

单词 repossessed
释义 re·pos·sessed 英riːpə'zest美riːpə'zest 高COCA⁶⁰¹¹⁹BNC³⁶⁵³²
动词 repossess:
claim backregain possession of something
I've been authorized by the court torepossessthis property.我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。
The hire purchase companyrepossessedmy car because I fell astern with the payments.这家分期付款购买公司取回了我的汽车,因为我没能及时付款。 In “The Grapes of Wrath”, when Tom Joad’s farm in Oklahoma was repossessed he packed up his family in a sputtering truck and set off for California.
《怒火之花》中,俄克拉荷马的农场被收回后,汤姆.乔德就携上家人,坐上颠簸的卡车,动身前往加利福尼亚。 ecocn

In Britain, in contrast, the Council of Mortgage Lenders CML thinks that fewer than50,000 homes were repossessed last year.
相比较,英国抵押行协会 CML认为,英国去年收回不到5万套房产。 ecocn

More than four million homes have been repossessed in the past three years.
在过去的三年里,有400多万个家庭的房屋被收回。 yeeyan

The official overhang of existing homes which excludes those repossessed is not much lower.
官方对现有的房屋的限量不包括易主房屋并没有降低太多。 ecocn

A repossessed property will eventually be sold, albeit at a discount.
被收回的房产尽管在价格上会打折扣,最终还是会被出售。 ecocn

Almost half of these were“ distressed” sales— ie, by borrowers with overdue loan payments, or of homes repossessed by lenders.
近乎一半的此类交易都是所谓的“挥泪大甩卖”——比如贷款已逾期的或者被借款者收回的。 yeeyan

America's houses are being repossessed at a record rate. What comes next?
美国的房屋收回率正在刷新记录,然后呢? ecocn

Bankruptcy involves a change of management, whereby the citizen loses his home to foreclosure, his car repossessed, and thus given to another to manage.
破产涉及改变经营,使得公民失去房屋的抵押品赎回权,汽车被收回,并给别人管理。 blog.sina.com.cn

But their asset books are clogged with bad debts and repossessed property.
但他们的资产帐面满是坏账和待收财款。 ecocn

He repossessed himself of his farm.

Her vehicle is now on the verge of being repossessed.
她的车处在被回收的边缘。 yeeyan

His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment.
因为拖欠按月应付的分期付款,他的汽车被收回了。 iciba

Hundreds of thousands of repossessed homes, many of them from borrowers who are black and poor, would be politically incendiary.
数以十万计的回收房屋里,其中许多贷款买房者都是贫穷的黑人,会具有政治上的煽动作用。 ecocn

I had two cars repossessed, and I was writing bad checks, but I gave myself a timeline.
我以前的两辆车都是二手的,也曾经签过空头支票,但是我会给自己一个最后期限。 hjenglish

It could have been worse: Spanish banks have repossessed huge amounts of land that had not yet been built on, and residential- mortgage standards are rather conservative.
情况本来可能更坏,好在西班牙银行业已经收回了大量尚未动工建房的土地,且还过住宅按揭的标准也颇为保守。 renren

One in six properties has been repossessed.
六分之一的地产被银行收回。 hjenglish

Saying that the Soviet Union“ repossessed” the Baltic states in the secret Hitler- Stalin pact in1939 would strike most people there as a glaring misreading of history.
况且,说1939年苏联在秘密的希特勒-斯大林协定中“重新收回”波罗的海国家,大多数人都会认为是对历史的明显误解。 ecocn

The president announced the plan Wednesday in Arizona, a state with many houses repossessed by lenders.
奥巴马总统周三在亚利桑那州宣布了该计划,在该州,有很多被出借方收回了房屋。 hjenglish

Thousands face homelessness as they see their homes being repossessed.
成千上万的人眼睁睁的看着自己的家被重新征用而致无家可归。 yeeyan

Three of his houses have been repossessed; others could share that fate.
他的三所房子已被收回;其他的可能也会落得同样下场。 ecocn

Yet the reasoning behind the current bankruptcy provisions is logical enough: education is an asset that cannot be repossessed and that keeps on benefiting the individual through his or her lifetime.
不过现行破产法的依据依然是充分合理的:教育是不可回收的资产,而是让人一生从中受益。 ecocn




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