

单词 repositioned
释义 repositioned 英rɪpɒ'zɪtaɪənd美rɪpɒ'zɪtaɪənd COCA⁶⁴⁷⁹²BNC⁷⁵²⁵⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
reposition 的过去式原型reposition的过去式和过去分词
动词 reposition:
change place or directionplace into another positionas in.rearrange
同义词 readjust,reconstruct,reorganize,reshuffle,revamp,reworkchange,order,redistribute,replace,reset,shift,switch
反义词 remainas in.shift
同义词 alter,change,deviate,drift,move,relocate,remove,ship,shuffle,transfer,turn,vary,veerabout-face,budge,cook,dislocate,displace,disturb,exchange,fault,flip-flop,rearrange,replace,slip,stir,substitute,swerve,tack,transmogrify,transpose,vacillate,waffle,yo-yoblow hot and cold,bottom out,change gears,dial back,do up,hem and haw,move around,move over,recalibrate,swap places,switch over,turn around,turn the corner,turn the tables
反义词 continue,fix,hold,keep,remain,stay,calm,leave alone,orderdeactivate,stagnate
rearrangeverb do over
shiftverb switch, fluctuate
about-face,alter,blow hot and cold,bottom out,budge,change,change gears,cook,deviate,dial back,dislocate,displace,disturb,do up,drift,exchange,fault,flip-flop,hem and haw,move,move around,move over,rearrange,recalibrate,relocate,remove,replace,reposition,ship,shuffle,slip,stir,substitute,swap places,swerve,switch over,tack,transfer,transmogrify,transpose,turn,turn around,turn the corner,turn the tables,vacillate,vary,veer,waffle,yo-yo The second operation repositioned the rectum in the center of the muscle complex.
术中将直肠重新固定在横纹肌复合体之中心。 cnki

The keys are reshaped and repositioned for improved targeting, and new keys have been added, such as a Tab key, to provide richer and more efficient text input.
为改善点触目标,按键都改善了形状和位置。 并添加了诸如 Tab等按键,以提供更细腻、高效的输入感受。 yeeyan

The objects are repositioned to fit into the new coordinate system.
对象会被重新放置,以适合这个新的坐标系统。 ibm

This new structure reshaped the existing chilled business operation and repositioned it into a marketing based corporation.
以原有之独占冷藏优势基础,企图建构出未来冷藏事业致力于行销导向经营之全新风貌。 tdict

As an imaging tool, the acoustic lens beats ultrasound imaging because the sound pulses can be focused much more tightly and can be easily repositioned.
作为一个成像工具,声透镜冲击了超声波的显像,因为声脉冲可以更加紧密地聚焦,可以很容易地重新定位。 yeeyan

He starts with his current product offerings. Can they be repositioned?
他从现在提供的产品开始考虑,这些产品能调换位置吗? yeeyan

If the docking container is resized, any docked controls within the container will be repositioned flush to the same edge to which they were originally docked.
如果停驻容器可以调整大小,容器内的任何停驻控制项会再次对齐到原始停驻的相同边缘。 microsoft

In2009, the brand repositioned itself as “ fun” and launched a cartoon character to bring happiness to consumers.
在2009年,品牌重新定位于“有趣”,并推出了曲奇人的卡通形象,能够消费者带来快乐。 tencentmind

Of these,377 elected to have their vessels repositioned and continued their journey.
其中377人选择为船只补给后继续航程。 hotdic

Parts may be repositioned up to4 hours after application.
它可满足零件4小时后的重新装配。 biz72

SM, which previously retailed at Sh100 has now been repositioned to retail at Sh90.
以前零售价为每包100先令的 SM,现在重新定位,零售价为每包90先令。 foodqs

The default navigator that comes with a composite application cannot be resized or repositioned.
复合应用程序默认的导航器不能调整大小和位置。 ibm

The icons on the screen have been repositioned to present a more logical flow of operation.
屏幕上的图标已重新定位,以显示更有逻辑性的操作流。 ibm

Tracking twice as many targets as the radar it replaces, the AESA features active electronic beam steering, which allows the radar beam to be repositioned nearly instantaneously.
AESA雷达可以跟踪所替代雷达跟踪数量两倍的目标,可对有源电子波束进行控制,其波束近乎瞬间即可重新配置。 www.etiri.com.cn

Yet in current era, Fair Trade market and movement are being repositioned within the context of new global architecture.
然而,在当今时代,公平贸易市场和运动在新的全球架构中正在被重新定位。 blog.sina.com.cn

You will see several changes relating to having repositioned the task.
您将看到几个与重新定位该任务相关的更改。 ibm

Repositioned cable- entry points on the desk provide improved cable management with added routing options.
桌面上的复位电缆切入点通过附加的路由选择改善了线缆的管理。 www.21csp.com.cn




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