

单词 reprehensible
释义 rep·re·hen·si·ble 英ˌreprɪˈhensəbəl美ˌrɛprɪˈhɛnsəbəlAHDrĕp'rĭ-hĕnʹsə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA²⁹¹¹³BNC³⁵²⁵⁴iWeb²⁴⁶⁵⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure;

a criminal waste of talent

a deplorable act of violence

adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife

re-,向后,往回,-prehens,抓住,词源同 comprehend,prehensile.即抓回,引申词义应受指责的 等。GRE红宝书re反复, pre, hens = hand, ible: 反复用手拽住他, 因为他应受谴责的
来自reprehend, re反,回 + prehend 抓,
reprehensreprehend+ible能…的→能够受到更多谴责的⇒reprehensible adj.应受谴责的GRE难词记忆reprehensible → reprehens=reprehend 斥责+ible→应受斥责的词根记忆re+prehens+ible近义词 bad坏的black黑的wrong错误的criminal罪犯vicious恶毒的disgraceful可耻的deplorable应受谴责的shameful可耻或丢脸的…inexcusable不可宽恕的condemnable该受责备的unacceptable不能接受的

用作形容词It wasreprehensibleof him to be so disloyal.他如此不忠,应受谴责。
His conduct was thoroughlyreprehensible.他的行为完全应该受到谴责。adj.very bad;shameful
同义词 culpable,disgraceful,objectionable,sinfulamiss,blamable,blameworthy,censurable,condemnable,delinquent,demeritorious,discreditable,errant,erring,guilty,ignoble,opprobrious,remiss,unholy,unworthy,wicked
反义词 creditable,good,kind,respectable
abominableadjective awful, detestable
condemnableadjective deplorable
culpableadjective responsible for action
amiss,answerable,at fault,blamable,blameful,blameworthy,caught,caught in the act,caught red-handed,censurable,demeritorious,dirty,found wanting,guilty,hung up,impeachable,in the wrong,indictable,liable,off base,out of line,punishable,reprehensible,responsible,sinful,smoking gun,to blame,unholy,wrong
delinquentadjective irresponsible, defaulting
deplorableadjective unfortunate, shameful
despicableadjective hateful;beyond contempt
abject,awful,base,beastly,cheap,contemptible,degrading,detestable,dirty,disgraceful,disreputable,down,ignominious,infamous,insignificant,loathsome,low,low-life,mean,no-good,pitiful,reprehensible,shameful,slimy,sordid,vile,worthless,wretched A reprehensible order to kill the Holy Children of Asrat did not sit well with the assassin, and he left Imperial service.
刺杀阿斯拉特圣童的罪恶指令让这名杀手坐立不安,他因此离开了帝国阵营。 starwarschina

An activity that was once regarded as peripheral, perhaps even reprehensible, has become cool, celebrated by politicians and embraced by the rising generation.
过去被视为边缘化的甚至是应受谴责的行为已经变得很酷,并为政治家称赞,为年轻一代所喜爱。 ecocn

He had whipped his conscience over what he considered his reprehensible behavior, because he had played her for a fool.
鞭挞着他的良心,谴责他自己的行为,因为他把她当作蠢货而玩弄。 blog.sina.com.cn

It may all sound reprehensible, but I am afraid it’s called politics.
一切听上去应受谴责,但恐怕这就是政治。 yeeyan

It may be calamitous on the bank balance, but is it so morally reprehensible?
对银行存款余额来说可能是不幸的,但是从精神上它是不是应该受到这样的谴责呢? yeeyan

The national stereotyping is equally reprehensible.
国籍问题同样是无稽之谈。 ecocn

By contrast, in France, where she lives, people find it reprehensible that Americans actually discuss the point when dating turns monogamous; until then they casually juggle several suitors at once.
形成对比的是,在她居住的法国,当幽会变成一夫一妻的婚姻时人们认为通奸行为应该受到指责实际上美国人也在讨论这一点;在那以前,他们可以随便的同时和几个求爱者交往。 ecocn

George Runner, a Republican state senator, calls legalisation a“ reprehensible” idea.
一位共和党议员乔治朗那认为将大麻合法化这一思想应当受到谴责。 yeeyan

He has a point: reprehensible though it is, patronage politics is routine in Colombia and much of the democratic world.
他指出:即便如此,但需要谴责的是,政治庇护在哥伦比亚已是常规,在很多民主国家也是如此。 ecocn

He said McCain was using the kind of dirty tricks that Ronald Reagan would have found reprehensible.
他说,麦凯恩动用了里根会感到厌恶的肮脏把戏。 voanews

I may fail to bring you to justice, and your fame may protect you from consequences for your reprehensible actions.
我可能无法将你绳之以法,你的名声可能保护你免受你应受谴责的行为的后果。 blog.sina.com.cn

I thought that is really reprehensible.

Originally, it laid down some reasonable factors for lower courts to consider, including how reprehensible they considered the defendant's conduct.
起初,联邦最高法院为下级法院确立了一些合理的因素让其权衡,包括让他们去权衡被告行为的可谴责性。 blog.sina.com.cn

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, political and religious leaders appealed for calm and restraint and urged people not to be provoked by the“ most reprehensible act of terror.”
巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里以及该国政治、宗教界领袖都呼吁各界保持冷静和克制,不要被这一“最应遭谴责的恐怖行动”激怒。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Poor judgment is reprehensible, but not illegal.
判断力低下是要受到谴责,不过构不成违法。 ecocn

Some state law instructs jurors to punish“ reprehensible” conduct.
一些州的法律要求陪审员惩罚那些“应受谴责”的行为。 r15.lexisnexis.com.cn

Terrorism could be commendable or reprehensible, he smoothly agreed, but this was“ blessed terror”, in defence of Islam.
若说恐怖主义可褒可贬,他是欣然同意的。但是他认为他所从事的是“神圣的恐怖主义”,旨在捍卫伊斯兰。 ecocn

Whether such deeds were reprehensible, or even whether they happened, was always decided according to political predilection.
政治上的偏好决定了这些行为是否可憎,甚至于是否发生过。 yeeyan




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