

单词 a whimper
释义 a whimper短语⁴³⁸⁸²
As he struggled for breath, the blood roaring in his ears, his shouts of terror began to subside, turning first into a whimper, then into a long plaintive wail.
他努力喘息,血一下子都涌到了耳根,他恐惧的喊叫声也开始变弱,先是一阵呜咽,随后就变成了悠长的悲鸣。 eol

I let out a whimper and he eased up. But the damage was done.
但是破坏已经来了。 yeeyan

Judged against Labour budgets of yore, this one was a whimper.
与很久以前的工党预算案相比,这份预算案只能算低声呜咽。 ecocn

But the year is ending with a whimper.
但是这个年头结束时却有点虎头蛇尾。 ecocn

This is the way England usually do it, with a whimper.
英格兰经常以这种方式将将出线,颇有些虎头蛇尾。 yeeyan

This slam-bang earnings season is likely to start with a whimper. But that doesn't mean markets won't end up feeling pretty good.
本次声势浩大的季报发布期可能以市场抱怨拉开序幕,但这并不意味着不会以满意圆满收场。 iciba

We don't want to go out with a whimper. We know we have to be cautious but we cannot be over- cautious.
我们不想哭泣着离开,我们知道必须要小心谨慎,但不能谨慎过度。 yeeyan




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