

单词 representative sample
释义 representative sample短语⁵¹⁶¹³

the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum近义词 stratified sample分层取样proportional sample比例抽样器
In a fascinating new study*, Angus Deaton, an economist at Princeton, draws upon more than a million data points collected during daily telephone surveys of a representative sample of adult Americans.
普林斯顿大学的经济学家安格斯•迪顿在其别出心裁的研究中,运用了超过一百万份数据;而这些数据由对一批有代表性的美国成年人进行每日电话调查而来。 ecocn

In the United States, a similar number of students from across the country were selected as a representative sample for the test.
在全美国也挑选了同样数目的学生作为代表参加考试。 yeeyan

Or you may choose to do a more expensive and reliable test on a representative sample of consumers.
或者您也可以选择做一个代价高的可靠的测试了在有代表性的消费者中。 yeeyan

Retail Actives used a representative sample of2000 people, to find nearly three quarters of the responders said they believed their food waste had little or no consequence for the environment.
“零售活动”所采集的样本人数为2000人,其中有四分之三的被调查者说他们相信他们所浪费的食物对环境影响很少或没有直接影响。 yeeyan

Scientists measured blood levels of the vitamin in a representative sample of1,766 people over65 and assessed their mental functioning with a widely used questionnaire.
科学家通过广泛使用的调查问卷方式,测量了具有代表性的年龄超过65岁的1766个人血液中的维生素D的含量。 yeeyan

The researchers said their study was the first to examine the relationship between ED drugs and STD risk in a large, representative sample of privately insured older men.
研究者说这是首次对私人医疗保险中的具有代表性的中老年人进行 ED药物与性病风险之间大型调查。 yeeyan

The data were based on telephone interviews with a nationally representative sample.
这一结果基于全国统一样本的电话调查。 yeeyan

The list of annotations is not complete, but it is a representative sample of the most common annotations that would likely be used in a typical deployment.
此注释列表并不完整,但却代表了可能在典型部署中使用的最常见注释。 ibm




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