

单词 reservationist
释义 res·er·va·tion·ist 英ˌrezə'veɪʃn美ˌrezər'veɪʃn 高COCA¹³¹⁶²³iWeb⁵⁹²⁰⁶
C保留的座位〔住处〕等; 预订

reserved seat or accommodation, etc.; record of this

CU保留意见; 保留态度

spoken or unspoken limitation which prevents one's agreement with a plan, acceptance of an idea , etc.


area of land reserved in the US for occupation by an Indian tribe

a district that is reserved for particular purposea statement that limits or restricts some claim;

he recommended her without any reservations

an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedlythe act of reserving a place or passage or engaging the services of a person or group;

wondered who had made the booking

the written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advancesomething reserved in advance as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.the act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的reservation;最初源自晚期拉丁语的reservationem,意为预订
用作名词 n.
动词+~cancel reservations取消预订名词+~hotel reservations旅馆房间的预订介词+~with〔without〕 reservation有〔无〕保留地
近义词 plat辫子term学期game游戏rider骑士qualm疑虑place地方state情形park停车场clause条款forest森林booking预约reserve保留scruple顾忌silence沉默advance前进preserve保护distance距离second第二的thoughts思维condition条件sanctuary圣所exception例外tract大片土地game park猎苑territory领土provision食品reluctance不愿hesitation犹豫limitation限制habitation居住engagement约会concession让步proviso附带条件stipulation规定arrangement布置registration注册conservation保存qualification资格retaining使固定的corollary[数]系理advance booking预订unwillingness不愿意requirement必要条件game preserve禁猎区protected area保护区game reserve猎物禁猎区reserved seat已预定座席state forest省有林,州有林…second thoughts再考虑, 重新考虑…mental reservation对某项声明所持的保留…
用作名词n.I've made you a dinner reservation for seven thirty.我已给你在餐馆订好了 7:30 的晚饭坐席。
Have you made the reservations for our holiday yet?你为我们度假做好预订安排了吗?
He accepted the plan with reservations.他有保留地接受这个计划。
Most of these workers are American Indians living on reservations.这些工人中的大多数是住在居留地的美洲印第安人。
I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。
They accepted the proposal without reservation.他们无保留地接受了这个建议。
Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal.委员会一些成员对这项提议持保留态度。




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