

单词 repulsed
释义 re·pulse·d 英rɪ'pʌls美rɪ'pʌls 高COCA³⁹⁶⁵⁸BNC⁴⁰⁶⁴⁸Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
an instance of driving away or warding off
force or drive back;

repel the attacker

fight off the onslaught

rebuff the attack

be repellent to; cause aversion incause to move back by force or influence;

repel the enemy

push back the urge to smoke

beat back the invaders

近义词 no不snub冷落ward病房repel排斥deter阻止chase追捕drive开车resist抵制reject拒绝denial否认ward off防止fight off排斥hold back阻碍beat back击退drive back击退rebuff断然拒绝spurn轻蔑地拒绝hold off不使挨近drive away把车开走turn away把 … 打发走…push back把 … 向后推把 …

用作名词After the secondrepulse, the enemy surrendered.在第二次击退之后,敌人投降了。
Herrepulsewas quite unexpected.她的拒绝是完全出人意料的。
Her request for a donation met with a ruderepulse.她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。用作动词Do Irepulseyou with my queasy smile?我诡异的笑脸让你知难而退了吗?
The city garrison must be prepared torepulseattacks.现在必须巩固要塞,囤积兵力来阻挡敌人的进攻。
Irepulsedher kindness.我拒绝了她的好意。
Sherepulsedhis proposal.她拒绝了他的求婚。as in.disgusted
同义词 appalled,outraged,queasy,tired,unhappy,wearyabhorred,displeased,nauseated,repelled,revolted,satiatedscandalizedsickfastidious,fed up,full up,grossed out,had bellyful,had enough,had it,nauseous,overwrought,sick and tired of,sick of,squeamish,turned off,up to here
反义词 activated,freshattracted,delighted,desirous,happy,pleasedas in.overwhelmed
同义词 affected,devastated,moved,overpoweredupset,vanquished,worsted
disgustedadjective sickened;offended
abhorred,appalled,displeased,fastidious,fed up,full up,grossed out,had bellyful,had enough,had it,nauseated,nauseous,outraged,overwrought,queasy,repelled,revolted,satiatedscandalizedsick,sick and tired of,sick of,squeamish,tired,turned off,unhappy,up to here,weary
overwhelmedadjective beaten
affected,devastated,moved,overpowered,repulsed,upset,vanquished,worsted The manner in which they had repulsed the attack of the preceding night had caused them to almost disdain in advance the attack at dawn.
他们晚间打退了敌人的进攻,这使他们几乎在事先就蔑视凌晨的袭击。 ebigear

A patron saint of channeling out of the Dementors repulsed a few meters.
一只守护神窜了出来,把摄魂怪击退了几米。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the army spokesman, the commissioner of the region and a local resident told the BBC the rebels' assault had been repulsed.
而军方发言人、地区特派员和一名当地人都告诉 BBC,叛军已被驱逐。 koolearn

He ought to comfort it, but it repulsed him.
他应该去安慰它,可是那东西令他反感。 okread.net

However, the attack had been repulsed by the Sri Lankan navy who had sunk at least two rebel boats and badly damaged another, the spokesman said.
然而,斯里兰卡海军击退了猛虎组织的进攻,在战斗中他们击沉了叛乱者两条船并且严重击伤另外一条,这位发言人说。 hongen

Later, after the bandits have been repulsed, a wounded bandit falls in the village square, and now the villagers rush forward with delayed bravery to kill him.
后来,土匪们被击退,一个伤员躺在村子的空场上,此时,村民们一拥而上,挟着勇气,杀死了那个土匪。 blog.sina.com.cn

Meanwhile, the object of your adoration is now repulsed by you. He looks at you like someone he's never met before.
期间,所有你崇拜敬爱的人和事物都会被你冷谈排斥。他看着你好像从来没见过你一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

Or the one with the guy who's repulsed by his wife's snoring.
或者一个女人和一个忍受不了自己老婆鼾声的男人在一起。 yeeyan

Our soldiers repulsed the enemy forces, which invaded the front line area.
我们的士兵击退了进犯前线地区的敌军部队。 blog.sina.com.cn

Pakistanis say another incursion this week was repulsed, though both armies deny it.
巴基斯坦人称,他们在本周击退了另一起入侵,不过两国军方都否定了这种说法。 ecocn

Shame is felt not about an action but about who and what we are; if anyone really knew who and what we are, they would be repulsed.
而惭愧,并不是因为我们做了什么,而是关于我们是谁或者是什么。如果任何人知道了真相,将会被拒绝。 yeeyan

She repulsed his offer of marriage.

Somalia's government said it has repulsed a military attack by foreign- backed insurgents trying to overrun the presidential compound in Mogadishu and oust President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.
索马里政府称其已击败由国外支持的企图袭击总统政府建筑及夺取总统谢赫谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德政权的叛乱分子。 youtheme

Sometimes I was really repulsed because they had been drinking so heavily, but also it was age.
有时候我真的很反感:客人不是喝得太多了,就是因为年纪太大。 yeeyan

The army easily repulsed the Tigers' counter-attack.
军方毫不费力地就击退了“猛虎”组织的反攻。 ecocn

The enemy broke through the front line, but were firmly repulsed from the higher ground by cavalry.

The Jedi Masters attempted to free the vessel from its swampy confines but they were repulsed by the Dathomirian Nightsisters.
绝地大师们试图把飞船从沼泽地里解救出来,但是他们遭到了达索米尔黑夜姐妹会的阻挠。 starwarschina

The Zirtese repulsed by their own actions hid the secret of Razm and only maintain emergency stores of it“ in case.”
该 Zirtese击退了自己的行动秘密藏在 Razm只有保持它的紧急店“,以防万一。” smocendle

This carpet was found in Japan, probably once a keepsake of a Japanese soldier after a Yuan naval invasion was repulsed.
这小块地毯式在日本发现的,可能是一个日本士兵曾在抵抗元朝海军入侵得到的一件纪念品。 yeeyan

WHAT is more taboo than a woman who is repulsed by her own child?
还有什么能比一个憎恶自己亲生孩子的母亲更令人忌讳的呢? remword

Women are a million times more repulsed because nice guys do exactly the same thing.
女人则百万倍地被雷到,因为好男人都做完全一模一样的事情。 jysls




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