

单词 reprisal
释义 re·pri·sal 英rɪˈpraɪzəl美rɪˈpraɪzəlAHDrĭ-prīʹzəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GMS宝八COCA²³⁸³⁷BNC³⁶²⁰⁶iWeb²¹⁰¹⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺


(an act of punishing others for harm done to oneself

a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartimere-,向后,往回,-pris,抓住,缩写自 prehens,词源同 prehensile,prison.即抓回,后引申词义报 复,特指国家间收回领土,财物等的军事行动。economic reprisal经济报复
GRE红宝书re反, prise = price代价, al-返回代价-报复
同源于re 回 + prize 捕获,战利品,奖品→抓了回去;re反,回 + prison 监狱,关回监狱做为报复;re + price 付回的价钱,代价就是报复;
re回+prise=price 代价-al…的→还给对方代价→报复
GRE难词记忆reprisal→re=back+pris=price 代价-al…的→找回代价→报复词根记忆re回+ pris=price代价+ al → 还给对方代价 ⇒报复词根记忆re反+prise-al…的=反过来抓住别人=报复近义词 revenge报仇payback偿还payment支付vengeance报复punishment惩罚retaliation报复compensation补偿
用作名词n.They took bloody reprisals against the leaders.他们对领导进行了血腥的报复。
用作名词They madereprisalfor what they suffered.他们为自己所受的苦难进行报复。
In those days, objections would only invitereprisals.在那时候,提出反对意见只会引起报复。
Civilian targets were bombed inreprisal.轰炸了民用目标作为报复.
The assassination was inreprisalfor invasion.刺杀行动是为了报复敌人入侵。noun.revenge
同义词 retaliation,retribution,vengeancecounterblow,requitalavengement,avenging,counterstroke,eye for an eye,paying back
反义词 forgiveness,pardonkindness,sympathy
amendsnoun compensation
compensationnoun repayment;rectification
counteractionnoun retaliation
an eye for an eye,balance,counterattack,counterbalance,counterblow,countermove,counteroffensive,counterpoise,counterstrike,neutralization,offset,reciprocation,reprisal,retribution,revenge,vengeance
counterattacknoun retaliation
an eye for an eye,counteraction,counterblow,countermove,counteroffensive,counterstrike,neutralization,reciprocation,reprisal,retribution,revenge,vengeance
counterblownoun retaliation
an eye for an eye,counteraction,counterattack,countermove,counteroffensive,counterstrike,reciprocation,reprisal,retribution,revenge,vengeance
duenoun merited reward
be in line for,claim,comeuppance,compensation,deserts,entitlement,guerdon,interest,merits,need,payment,perquisite,prerogative,privilege,rate,recompense,repayment,reprisal,retaliation,retribution,revenge,right,rights,satisfaction,title,vengeance,what is coming to one If one gang member shoots another, for example, the likelihood of reprisal goes up.
比如说,一个帮派罪犯射击另一个帮派成员,那么报复行为就会接着出现。 yeeyan

It is a depressingly familiar scenario, a cycle of provocation and reprisal that periodically escalates into full-blown war.
局势一直不容乐观,而一轮又一轮的挑衅和报复行动将局部冲突升级为全面战争。 yeeyan

The assassination was in reprisal for invasion.
刺杀行动是为了报复敌人入侵。 iciba

The journalists spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing government reprisal.
记者以匿名的方式发表言论,因为害怕政府的报复。 yeeyan

This immediately put her on the defensive, and with one of those sudden impulses of reprisal to which she was liable she gave him a little push from her.
苔丝立即醒了,防范起来,她出于一种突然出现的报复冲动,没有细想就轻轻地把他一推。 hjenglish

Although the country's leftists objected, few risked reprisal by speaking out. But Obama Sr. boldly published a counterproposal.
除了肯尼亚左派人士的反对,鲜有人冒险抗议,老奥巴马却大胆地发表了反对意见。 yeeyan

At least19 people were killed in a reprisal attack on a village in Nigeria’s north-western state of Zamfara.
尼日利亚西北部的扎姆法拉州的一个小村庄爆发了一次报复行动,造成至少19人死亡。 ecocn

But it was unclear if her murder was a reprisal for the pope's remarks.
但还不清楚凶手是否是出于对教皇言论的报复。 ecocn

By attacking the American mainland and inviting reprisal, al-Qaeda——which means “the base” in Arabic——lost the best base it had ever had: Taliban- ruled Afghanistan.
袭击美国本土而招致报复,阿尔盖达阿拉伯语,意为“基地<组织>”失去了它拥有的最佳基地,即塔利班治下的阿富汗。 yeeyan

By attacking the American mainland and inviting reprisal, al-Qaeda — which means “the base” in Arabic — lost the best base it had ever had: Taliban- ruled Afghanistan.
对美国本土的袭击和所招引的报复,使得阿卡伊达— 在阿拉伯语中意为“基地”的这一基地组织— 丧失了它曾经拥有最好的基地:塔利班统治的阿富汗。 yeeyan

Individuals can express their opinions, orally and in writing, without fear of reprisal or punishment.
个人有表达语言和文字意见的权利而免于遭受报复与惩罚的恐惧。 iciba

Meanwhile, China said it would ban imports of soya oil from Argentina, seemingly in reprisal for anti-dumping measures against textile and other exports to Argentina.
与此同时,中国将禁止从阿根廷进口豆油。表面上看来是对出口阿根廷的纺织品的和其他商品的反倾销措施的报复。 iciba

Rabobank’s predictions add to forecasts that food costs may surge next year, potentially raising inflation and paving the way for a reprisal of the bull market in 2008, when prices surged to records.
拉博银行预测,明年食品价格将可能大幅度上涨,当涨到一定程度时,将加大通货膨胀度,这是对08年牛市的报复。 yeeyan

Shortly after September11th2001 Mr Khan’s six-year-old son is lynched in a racist reprisal.
可罕住在加州,在2001年9-11事发之后不久,他的6岁之子便遭到了种族歧视者的报复。 ecocn

So isn't it necessary to let the media give people all the facts they find without fear of interference or reprisal?
那么,是不是有必要让媒体告诉人们它们发现的全部事实,而不感到害怕,不被干涉和报复? yeeyan

Sonia wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. She is a slender young brunette studying at art college in Paris.
索尼娅是个体态纤长的黑发女孩,目前就读于巴黎美术学院,因为害怕报复,索尼娅不愿意透露自己的真实姓名。 yeeyan

The council has shown itself anxious to avoid reprisal killings.
委员会对避免报复性杀害也表现出担忧。 ecocn

The alacrity with which the Pakistani army rushed to embrace the threat of an Indian military reprisal was remarkable.
巴基斯坦军方在急于接受印度军事报复威胁中所表现出来的敏捷非同寻常。 ecocn

We should be able to present religious opinions openly, without fear of censure or reprisal.
我们应该能够公开表达信仰上的观点,而无需害怕责难或者报复。 iciba




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