但他仍保留部分控制权。 You'd better reserve your strength for tomorrow's climb.你最好留点力气明天爬山。 Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold这些动词均有“保持,保存”之意。 keep最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。 retain指继续保持。 reserve正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。 preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。 conserve一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。 withhold指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的reserver;最初源自拉丁语的reservare:re 往回) +servare (保持,保护),意为保持起来。 用作动词 (v. ~+名词reserve a remark保留意见reserve one's opinion on some points在一些问题上保留自己的意见reserve rooms at a hotel预订旅馆房间reserve seats in a theatre向剧院定座~+副词reserve covetously贪婪地贮备reserve delicately小心地贮备reserve exclusively专订reserve expressly口头预订reserve faithfully忠诚地保留reserve shrewdly有理地预订~+介词reserve sth against a small fee花了很多钱预订reserve for为…而保留reserve for guests留给客人reserve for the handicapped为残疾人保留 用作动词v. reserve for v.+prep.
预订 book by advance payment 近义词 put放book书save救keep保持hold拿着store商店stock存货aside旁白allow允许retain保持park停车场standby备用cache隐藏所destine注定utility效用silence沉默husband丈夫modesty谦逊preserve保护withhold抑制fallback撤退resource资源conserve蜜饯set aside留出put aside储存reticence无言constraint约束reservation预定stockpile贮藏堆substitute代用品stand-by可靠的人appropriate适当的taciturnity沉默寡言backlog积压待办事项…earmark在耳朵做记号…locum牧师、医师等的…bespeak证明某事物…military reserve军事储备second-stringersecond-strin… 用作动词(v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.We must reserve some of corn to use as seed.我们必须贮存一些玉米粒作种子用。 I'll reserve my opinion this time.这次我保留个人意见。 I reserve the right to make my own decision.我保留自己作决定的权利。 Seek common ground on major questions while reserving differences on minor ones.求大同存小异。 The judge reserved his judgement.法官延期判决。 They reserved two rooms at a hotel.他们在一家旅社预订了两个房间。 Have you reserved our plane tickets?我们的飞机票你订了吗? All seats are reserved.所有的座位必须预订。 All rights are reserved.版权所有。用作名词n.Foreign exchange reserves jumped.外汇储备大幅度增长。 We must keep back a reserve of food.我们必须贮存一些食品。 We always keep some money in reserve.我们总存起一些备用的钱。 This area was once a wildlife reserve.该地区曾是一个野生动物保护区。 The man was behaving with typical British reserve.这个男人表现出典型英国人的拘谨。 She told me all about it without reserve.她毫无保留地告诉了我有关此事的一切。 v.动词
reserve的基本意思是“贮存待用”。引申可作“留给”“留作专用”或“预订”解。 reserve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 reserve宾语后接介词for表示“为某人保留、预订或留作某事之用”; reserve oneself for是“养精蓄锐以备…”的意思。 有时候reserve的使用比reservation普遍。 I accept your statement without reservation.这两句中,人们更习惯将reservation改作reserve。 动词63%,名词37% 用作及物动词Wereservethe right to lodge a claim for loss.我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。 I havereserveda table at the restaurant.我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。 The court willreservejudgement.法庭将延期判决。用作名词He has played very well on thereserveside but this chance in the first team should put him on his mettle.他在候补队中表现非常出色,但这次作为正式队员参赛将对他的能力进行考验。 The army should be equipped with sufficient warreserves.军队应该得到充足的军需储备品。 The old man keeps a largereserveof firewood for cold weather.这位老人贮存了大量的柴薪以备天冷时用。用作名词He spoke withreserve.他说话谨慎。 The ultimatereservewas a source of his fascination and his power.最大限度的克制是他获得魅力和力量的一个源泉。 A leak caused by reserving memory that is never used is just as serious as leaking allocated memory. 保留从未使用的内存造成的泄漏与已分配内存的泄漏同样严重。 ibm At that time, Fermi scientists may do more than just uncork the champagne; they can start reserving themselves a round-trip ticket to Stockholm. 届时,费米项目的科学家们就不只是开香槟庆祝了;他们完全可以开始预订到斯德哥尔摩的往返机票。 yeeyan So long as you're reserving words, go ahead and reserve the not equal sign , and, or, the left and right parentheses. 如果您正在保留这些字,请继续进行下去并且保留不等号和左右括号。 ibm Although reserving chunks of the address space will not exhaust physical resources, it does prevent that memory from being used for other purposes. 虽然保留地址空间块不会耗尽物理资源,但它确实能防止内存用于其他目的。 ibm As recently as1992, the government in Rome issued a decree reserving a fifth of all the openings in the Italian postal service for relatives of employees and ex- employees. 最近在1992年,罗马地方政府颁布了一项法令,将意大利邮政系统所有工作岗位的五分之一保留给雇员和前雇员的亲属。 yeeyan By reserving words and other special tokens, the programmer promises that the parser will recognize these words literally, assigning a specific meaning to them. 通过保留字和其他特殊标记,程序员希望解析器会逐字地识别这些字并为其指派特定的意义。 ibm Case in point: While reserving a hotel in Chicago last month, I found six different rates for the same room. 实例:上一个月我在预订芝加哥酒店时发现,同一家酒店、同一类型的客房有六个不同的报价。 yeeyan For those who are used to researching, reserving and paying for hotels online, this may be a logical next step. 对于那些习惯于在网上查找、预订酒店并买单的人们来说这是个好消息。 yeeyan However, reserving free space only trades disk space for time, potentially letting you go longer between REORGs. 尽管如此,保留空闲空间只是以时间换取磁盘空间,可能会让 REORG之间耗时更长。 ibm Programmatically reserving physical or virtual resources, such as virtual I/ O adapters. 通过程序保留物理或虚拟资源,比如虚拟 I/ O适配器。 ibm So far, Mr Karzai has praised the IEC, reserving his criticism for the foreigners who made a fuss about fraud. 目前为止,卡尔扎伊对独立选举委员会表示赞赏,并保留了对外国记者就欺诈问题小题大做的批判。 topsage That suggested a veiled warning was delivered, with the judge reserving the right to impose defence lawyers. 这暗中传递了警告信息,即法官保留指定辩护律师的权利。 yeeyan That philosophy destroyed classical training for the common people, reserving it for those who were expected to become leaders. 这种思想摧毁了对于大众的古典训练,而将之保留,只施与那些可能成为领导的人们。 yeeyan The government has promised to jump- start the plan by encouraging agencies to use it for everything from taxes and veterans benefits to reserving campsites at national parks. 政府当局已承诺要加速启动这一计划以鼓励各个部门使用这一系统,去从事像税收及退役军人利益到预订国家公园的露营营地。 yeeyan The concept involves pre- allocating a pool of memory and reserving it until it is actually needed. 其思想是预分配一个内存池,并保留到真正需要的时候。 ibm Therefore, it makes most sense to save it before reserving the stack space. 所以十分有必要在保留堆栈空间之前先保存它。 ibm These flows handle functions such as reserving seats, updating reservation databases, and requesting information about reservations, flights, and passengers. 这些流所处理的功能包括预订座位、更新订票数据库,以及请求关于订票、航班和旅客的消息。 ibm This has the advantage of reserving this IP address for this LPAR on every boot of the operating system. 这样做的优点是在每次引导操作系统时为 LPAR保留这一 IP地址。 ibm This is a clause reserving title to the goods in the seller. 这是一条卖方保留货物所有权的条款。 kekenet This model not only provides an effective means of reserving computer systems, but the model also provides the ability to maintain a checkout history for each user and computer system. 此模型不仅提供保留计算机系统的有效方式,而且还提供了维护每个用户和计算机系统的历史记录的功能。 ibm When describing Iran's Islamic revolution or its protégés in Hizbullah and Hamas, he forsakes his critical faculties, reserving all his scepticism for the secular values of the West. 在描述伊朗伊斯兰革命或其在真主党和哈马斯的追随者时,他放弃了批评的言论,对西方世俗的价值观保留怀疑态度。 ecocn When you defer design decisions, you're reserving your option to change. 当您推迟设计决定时,您是在保留对更改的选择。 ibm Reserving both eliminates possible confusion when two different services try to use the same port number on different protocols. 当两个不同的服务尝试使用不同协议上的同一端口号时,保留两者可消除可能的混淆。 ibm |