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词汇 res
释义 res.
=rescue 复苏,援救,救护,=resect 切除,=resection 切除术,=reserve 储备物,储量,保存,=resident 住院医师,固有的,居住的,=resina 拉树脂,=resistance 抵抗力,阻力,电阻,抗药性,=resolution 分解,分辨,溶解,消退,=respiration 呼吸作用,=restricted 受限制的,约束的
George Bush is sceptical too, although he signed an RES while governor of Texas: he wants the issue left to the states.
乔治.布什呢,尽管在任德州州长时签署了一项 RES,现在他也心存疑虑:他想把问题留给各州自行解决。 ecocn

In my view, para.4 of Res1973 does not prohibit the targeting of Gaddafi and authorises it where this is deemed necessary to protect civilians and civilian populated areas.
我个人的观点,1973号决议第4段并不禁止针对卡扎菲个人,并且授权斩首行动,只要这种行动为保护平民和平民聚居区的必要之举。 yeeyan

Applications can connect to the RES and have the rules execute there or acquire the rules and execute them locally.
应用程序可以连接到 RES并在那里执行规则,或者获得规则并在本地执行它们。 ibm

But perhaps the biggest obstacle facing the RES is Congress's failure to agree on other aspects of energy policy.
不过, RES面临的最大障碍,可能是国会不会就能源政策的其他条款达成一致。 ecocn

But perhaps you'd like to see it in hi- res on a huge screen? Maybe in3D?
但也许你更想在大屏幕上看高分辨率的版本,也许还想要3D? yeeyan

Cliff Johnson's1987 puzzle game The Fool's Errand was a lo- res masterpiece.
克里夫约翰逊1987年的字谜游戏《傻瓜的使命》是一个低分辨率巨作。 yeeyan

Closer to home, how many of your friends and family don't have a color, hi- res, touch screen phone with the ability to browse Web sites and install a wide variety of specialized apps?
言归正传,您有多少朋友和家人没有一款具有彩色高分辨率触摸屏,能够浏览网站和安装各种专业软件的移动电话? ibm

Even with a big or high- res screen, you will see fewer toolbar links and browser tabs than normally.
即便你有个大的或者高清晰的屏幕,你能看到的工具栏连接和浏览器页面也要比平时少。 hjenglish

Fixed-size series A rounds already are high res. But the more investors you have in a round, the less sense it makes for everyone to get the same price.
本来单轮固定投资流程已经是阻力重重了,但是随着投资者的数量增加,众人在价格上达成一致意见的可能性反而降低了。 yeeyan

Google Map Buddy is a free and portable application with a singular focus: leaching high- res captures from Google Maps.
谷歌地图兄弟免费而且便携,它只有一个单一的目的:从谷歌地图中过滤出高解度图片。 yeeyan

I even wondered if I could get a high- res version to turn into a poster.
我甚至想我能否得到更高分辨率的版本以用来制作海报。 yeeyan

If the res- sharing- scope deployment descriptor element is set to Unshareable in an application's deployment descriptor, the connections do not share the same physical connection.
如果将一个应用程序的部署描述符中的 res- sharing- scope部署描述符元素设置为 Unshareable,那么这些连接不共享同一物理连接。 ibm

Images are transferred from the white board to the computer with a high- res digital camera.
用高分辨率照相机将图像从白板传送到计算机。 ibm

In the horse-trading that will surround efforts to reconcile the different energy bills approved by the House and the Senate, the RES could easily be brushed aside.
调和参众两院已经通过的各类能源议案的诸多努力,都在讨价还价中进行,而讨价还价间,毫无疑问, RES可能被撇到一旁,无人问津了。 ecocn

It is much easier to switch the target RES if we have a list of RES configuration available for development, testing and production environments.
如果我们有一个 RES配置列表可用于开发、测试和生产环境,则可以更轻松地切换目标 RES。 ibm

It can use the RES as a rule repository.
它可以将 RES用作规则存储库。 ibm

Nonetheless, to get the RES approved, Tom Udall, the congressman who proposed it, had to lower his original target of20% and agree to allow energy-efficiency drives to count towards fulfilment.
然而,为使 RES得以通过,提议者国会议员汤姆-乌戴尔不得不降低他最初定下的20%的目标,并且同意指标完成过程中,高效能源动力也可以算数。 ecocn

Now, scientists from the University of Copenhagen have succeeded producing the first hi- res live recording of the interaction.
目前,哥本哈根大学的科学家成功地对这种相互作用实施了首次高分辨率的实时观察记录。 yeeyan

Obviously the gaming selection is still a little limited here, but Half-Life2 and Portal2 played full- res without a hitch.
显然游戏选择仍然有些限制,但是半条命2和传送门2全开没有任何延迟。 yeeyan

Or perhaps ITA could spin off its res system business into a new company.
另一种可能是 ITA将剥离它的预订系统业务,组建一家新公司。 yeeyan

Proponents of the Renewable Electricity Standard RES say it will help to reduce both America's dependence on imported fuel and its greenhouse- gas emissions without raising power prices.
可再生能源标准 RES的支持者说,减少美国对进口石油的依赖、降低温室气体排放量而不提高电力价格,这一举措会有所帮助。 ecocn

There are more high- res aerial shots of the home on their site.
在该网站上还有更多关于该住宅的高清晰航拍图片。 forbeschina

To become law the RES must still win the approval of the Senate, which rejected a similar measure earlier this year.
要成为法律, RES必须赢得参议院批准,而今年早些时候,参议院拒绝了一个类似议案。 ecocn

We now have our RES Configuration Project.
现在,我们已经有了 RES配置项目。 ibm

Where phones with bigger, better, higher res screens demand serious quality video to take advantage of the extra pixels.
当手机的屏幕越来越大,显示效果越来越好,分辨率越来越高,就需要高清的视频来使其有用武之地了。 yeeyan




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