

单词 replaceable
释义 re·place·able 美rɪ'plesəbl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴²³⁰³BNC⁴⁴⁶⁶⁹iWeb¹⁵⁵⁸⁸

capable of being replacedreplaceable sleeve可换套筒replaceable unit可替换的装置…replaceable hydrogen可置换氢replaceable bit可替换刀头replaceable type bearing可更换轴承,置换式轴…replaceable shin可换犁胫刃板,可换犁…replaceable ion可置换离子replaceable shin plate可换式犁胫板…replaceable base置换性盐基field replaceable unit现场可换单元…
蒋争熟词记忆replace替换-able可…的⇒可放回原处的;可替换的replace替换-able可…的⇒可放回原处的;可替换的词根记忆replace+able近义词 exchangeable可交换的反义词 irreplaceable不可替代的

Areplaceableprinted circuit board.一种可替换的印制电路板。
A person, unlike a machine, is notreplaceable.人和机器不同,是不可替代的。as in.exchangeable
同义词 convertiblecommutable,complementary,correlative,equivalent,fungible,mutual,reciprocal,returnable,substitutable,substitutive,transmutableas in.expendable
同义词 disposable,superfluous,unimportantdispensable,excess,inessential,nonessential
exchangeableadjective interchangeable
expendableadjective not important
dispensable,disposable,excess,inessential,nonessential,replaceable,superfluous,unimportant A component is a replaceable piece of software that fulfills a clear function.
组件是一个具有清晰功能的可替换的软件模块。 ibm

Members of one group, which he labels “ dominionists,” see pets as an appendage to the family, a useful helper ranking below humans that is beloved but, ultimately, replaceable.
这类人把宠物视为家庭的附属物,是个得力的助手,居于人下。宠物虽受人喜爱,但毕竟是可替代的。 yeeyan

The suction plate shall contain a replaceable400 Series stainless steel wear ring to match the impeller wear ring.
负压力板应该包含一个能够与叶轮抗磨环匹配的可替换400系列不锈钢抗磨环。 h6688

The Brilliant Idea: A replaceable building- wide system to help hospitals apartment buildings and office towers survive severe seismic shaking.
犀利的想法:一个可替换的、能覆盖整座大楼的系统可以用来帮助医院、公寓和办公大楼在严重的地震摇晃中生存下来哦。 yeeyan

The MLS is a single Line Replaceable Unit LRU with embedded Link-11 Crypto, Data Terminal Set DTS, and processor card.
MLS是一个单链路可替代设备 LRU,内嵌11号链路加密、数据终端设备 DTS以及处理器卡。 www.etiri.com.cn

There are no implicit dependencies of the service on other services and all dependent ones are either replaceable or self- contained.
服务之间没有隐式的依赖关系,所有的依赖关系都是可替换的或自包含的。 ibm

Where metal fastenings are inspectable and replaceable, they may be used with protective coatings in exposed situations. Otherwise, they should be of corrosion resistant material.
金属固定件是可检验和可替换的,且在露天的情形下必须使用保护层,否则他们必须是防腐材料。 gatefanyi.com

“ The modular steel furniture has cushions covered with a new generation of vinyl that is sanitary, breathable, and replaceable, ” she said.
“组合式钢家具表面附有新一代乙烯减震垫,干净、透气、易更换”,她介绍说。 yeeyan

Accident- repair costs are low, thanks to easily replaceable carbon body panels.
因为很容易替换的碳车身壁板,该车的故障修理成本低廉。 ecocn

Any string that appears between percent sign% characters in the ICF is a replaceable parameter.
在 ICF中,出现在百分比符号%字符之间的任何字符串都是可替换的参数。 kuenglish

Each scene is fully replaceable, meaning that it's possible to replace it, alter it, or even remove it without compromising the whole picture if that's what the director wants.
每一个场景都是可替换的,意味着可以替换、修改,甚至删除这个场景而不影响到整个电影如果导演需要的话。 ibm

Every single thing is replaceable or memorable in that I can always just think back with fond thoughts and not need the tangible item to be happy.
对我来讲可以通过头脑来回忆每个可以被替换或者是充满回忆的独立的事物,我不需要通过具体的事物来获得这种快乐。 yeeyan

GOLDMAN SACHS preaches a team approach to business that plays down individual personalities and insists everyone is replaceable.
高盛向来鼓吹抹平个性的团队管理,并认为团队中的任何人都是可以被替代的。 ecocn

I want a replaceable battery.
我想要一个可替换的电池。 yeeyan

It can begin to render a page even before images are downloaded, provided that it knows the dimensions to wrap non- replaceable elements around.
提供了图片尺寸,浏览器知道去环绕附近的不可替换元素,甚至可以在图片下载之前开始渲染页面。 cnblogs

It is limited to only processed protein and carbohydrates, which are easily replaceable with a well- balanced, healthy diet.
实际上,这份食谱只是处理饮食中蛋白质和碳水化合物的关系,而这两种物质可以由平衡健康的饮食来取代。 yeeyan

It is replaceable with relative ease and could be forgone with no huge structural shifts in the way the world works.
人们可以相对轻松地用其他能源取而代之,而放弃核能又不会对世界的运行模式带来巨大的结构性变化。 hxen

It featured a built-in CD- ROM drive, a user replaceable battery, a large IR port, and a built-in stylus.
它的特点包括内置 CD- ROM驱动器,用户可自行置换的电池,红外口,以及内置输入笔。 yeeyan

Loose coupling ensures that a call is replaceable.
松耦合保证了一个调用是可替换的。 ibm

Making phones without replaceable batteries is simply a scummy marketing move and I don’t like it.
制造不可更换电池的手机很明显是一种低级的市场行为,我不喜欢这样。 yeeyan

Oh, and it has a replaceable battery.
哦,它还提供一个可更换电池。 yeeyan

Qin insisted that all arrows be made to the same length with identical, replaceable tips.
秦始皇下令让所有的箭都按照同样的长度制造,并且上面用相同、可替换的箭头。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Reducing assumptions is as easy as removing platform- specific constraints and making them replaceable, such as through property files.
要减少这种想当然的想法并不难,只要删除特定于平台的约束并将它们变成可替换的,例如通过属性文件进行设置。 ibm

This is why the old adage that everyone is replaceable may need some re- thinking.
由此看来,“每个人都是可以被替代的”这句话应该值得反思一下了。 yeeyan

When the browser lays out the page, it needs to be able to flow around replaceable elements such as images.
当浏览器勾画页面时,它需要能够流动的,如图片这样的可替换的元素。 cnblogs




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