

单词 repudiated
释义 re·pu·di·ate·d 英rɪ'pjuːdieɪt美rɪ'pjuːdieɪt COCA⁴⁷²⁹¹BNC³⁴⁶⁷⁴
cast off;

She renounced her husband

The parents repudiated their son

refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid;

The woman repudiated the divorce settlement

refuse to recognize or pay;

repudiate a debt

reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust;

She repudiated the accusations

repudiate draft拒付repudiate a debt拒付欠款
近义词 deny否认rebut反驳scorn轻蔑reject拒绝disown否认retract缩回disavow否认discard丢弃exclude排除disdain轻蔑disclaim放弃rebuff断然拒绝spurn轻蔑地拒绝renounce声明放弃turn your back on掉转脸去不理睬拒绝帮助…

用作动词The new governmentrepudiatedthe treaty signed by the former government.新政府拒绝履行前任政府签订的条约。
Herepudiatedthe court's decision to offer bail.他不接受法庭的保释裁决。
He wouldrepudiateall debts incurred by his son.他拒绝偿还他儿子的一切债务。
Sherepudiatedher only daughter.她与她的独生女儿断绝了母女关系。
Theyrepudiatedall accusations of unlawful activity.他们否认所有对他们非法行为的指控。adj.(rejected
同义词 discredited,disgracedthrown out
discardedadjective rejected
abandoned,cast-off,castaway,damaged,deserted,discontinued,done with,forsaken,junked,neglected,obsolete,out-of-date,outmoded,run down,scrapped,shelved,thrown away,thrown out,useless,worn-out
refusedadjective declined
banned,blocked,denieddisavoweddismissed,disowned,forbidden,forsaken,prohibited,rebuffed,rejected,repelled,repudiated,spurned,turned down,vetoed In late January it repudiated a1991 agreement on reconciliation, non-aggression and co-operation between the Koreas.
今年一月末,北韩又撕毁有关和解、非对抗和南北合作的1991年协议。 yeeyan

President George Bush repudiated the Kyoto protocol in 2001 and did essentially nothing on climate change during his presidency.
乔治·布什总统在2001年拒绝履行京都协议书,在他执政时期,针对气候变化没有做出任何实质性的行动。 yeeyan

The Russian revolutionary government repudiated tsarist debt at great cost to French investors, and South American countries are serial defaulters— Ecuador being the latest example.
俄罗斯革命政权拒不承认沙皇政府债务,使得法国投资者损失惨重;南美洲国家在主权违约方面更是素行不良---厄瓜多尔就是最近的一个例子。 yeeyan

The short answer in the case of Libya is that Barack Obama has not invented a new doctrine so much as repudiated an old one.
关于利比亚局势的简短回答是,奥巴马没有发明一个新的主义,甚至都没有否定旧的主义。 ecocn

This is so, whether or not the repudiated performance would, in the normal course, have been due before and thus a condition precedent to, the return performance.
因此,在一般情况下,当事人在合同履行期满前就能对违约行为做出必要的反应。 blog.sina.com.cn

And President Nicolas Sarkozy of France stepped forcefully into the void, with a proposal that pointedly repudiated Mr. Obama's approach.
而这时法国总统尼古拉萨科齐重重地一脚踩着空子,提出了一条意见,尖锐地批驳了奥巴马先生的做法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Before voting was democratized in England in the nineteenth century, nonetheless, the advocates of reform repudiated any redistributive intent.
然而,在选举民主化之前的十九世纪英格兰,鼓吹改革的人却否定一切再分配的意图。 yeeyan

Dalton, the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being“a genius”, attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation.
化学家道尔顿拒绝接受他本人是“天才”的看法,他认为他完成的一切工作都完全是由于勤奋和积累。 ebigear

First, it has repudiated industry-wide, national labour standards.
首先,它拒绝承认了行业性的全国劳动标准。 ecocn

He repudiated the charge of having taken bribes.

In 1915, he was knighted but repudiated the honour in1919 after the Amritsar Massacre.
1915年,他被授予的爵士爵位,但在1919年阿姆利则惨案后,他毅然拒绝了这个荣誉。 tianyablog

No government has officially repudiated climate goals; in Bali last year, all the nations of the world promised to pursue an emissions control treaty.
没有任何政府官方否认气候目标;去年在巴厘岛,全世界所有国家约定要达成一个排放控制协定。 yeeyan

Osama’s siblings repudiated his acts as early as1994, but they left a door open to reconciliation.
早在1994年,奥萨马的兄弟姐妹们就批判了他的行动,但是和解的大门仍敞开着。 yeeyan

Philip repudiated the charge of having committed the crime.
菲力浦否认犯罪的指控。 iciba

Predictably, de Montfort repudiated the Mise of Amiens immediately, and armed conflict broke out.
可想而知,孟福尔立即否定了亚眠协定,接着武装斗争爆发了。 yeeyan

President Obama has repudiated the idea of actively seeking to change the forms of government in other countries.
奥巴马总统斥责企图改变其他国家政府组织形式的举动。 yeeyan

She renounced her husband; The parents repudiated their son.
她与丈夫断绝了关系;这对父母与儿子断绝了关系。 hotdic

She repudiated her only daughter.

Since Allende had repudiated almost all foreign debts, our action had to be concerted with other creditor nations.
由于阿连德几乎拒绝偿付全部外债,我们的行动就必须同其它债权国协调一致。 bab

The Emperor supported the synod, but the Pope repudiated it.
皇帝支持以弗所宗教会议,但教皇却拒绝承认它。 blog.sina.com.cn




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