

单词 resection
释义 re·sec·tion 英rɪˈsekʃən美rɪˈsɛkʃənAHDrĭ-sĕkʹshən 高COCA²⁹⁸⁰⁷BNC¹⁸²⁹⁸iWeb¹⁹¹⁵⁷

surgical removal of part of a structure or organresection of transverse colon横结肠切除术…resection of exteriorized intestine外置肠切除术…resection of rectum直肠切除术graphic resection图解后方交会…method of resection侧切法sleeve resection袖口式切除术…hepatic wedge resection肝楔形切除术…space resection空间后方交会…segmental resection分段切除window resection医 开窗切除术…subtotal resection次全切除术resection forceps切除钳resection of sublingual gland舌下腺摘除术…wedge resection楔形切除术en bloc resection整块切除colon resection结肠切除术resection of corn鸡眼切除术resection of pituitary tumor垂体肿瘤切除术,垂体…total resection全切除

用作名词He has soldiered on for ten years after theresectionof malignant tumour.切除了恶性肿瘤后他战胜种种困难已活了10年。as in.surgery
同义词 abscission,enucleation,incision,sectionaciurgyas in.reapportion
同义词 allot,distribute,divide,reallocateredistrict
reapportionverb redistribute
surgerynoun medical procedure
abscission,aciurgy,enucleation,incision,resection,section Radical surgical resection is recommended for all cartilaginous tumors of the trachea.
外科切除术是所有气管软骨类肿瘤首选治疗方式。 dxyer

Resected tumor tissues from lung cancer patients who underwent surgical resection were also collected across most sites.
从接受了手术切除术的病人那里获得的肿瘤组织也由大部分站点收集。 yeeyan

The optimal treatments are probably resection and radio frequency ablation.
最佳的治疗可能是切除术和射频消融。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wide local excision WITH resection of other organs.
局部切除同时亦切除到其他器官。 kuenglish

A67-year-old woman with type2 diabetes mellitus undergoes extensive resection of the small bowel and right colon with a jejunostomy and colostomy because of mesenteric ischemia.
一名患有2型糖尿病的67岁女患者,因肠系膜缺血而接受了小肠和右侧结肠广泛切除以及空肠造口术和结肠造口术。 www.times.ac.cn

Although laparoscopic colon resection has many benefits, it may not be appropriate for some patients.
尽管腹腔镜结肠切除术有很多优点,但还是有部分病人不适合做该手术。 yeeyan

As the scope is withdrawn, endoscopic findings can be identified for surgical resection or treatment.
因为内镜是后退的,内镜发现可以为外科决定切除或保守治疗。 medicines-school

Conclusion Adopting EEA stapler to low anterior resection in some selective patients with low rectum cancer is radical and can lower the occurrence of anastomosis stricture and leakage.
结论对于中低位直肠癌,只要病例恰当,采用双钉吻合行低位前切除术,既达到根治目的,又可降低术后吻合口漏和吻合口狭窄的发生率。 iciba

Conclusion High-frequency ultrasound is accurate at the differential lesions, localization and resection degree, which is very helpful in neurosurgery.
结论高频超声对颅脑占位性病变等能准确定位,鉴别性质,指导切除,在颅脑手术中具有较大的应用价值。 iciba

For known papillary or medullary carcinoma, submit the entire gland andseparately the line of resection, if the specimen is other than a total thyroidectomy.
对乳头状癌或者髓样癌的病例,如果手术式不是真个甲状腺全部切除,要取整个腺体和手术切缘; pathology

Future plans with the imaging program include making a surgical template for placement of implants and fabrication of the implant bar and prosthesis before surgical resection.
将来计划成像程序包括在外科切除术前建立安置植入物和植入条及假体的装配的外科模板。 cadjy

However, sometimes the diagnosis is not made preoperatively and of course, the surgeons discover the lymph nodes metastases at the time of liver resection.
然而,有时诊断在术前不能明确,那么,当然,外科医生是在进行肝切除术时才发现有淋巴结转移。 blog.sina.com.cn

If that doesn't help there's the option of partial resection of the liver instead of removing the whole thing.
如果这些都没效,可以选择部分切除肝脏而不是整个切除。 yeeyan

Is It Necessary To Prevent Venous Thrombosis After Resection Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma?
预防肝癌切除术后的静脉血栓形成是不是很重要? dxy

Laser scalpel excision without epileptogenic focus is a craniotomy, resection of the epileptic foci can reach a new advanced treatment technology.

Methods RVEF was assessed in118 consecutive aged patients before pulmonary resection by echocardiography,64 of whom received RVEF measurement again3 weeks after operation.
方法应用超声心动图连续对118例高龄接受肺切除术的病人行术前RVEF 测定,并对其中64例于术后3周再测定 RVEF。 iciba

Objective To explore the complications of the total elbow arthroplasty after the resection of the peri- elbow tumor.
目的探讨在肘部肿瘤切除术后行全肘关节成形术的疗效及并发症。 cnki

Objective To introduce an effective, safe and simple local resection method for small peri ampullary carcinoma.
目的介绍一种小壶腹周围癌的有效、安全、简便的局部切除方法。 cnki

Objective To investigate the indications, technical considerations, and effects of neuronavigation and electrocorticography ECOG monitoring in resection of brain cavernous malformations CM.
目的探讨神经导航和脑皮质电图监测切除脑海绵状血管畸形 CM的手术适应证、手术方法和效果。 iciba

Objective To summarize first rib resection by transaxillary approach for treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome.
目的总结经腋路第一肋切除治疗胸廓出口综合征的经验。 cnki

Purpose: Inquiry result of laser in the nose under or temporal under the peripheral iris resection combines clinical curative effect of the Chinese medicine Chinese herbal medicine treatment.
目的:探讨染料激光于鼻下或颞下方周边虹膜切除术结合中医中药治疗的临床疗效。 iciba




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