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词汇 reparations
释义 reparations 英repə'reɪʃnz美repə'reɪʃnz COCA²²³⁰⁴BNC²⁷¹⁴⁵Economist¹²²⁷³
名词 reparation:
compensation given or received for an insult or injuryusually plural compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victorsthe act of putting something in working order againsomething done or paid in expiation of a wrongreparation-s复数⇒n.赔款
用作名词Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.赔款暂时中止了。
Peace talks have broken down over the question ofreparations.和谈因战后赔款问题而中止。as in.expenses
同义词 costs,damages,outlay,overheadcost of living,per diem
expensesnoun expense
cost of livings,costs,damages,outlays,overheads,per diems A similar problem was debated80 years ago over Germany's first world war reparations.
80年前,围绕德国一战赔款,人们也讨论过类似的问题。 bloglegal

As the former colonial power, Italy last year paid reparations to Libya for its past misdeeds.
去年,意大利为其在以前殖民统治时期犯下的罪行对利比亚支付了赔款。 ecocn

It’s worth noting that less than a decade after the fall of the Nazis, the lingering legacy of the World War I reparations was settled quickly and with a minimum of fuss.
纳粹下台后的十年一文不值,德国马上坦然支付了一战的延迟赔款。 yeeyan

One can make a decent case that financial payments at this point are less foreign aid and more reparations for an injurious policy that the United States and its allies carried out.
在这一点上我们能得出一个说得过去的结论那就是,财政补助不是国际援助更多的是对于美国和它的同盟国实行的不公正政策的赔款。 yeeyan

The wrangling over reparations also helped turn the German people against co-operation with the international system.
关于赔款的争论也使得德国人民开始反对与国际体系的合作。 yeeyan

Uwe Kitzinger, a British academic and former official in Brussels, called them“ a form of delayed war reparations”.
一位在布鲁塞尔的前任英国官员称他们是“为延迟战争做准备的一种形式。” ecocn

Yet this mattered little to the Germans, for whom it was all too easy to attribute every problem to reparations, and by extension to the Weimar government.
赔款对德国来说并不算什么,但德国人很容易把一切问题归咎于赔款,并延伸到魏玛政权。 yeeyan

At the Paris Conference on Reparations, Greece was finally accorded 4.5% in material German reparation and2.7% in other forms of reparations.
在巴黎会议上,德国最终向希腊支付了占其赔款总额4.5%的物质赔款和2.7%的其他形式赔款。 yeeyan

Despite the government’s military gains against the FARC guerrillas, plenty of money still needs to be spent on security and reparations.
尽管政府在打击革命武装力量 FARC游击队中缴获了大量的军备,在保安和赔款问题上仍需支出大量金钱。 ecocn

Ending wars is not easy, and before we condemn the whole idea of reparations as misguided and dangerous, we should think about more recent penalties for aggression.
结束战争并不容易,当我们谴责有误导性、危险性的赔款主意时,应该先思考下最近的侵略惩罚。 yeeyan

He also said the US, the biggest carbon emitter in history, did not owe reparations.
他还说,历史上最大的碳排放国美国不欠赔款。 yeeyan

He campaigned against corruption and has been outspoken on national issues, such as free trade and reparations for war victims.
他推行反腐败运动,并在一些国家问题,比如自由贸易和对战争遇难者的赔偿上直言不讳。 ecocn

He earlier reiterated the government’s rejection of Chinese demands for reparations and an apology for the seizure of the trawler.
在稍早些时候他重申,日本拒绝中国提出的赔偿要求和向被扣押的拖网渔船道歉。 yeeyan

Hitler did not attain power because of reparations— the Great Depression and the folly of the German ruling classes did that — but their existence gave him a political cudgel against Weimar.
因为赔款,希特勒没有得到权力,但大萧条和德国统治阶级所作的荒唐事给了希特勒对付魏玛的政治大棒。 yeeyan

In 1933, when the Nazis took power, Hitler simply canceled reparations unilaterally.
1933年,当纳粹掌权,希特勒就单方面取消了战争赔款。 yeeyan

In truth, the reparations, as the name suggests, were not intended as a punishment.
事实上,协约国并没有打算把赔款之类的建议作为一种惩罚。 yeeyan

In my view Germany could and should have made reparations for its aggression in World War I — but was the risk of renewed war worth forcing it to do so?
在我看来,德国应该为一战中的侵略行径支付赔款——但强迫德国赔款要冒着再次开战的危险,这么做值吗? yeeyan

Iraq, for example, is still paying reparations to Kuwait for Saddam Hussein’s invasion of1990.
例如,因为1990年萨达姆•侯赛因入侵科威特,伊拉克至今还在赔款。 yeeyan

It concocted a“ perfect” constitution that gave as much scope to its foes as to its friends, and it was saddled by vengeful victors with reparations demands that were all but impossible to meet.
它编织了一套“完美”的宪法,给了自己的敌友同样的行动余地,并且承载了意欲复仇的胜利者提出的完全无法满足的赔款要求。 ecocn

John Maynard Keynes, a member of the British delegation in Paris, rightly argued that the Allies should have forgotten about reparations altogether.
在巴黎,英国代表团成员之一约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯准确地认为,协约国应该一起忘却赔款。 yeeyan

More significantly, Germany was obliged to pay reparations after 1945, and in that case there was no negotiation at all: Germany was utterly defeated and the Allies simply helped themselves.
更重要的是,1945年后,德国必须支付赔款,毫无商量余地:德国最后被击败了,协约国仅仅帮助了他们自已。 yeeyan

Some think cash reparations are the right way to go.
一些人认为现金赔偿是正确的方向。 ecocn

That finally happened in1990, which didn't require Germany to pay further reparations to other countries like Greece.
和平协议最终在1990年达成,然而这项协议却不再要求德国向其他国家如希腊支付剩余的战争赔款。 yeeyan

This is not to say that the reparations were a good idea.
这并不是说赔款是个好主意。 yeeyan

Yet the violence of the revolution wrecked the country; Haiti also had to borrow to pay crippling reparations to France, the former colonial power: the loans were not paid off until1947.
然而,革命之狂暴彻底摧毁了这片大地;海地也被迫向先前的殖民国法国支付战争赔款:直到1947年海地才还清这笔巨债。 ecocn

Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.




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