

单词 republish
释义 re·pub·lish 英riːˈpʌblɪʃ美riˈpʌblɪʃAHDrē-pŭbʹlĭsh 高COCA⁵⁰¹⁰²BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb¹⁹⁰³⁶
publish again;

The scientist republished his results after he made some corrections

revive a cancelled will or a libelre-后-publish⇒vt.再版⁴⁹ I'm from a BBS environment forum. The articles here are really of high quality. I hope I can republish some of them in my own forum.
小子是一个 BBS环境版的,发现这里的文章档次比较高,希望能转载。 chinadialogue

If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
图书脱销后,图书出版者拒绝重印、再版的,著作权人有权终止合同。 hjenglish

The decision to republish it in the Vatican newspaper gives it added papal endorsement.
现在将其重印于梵蒂冈报纸的决定,显然是其观点得到了教宗的支持与认可。 yeeyan

And everyone should have the right to' mirror' articles; that is, to republish them verbatim with proper attribution.
而且每个人都要有权镜像文章,即附加合适的属性,一字不差地重新刊登。 phpfans

Consider the following: An administrator or process engineer can republish the static method on a regular basis for example, monthly, weekly, daily.
请考虑以下事项:管理员或流程工程师可以定期重新发布静态方法例如,每月、每周和每天。 ibm

During National Day period, do not republish reports from Southern Weekend, Southern Metropolis Daily, Beijing News, or Beijing Times. Do not publish positive or negative reports from these papers.
各网站于国庆期间,不得转载南方周末、南方都市报、新京报、京华时报的报道、文章。正面负面都不要转。 cdtweb.info

I republish it hereby merely for the purpose of historical research.
我贴在这里只是为了方便历史研究的回顾。 blawgdog.com

If you wish to switch the query mode for a package, you must republish the package with the desired setting.
如果您希望切换一个程序包的查询模式,必须使用要求的设置重新发布程序包。 ibm

In fact, it’s often a goal for companies that distribute their releases through a newswire service to get as many other sites to copy and republish the release as possible.
事实上,尽可能利用许多其它网站复制和再发布消息,从而得到新闻通讯服务,这也通常是各个公司的目标。 yeeyan

Many Western newspapers decided it would be irresponsible to republish the cartoonsThe Economist decided not to publish them, but defended the rights of newspapers to do so.
许多西方报纸都认为再版此漫画将是很不负责任的行为经济学家决定不出版这一系列漫画,但是认为各报纸有权发行。 ecocn

Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk.
根据原始资料而不是取自其他国家资料再发布的通告在其连续编号前有一个星形前缀。 shipping86.cn

Palin's uncomfortable relationship with the web continues; she has threatened to sue bloggers who republish rumours about the state of her marriage.
佩林和互联网的恩怨还不止于此,她曾威胁将起诉不断发布关于她的婚姻状况的谣言的博客博主。 yeeyan

Publish Wizard to republish the solution to the publish location.
“发布向导”将解决方案重新发布到发布位置。 microsoft

Simply delete the source project from your workspace, and then request the server to republish.
仅仅从工作区中删除源代码项目,然后请求服务器重新发布。 ibm

They republish videos from a bunch of other sites on this list.
这个清单包括他们从其他相似网站上获取的视频。 yeeyan

You may republish this article, but must keep the resource box and copyright at the end.
你可以转载这篇文章,但必须保持在资源和版权盒底。 iciba




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