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词汇 Republican Party
释义 Republican Party 英rɪ'pʌblɪkən 'pɑːti美rɪ'pʌblɪkən 'pɑːrti 

the younger of two major political parties in the United States; GOP is an acronym for grand old party近义词 GOP大老党美国共和党的别称…
He is a great force in theRepublican Party.他是共和党内的巨头。
I heard John was the republican's great white hope.我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。 Stephen Douglas united other Democrats and members of the anti- slavery Republican Party to fight against the bill in the Senate.
史蒂芬.道格拉斯联合其他民主党人和反对奴隶制的共和党人一起在参议院里就此法案进行斗争。 yeeyan

The Democrats’ biggest problem is not with white women but with white men—particularly with white working- class men—who have been drifting to the Republican Party for decades.
民主党最大的问题并不在白人女性身上,而是与数十年来漂移向共和党怀抱的白人男性,尤其是身为工人阶级的白人男性相关。 ecocn

The Democrats' biggest problem is not with white women but with white men—particularly with white working- class men—who have been drifting to the Republican Party for decades.
民主党最大的问题并不在白人女性身上,而是与数十年来不断漂移向共和党怀抱的白人男性,尤其是身为工人阶级的白人男性相关。 yeeyan

The once- mighty Republican Party is a shadow of its former self, divided not only about who should lead it but also about where it should go.
曾经强大一时的共和党依然被过去的阴影笼罩,分歧严重,他们争论不仅仅是谁将成为领袖,还有未来的道路何去何从。 ecocn

The Republican Party finds it hard to get the answer right because it has just undergone a revolution of its own.
共和党会发现要找到正确的答案不是那么容易,因为它自己才刚刚经历了一场革命。 ecocn

Abraham Lincoln was the first presidential candidate of the modern Republican Party. He included political opponents in his cabinet, which is unusual.
亚伯拉罕.林肯是现代共和党的第一位总统候选人,他的内阁吸收了反对党人,这是很不寻常的。 yeeyan

And, frankly, this is an argument that I have with my friends in the Republican Party sometimes.
坦率地讲,我和我的共和党朋友们对这个问题时有争议。 yeeyan

And I was thinking, well if you ask me, honestly, all the fun went out of the Republican Party when Arlen Specter left.
那会我就在想,要是你问我的话,咱们说老实话,在阿伦·斯派克特离开共和党那会他们才好玩哪。 hjenglish

At the meeting in Houston, McCain thanked the former president for his support and spoke of the need to bring the Republican Party together.
在休斯敦的会议中,麦克恩对前总统支持其竞选表示感谢,并且谈到有必要将共和党团结起来。 hjenglish

But even before this month's controversy, the exodus of Muslim Americans from the Republican Party was nearly complete.
但是,甚至在本月的争论发生之前,美国穆斯林就已经几乎完全抛弃了共和党。 oobang

But many of those positions are uncomfortably new: he has softened his opposition to health-care reform since defecting from the Republican Party, and stiffened his opposition to offshore drilling.
但这些立场有许多是新的,这令人不快:从共和党变节之后,他对医疗改革的反对软化了,而他对海上钻井的反对变得更为强烈。 ecocn

Chester Arthur's efforts for honest government and lower taxes won him much support among the people. But he could not win the support of his Republican Party.
切斯特.亚瑟在廉洁政府和降低关税方面所做的努力,使他赢得了广大民众的支持,但他却没有获得共和党的支持。 yeeyan

Even questions like tax cuts and stricter asylum rules do not quite hit the value chords that the Republican Party in the US has managed to touch.
就算是减税政策或严格的政治避难法规这类美国共和党业已入手的问题,也不曾特别触动(大众的价值观神经。 yeeyan

If the Republican Party continues to think that the problem lies with the rats, rather than the seaworthiness of the ship, then the Obamacons are here to stay.
如果共和党还是将问题归咎于“这些叛逆者”身上,而不去反思这艘“船”的耐航性,那么奥巴马保守派将成为既定的事实。 ecocn

In the2002 mid-term elections the Republican Party increased its majority in the House and captured the Senate.
在2002年的期中选举中,共和党占据了众议院绝大部分的席位,并控制了参议院。 ecocn

It is ideologically conservative and traditionalist— whereas Lincoln's Republican Party was the progressive party of its day.
它意识保守,尽是些传统主义者-----然而林肯的共和党却是他那个时代的进步之党。 yeeyan

No, in the universe of the Republican Party we found ourselves in a crisis because Representative Barney Frank forced helpless bankers to lend money to the undeserving poor.
根本不是,在共和党的世界里,我们处于危机之中,仅仅巴尼·弗兰克众议员强迫无助的银行家向那些不值得借钱的穷人借了钱。 yeeyan

President Jackson was, once again, the candidate of the Democratic Party. Henry Clay was the candidate of the National Republican Party.
杰克逊总统仍然是民主党的总统候选人,而亨利.克莱则是国家共和党的总统候选人。 yeeyan

She demonstrates that gender is no longer a barrier to success in one of the most conservative corners of the land, the Alaska Republican Party.
她向世人展示了在这块土地上最保守的角落里阿拉斯加的共和党,性别再也不是通向成功的障碍。 ecocn

The announcement during a rally in Ohio was aimed at grabbing the attention away from Democrats and building momentum for the Republican Party convention, which opens next week.
他在俄亥俄州的一个集会上宣布了这一决定,目的是把人们的注意力从民主党身上拉开,为下周开始的共和党全国代表大会造势。 ebigear

The Republican Party had long sought to repeal America’s inheritance tax, levied at a top rate of 55%.
长期以来共和党一直试图取消美国的遗产税,这项税收的税率最高可达55%。 ecocn

The Republican Party will run Johnson for President.

There is no evidence the suspected shooter was influenced by anti- Giffords rhetoric or in any way affiliated with the Republican Party or any other political group.
还没有证据显示这名枪手嫌疑人曾受到反吉福兹言论的影响,或者以任何方式与共和党或任何其它政治集团为伍。 voanews

This is pushing Latinos away from the Republican Party, which they view as hostile to immigrants, and toward the Democrats by default.
这使得拉美裔人远离共和党,自然而然地倾向民主党,他们认为共和党对移民持敌视态度。 ecocn




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