

单词 research office
释义 research office短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺²
In charge of the Development and Reform Commission, Communications Department, Statistics Bureau, Policy Research Office of the Government Development Research Center.
分管自治区发展改革委、交通运输厅、统计局、政府研究室发展研究中心。 www.china.org.cn

In charge of Municipal Business Bureau, Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs and Foreign Affairs Office, the legal office of municipal government, the research office of municipal government.
分管市商务局,市外事侨务办公室,市政府法制办公室,市政府研究室。 prcgov

Mr. Zhang is director of the Literature Research Office, and is in charge of administration.
张老师是文学教研室的主任,专管行政工作。 nciku

Since2009, he has been Director of the Research Office of the United Front Work Department and its Spokesperson.
2009年任中共中央统战部研究室主任。现任中共中央统战部研究室主任、新闻发言人。 www.scio.gov.cn

“ There is a hidden danger of an asset bubble and we are facing a certain financial risk, ” wrote Yu Peiwei of the party’s Policy Research Office in January.
“这是资产泡沫隐含的一个风险,我们正在面对一场几乎肯定爆发的金融危机”,今年一月,党的政策研究室的余培伟写到。 yeeyan

In 1996, he entered the research office the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the CPC. He successively held posts as division chief, assistant inspector and vice director.
1996年到中共中央统战部研究室工作,历任正处级干部、处长、助理巡视员、副主任。 www.scio.gov.cn

In 2005 and still at the United Front, he concurrently served as research office vice director and head of the information center.
2005年任中共中央统战部研究室副主任兼信息中心主任正局级。 www.scio.gov.cn

The Russian Department, which developed from the former Russian Teaching& Research Office, started to enroll undergraduate students of Russian majors in 2007.
俄语系由原俄语教研室发展而成,并于2007年正式招收俄语专业本科学生。 dbw

This paper has designed a database search engine based on Digital Organism Database System, which is a new generation of distributed database developed by our research office.
本文在本实验室所开发的新一代分布式数据库系统——数字有机体数据库系统的基础上,设计并开发了一种针对数据库的搜索引擎。 fabiao

He convinced the newly formed Palo Alto research office of the Japanese telecommunications firm Docomo to take him on as a cryptography researcher.
他说服日本电信公司 Docomo刚成立不久的 Palo Alto研究室接收他为加密技术研究员。 yeeyan




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