

单词 repairs
释义 repairs 英rɪ'peəz美rɪ'peəz 高COCA¹⁰⁷⁴⁴BNC⁶⁸⁹¹Economist⁹⁹¹⁰
名词 repair:
the act of putting something in working order againa formal way of referring to the condition of somethinga frequently visited place
动词 repair:
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or brokenmake amends for; pay compensation formove, travel, or proceed toward some placeset straight or rightgive new life or energy to用作名词Now ordinaryrepairscan be handled in our plant.现在一般的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。
We need someone to help do therepairs.我们需要一个人来帮助做修理工作。as in.maintenance
同义词 care,conservation,preservation,supply,upkeepaliment,alimentation,alimony,allowance,bacon,bread,continuance,continuation,food,keep,keeping,livelihood,living,nurture,prolongation,provision,resources,salt,subsistence,sustainment,wherewithalbread and butter,carrying,retainment,sustaining,sustention
反义词 destruction,neglect,negligence,end,entertainment,finish,fun,stopdesertion,forsaking,ignorance
maintenancenoun perpetuation, support;sustenance
aliment,alimentation,alimony,allowance,bacon,bread,bread and butter,care,carrying,conservation,continuance,continuation,food,keep,keeping,livelihood,living,nurture,preservation,prolongation,provision,resources,retainment,salt,subsistence,supply,sustaining,sustainment,sustention,upkeep,wherewithal The scale of these repairs is daunting.
这些修复经济任务的艰巨的。 ecocn

The reason why repairs are not perfect is that they are costly and resources invested in them might be used for reproduction instead.
修复之所以不是理想的办法,是因为修复代价太大,而且用在修复上的那些资源可能还要用来繁殖。 ecocn

The repairs needed before we can occupy the house will be considerable.

After14 months of repairs, the giant machine was restarted on Friday evening and the first beam started circulating in a clockwise direction around the tunnel about 10pm.
经过14个月的修理,这台巨型机器于周五晚上重新启动,晚上10点左右,第一束粒子波开始沿顺时针方向在隧道内环行。 yeeyan

Another way to dig up fewer streets is to avoid unearthing cables for small repairs.
另一个减少开挖街道的方法是避免因为小型维修而掘出电缆。 yeeyan

But one of the screws has a star-shaped slot with a spike in the middle, which is designed to prevent repairs, as no available tool will fit it.
但在水壶底部中央拧着一个有星形插槽的螺丝钉,这种设计就是为了不让人修它,因为没有合适的螺丝刀能拧动它。 yeeyan

But scientists now believe there are stem cells in all of us that regenerate human hearts; they just do it a glacial pace, not nearly fast enough to make repairs in the event of injury.
但是科学家现在相信,在我们每个人的体内,都存在有可以再生心脏的干细胞存在,只是它们分化极为缓慢,不足以在发生损伤时进行修复。 yeeyan

He also needed help with repairs to the barns and a host of other chores.
他也需要人帮他修理谷仓以及干其他许多经常要干的杂活。 tingvoa

He told me that woodwork was just a hobby for him now, but once it had been useful—when he had fixed shelves and done minor repairs.
他告诉我,现在做木工只是他的一种爱好了,以前可是一门有用的手艺,他会安装架子和修理镜子。 yeeyan

In general, exhibits are in good condition, although almost all of them need small repairs and the painting.
总体来说,展览品状态良好,尽管这些展览品几乎都需要进行小维修和喷漆。 yeeyan

Keep up with boat maintenance and repairs.
及时对船只进行保养和修理。 yeeyan

Ownership is supposed to be the key that unlocks the American dream. But there are hidden costs that no one talks about, like the constant repairs and upgrades and attention that possessions demand.
所有权一般都被看作是打开美国梦大门的钥匙,但是隐藏在其背后的成本却很少被人谈及,比如不断的维修和升级,又比如各种财产所需的照料。 ebigear

Proceeds from lotteries helped to fund repairs to the Cinque Ports on the Sussex and Kent coasts, and to build Westminster Bridge.
来自彩票业的收益帮助修复了在苏塞克斯和肯特海岸的五港同盟,并修建了威斯敏斯特桥。 yeeyan

Raytheon will also manage system repairs in support of foreign military sales.
雷神公司还将管理外国军事销售的系统维修支持。 www.etiri.com.cn

The Museum is located at the edge of the airfield. In general, exhibits are in good condition, although almost all of them need small repairs and the painting.
这座博物馆位于一个机场的边缘。总体来说,展览品状态良好,尽管这些展览品几乎都需要进行小维修和喷漆。 yeeyan

The base is home to the 309th Aerospace Maintenance And Regeneration Group 309 AMARG which carries out repairs to the craft and even gets some of them flying again.
驻守该基地的是第309家航空维护与再生部队309 AMARG,其任务是对飞行器进行维修,他们甚至能让其中飞机起死回生。 yeeyan

The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs.

The company shut all four of its Brent platforms, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta, in January for repairs.
该公司在一月为了修理关闭了所有的布伦特油田平台:一号,二号,三号和四号。 yeeyan

They docked the ship in dry dock for repairs, cleaning and painting.

This, he says, could have been prevented if a well- connected business lobby had not illegally pushed the ship back into service when it still needed vital repairs.
他说,如果不是因为某个著名商业团体的游说,在船还需要重大修理时让其重新投入航运的话,悲剧本可以避免。 ecocn

We use service centers at major stores. They ship goods back to our national service center for repairs.
我们采用大店服务中心,他们可把产品运送到我们的国内服务中心维修。 ebigear

We went over the building plans for the house, the financing we were eligible for, and the estimated time it would take for him to do the repairs.
我们检查了这所房子的修缮计划和我们可以承担的财务因素,另外还有这栋房子修缮工作可能所需要的时间。 yeeyan

Yet products rarely break within the period covered, and repairs tend to cost no more than the warranty itself.
然而产品在保期内却不大会损坏,并且维修的费用也不会超过保证书承诺的额度。 ecocn

You can schedule repairs that you have meant to do but have not had time to get to until now.
也许你一直在安排时间修理某物而不得闲暇时间,直到现在你终于有机会了。 hjenglish

Repairs done while you wait.




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