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词汇 repudiate
释义 re·pu·di·ate 英rɪˈpjuːdiːˌeɪt美rɪˈpjudiˌetAHDrĭ-py›“dē-āt' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA²¹¹¹³BNC²⁹⁴⁵⁹iWeb²¹⁸⁶⁶Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

cast off;

She renounced her husband

The parents repudiated their son

refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid;

The woman repudiated the divorce settlement

refuse to recognize or pay;

repudiate a debt

reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust;

She repudiated the accusations

来自拉丁语repudiare,拒绝,否认,离婚。来自repudium,离婚,断绝婚姻关系。来自re-,向后,离开,*pudium,击,打。来自原始印欧语*pu,击,打,词源同pave, compute。也有学者认为该词来自ped,脚,踢,词源同foot。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 pave来自古法语paver,铺路。来自拉丁语pavire,击打,踩,践踏。来自原始印欧语*pau,砍,击,引申词义思考,词源同pudenda, compute, putative。 computecom-,表强调,-put,计算,思考,词源同putative, dispute。 foot来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同biped, pedestal。用做测量单位英尺,因约略等于成人脚长而得名。repudiate draft拒付repudiate a debt拒付欠款
GRE红宝书re反, pudi = put放, ate-反过来放掉-抛弃
re反 + pudency 羞怯, 害羞→女人不害臊做了不道德的事,就休之;re + 音:扑蝶,古有为恋人化蝶,这反而扑打蝴蝶,这是要抛弃不要配偶的意思
re反+pudi=put 放+ate→放掉→抛弃
GRE难词记忆repudiate→re=away+pudi=to be ashamed感到耻辱+ate→感到耻辱并让人离开→脱离关系re=away+pudi=to be ashamed感到耻辱-ate…的→感到耻辱并让人离开⇒脱离关系词根记忆re反+pud+iate=反过来让对方羞耻=拒绝别人词根记忆re + pudi=put放+ ate → 放掉 ⇒抛弃近义词 deny否认rebut反驳scorn轻蔑reject拒绝disown否认retract缩回disavow否认discard丢弃exclude排除disdain轻蔑disclaim放弃rebuff断然拒绝spurn轻蔑地拒绝renounce声明放弃turn your back on掉转脸去不理睬拒绝帮助…

用作动词The new governmentrepudiatedthe treaty signed by the former government.新政府拒绝履行前任政府签订的条约。
Herepudiatedthe court's decision to offer bail.他不接受法庭的保释裁决。
He wouldrepudiateall debts incurred by his son.他拒绝偿还他儿子的一切债务。
Sherepudiatedher only daughter.她与她的独生女儿断绝了母女关系。
Theyrepudiatedall accusations of unlawful activity.他们否认所有对他们非法行为的指控。verb.(reject;turn one's back on
同义词 abandon,break with,disavow,dismiss,disown,forsake,recant,renounce,repeal,rescind,retract,reverse,revoke,spurnabjure,apostatize,banish,cast,decline,default,defect,demur,deny,desert,disapprove,discard,disclaim,dishonor,disinherit,dump,flush,nix,oust,rat,refuse,reprobate,tergiversate,turnbe against,cast off,cut off,disacknowledge,fly in the face of,tergiverse,turn down,wash one's hands of
反义词 accept,allow,approve,emphasize,enforce,keep,sanction,welcome,acknowledge,admit,agree,consent,go along,grant,hold,retain
abolishverb do away with or put an end to
abate,abrogate,annihilate,annul,call off,cancel,destroy,disestablish,dissolve,end,eradicate,erase,expunge,extinguish,extirpate,finish,inhibit,invalidate,kill,negate,nix,nullify,obliterate,overthrow,overturn,prohibit,put an end to,put kibosh on,put the kibosh on,quash,repeal,rescind,revoke,scrub,set aside,squelch,stamp out,subvert,supersede,suppress,terminate,undo,vacate,vitiate,void,wipe out,zap
believerb disprove
beliesverb disprove
belyingverb disprove
blackballverb expel from group
blacklistverb ban
banish,bar,blackball,boycott,debar,exclude,expel,hit list,ostracize,preclude,proscribe,put on hit list,reject,repudiate,snub,thumbs-down,vote against And that woman in the death throes refusing in tears to repudiate what she called her art gave evidence of a greatness that she never achieved behind the footlights.
那个女人在死亡的当口,包含着热泪,拒绝放弃她视之为艺术的东西,极力去证明一种她在舞台聚光灯后从未达到的伟大。 yeeyan

In other words, it mimicked aspects of the very command economy it was designed to repudiate.
换句话说,它是用一种非常计划经济的方式来否定计划经济体制。 ecocn

While American triumphalists promote it as a victory for the Reagan administration, Russian foreign-policy makers repudiate what they see as the unnecessary over- capitulation of the Gorbachev era.
相对于美国的必胜主义者宣扬这是里根政府的胜利,俄罗斯的外交决策者则不承认在他们看来是戈尔巴乔夫时期造成的不必要的投降。 ecocn

But he has yet to publicly repudiate the idea that Mormonism is a cult.
但他却没有公开表示过摩门教不是邪教。 yeeyan

Democrats preferred public spending because they wanted to widen government’s role and repudiate the Republicans’ instinct to cut taxes regardless of the circumstances.
民主党人更喜欢公共支出,因为他们想要扩大政府的角色并且无视实际拒绝接受共和党人的减税做法。 yeeyan

Freedom of information is so central to Google’s identity that it was right to declare it sacrosanct and repudiate its previous willingness to negotiate it away for commercial advantage.
信息自由化已融入了谷歌的血脉当中,因此谷歌最终选择捍卫信息自由化的神圣不可侵犯,彻底断了先前因商业利益而寻求通过协商解决的念头。 yeeyan

Harry Reid, the Democrats’ leader in the Senate, did not explicitly repudiate Mr Obama’s reference to the1967 borders, but made his displeasure plain.
民主党的参议院领袖 Harry Reid并没有明确批判奥巴马与1967国界事件的牵连,但是将他的不快暴露无遗。 ecocn

Henry then appealed to Pope Alexander IV for dispensation to repudiate both provisions.
后来,亨利向教皇亚历山大请求在法律上否定这两个条款。 yeeyan

I know it is not a practice, and I understand why you so emphatically repudiate any kind of practice, drill, system, discipline or routine.

If she wants to win another election she will have to decide whether or not quietly to repudiate many of her husband’s policies.
如果她想在下一次选举中取得胜利,那么她必须决定是否得暗中舍弃丈夫 Kirchners推行的很多政策。 ecocn

It is harder for customers to repudiate transactions when their fingerprints are all over them.
如果顾客非常信赖他们的指纹,他们很难拒付交易。 ecocn

Their' open, honest' discussion will probably end up being a four-year-long national harangue about slavery being the sole cause and how we need to repudiate our ' racist' attitudes.
他们所谓的‘开放,诚实’可能就是用来结束四年内战的全国性的牛皮,这个牛皮把奴隶制当在内战唯一原因,成为我们需要如何驳斥‘种族主义’的方式。 yeeyan

These gloomy projections raise the risk that governments will“find it more convenient to repudiate their debt or to inflate it away”, the IMF’s researchers note.

We believe that the spirit of these two works is not to repudiate and abandon all that has come before but rather to dig in deeply, questioningly, and with renewed vigor.
我们相信,从这两方面努力的精神就不会拒绝和放弃以往所有的成就,而是深入挖掘,不断质疑和不断更新。 yeeyan

We must firmly repudiate these wrong ideas and check their spread.
我们一定要彻底批判这些错误思想,绝对不能让它们流行。 jukuu

We repudiate the outrageous speech made by President Bush yesterday, which gave a green light to a new Israeli escalation of the conflict.
我们拒绝接受昨天布什总统发表的残暴无耻的演讲,布什的讲话为以色列新的冲突升级大开绿灯。 yeeyan

Were the Church now to repudiate that doctrine, it would undermine papal authority.
如果教会现在对其纲领进行否认,这就成了对教皇权威的蔑视。 yeeyan




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