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词汇 REP
释义 rep 1/repp 英rep美rɛpAHDrĕp ★★☆☆☆四八

informal abbreviation of `representative'a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribsczech rep捷克共和国korea rep韩国sales rep推销员,销售代表…
近义词 repp棱纹平布

And a sales rep with business acumen knows that higher-margin products will increase the company's return.
一个拥有商业智慧的销售业务员明白,高利润的产品将会增加公司的收益。 yeeyan

It would be easier, and save time, if the customer could place a call to a customer service rep without leaving the claim creation form.
如果客户不离开索赔创建表单就能够拨打客户服务代表的电话的话,那么客户就会感到更方便,并能节约一些时间。 ibm

The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan.
众议院情报委员会主席,密歇根州共和党众议员迈克罗杰斯。 yeeyan

The customer service rep, who initiated the session, is the writer.
而发起会话的客户服务代表则是写入者。 ibm

The customer service rep has to read a long policy number over the phone, and the user has to listen and type that number into the form field.
客户服务代表必须通过电话读出长长的保单编号,用户必须收听并在表单域中输入该编号信息。 ibm

The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.
募捐中心的代表开始吞吞吐吐的道歉,但是再次被律师打断了。 yeeyan

“ People love the trackpad. People love those characteristics. So we wanted to bring that kind of design to our desktop users,” the Apple rep told me.
苹果的销售代表告诉我“人们喜欢这款触摸板,人们喜欢它所具有的特性,因此我们想把这种设计带给我们的台式机用户。” yeeyan

“ To the czars I say, Nyet,” Rep. Harold RogersR-Ky. said in support of the amendment.
“我对垄断者说不”代表人哈罗德·罗杰斯在支持修正案时说。 yeeyan

After verifying the customer's identity, the rep could look up and relay the policy number to the user.
验证这个客户的身份之后,客户服务代表可以查询该保单编号并将其告知该用户。 ibm

Another, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota pictured at right, said what we really need is not an increase in the debt ceiling but a president with a“ titanium spine, ” whatever that means.
另外一位,明尼苏达州代表米歇尔•巴克曼图右则说,我们真正需要的不是提升债务上限,而是一位有“钛合金脊柱”的总统。什么意思,不懂。 fortunechina

Are you after a good rep, authority and trust?
你是在追求一个好名声,权威或者信任吗? yeeyan

Automatically copy data from the claim form a customer started filling out to the one being co- browsed by the customer and customer service rep.
将客户开始填写的索赔表单中的数据自动复制到由客户和客户服务代表共同浏览的索赔表单。 ibm

But despite its bad rep, sugar is almost certainly not the cause of your weight problems, and if your weight-loss plan is focused just on limiting sugar, you're missing what really matters.
不过,尽管名声不好,几乎可以肯定地说糖不是造成你体重问题的原因,如果你的减肥计划侧重于限制糖的摄入量,你就错过了真正的问题。 yeeyan

But the bill, introduced by then- Rep.
但到那时为止,议案才被引入。 yeeyan

Click a button to start a session in which both the customer and customer service rep can view and interact with the claim form data.
单击一个按钮启动一个会话,客户和客户服务代表可以在这个会话中查看索赔表单数据并与之交互。 ibm

Click a button on the new claim form to call a customer service rep.
单击新索赔表单上的一个按钮呼叫一位客户服务代表。 ibm

Don’t ever let an advertising sales rep teach you anything about marketing.
不要让一个广告销售代表教你任何有关营销的事情。 yeeyan

Even Mondale’s selection of New York Rep. Geraldine Ferraro to be his running mate, the first woman to run for vice president on a major- party ticket, didn’t help.
甚至蒙代尔选择了第一位在主要党派选举中参选副总统的女性,纽约众议员杰拉尔丁·费拉罗作为他的竞选伙伴,也没能帮到他。 yeeyan

Hathaway falls in love with a pharmaceutical rep played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and their pillow talk is part of their relationship.
海瑟薇爱上了杰克.吉伦希尔扮演的医药代表,枕边蜜语已经成为他们之间的交流方式。 yeeyan

If you do need a roadmap, please talk to your Software Sales rep to set up a briefing.
如果您需要发展路线,请与您的软件销售代表讨论,以提出一个简报。 ibm

Imagine a customer service rep who meets a customer requiring credit; the customer gradually becomes more and more aggressive.
想象一个客服代表,正在面对一个需要贷款的客户;这个客户渐渐的越来越咄咄逼人。 yeeyan

In the billing address example, what’s preventing the sales rep from simply copying the shipping address as the billing address without verifying it with the customer?
在帐单地址的例子中,如何去防止销售代表在没有与客户核实的情况下只是将送货地址复制作为帐单地址呢? yeeyan

In the example claim creation form, to maintain privacy it's probably not wise for the customer service rep to see the name of the other party in the accident.
在这个示例索赔创建表单中,要保护隐私,允许客户服务代表看到事故中的另一方的姓名也许是不明智的。 ibm

In this article, explore a scenario that implements three widgets that enable a customer service rep to help a user who is trying to complete and submit an online form.
在本文中,我们将探索这样一个场景:实现三个小部件,以支持一个客户服务代表来帮助一个用户,该用户正在尝试完成并提交一个在线表单。 ibm

It would be a much better experience if the user and customer service rep could jointly browse and interact with the new claim creation form.
如果用户和客户服务代表能够联合浏览新的索赔创建表单并与之交互的话,那么那将是一个更好的体验。 ibm

Like in a spy film, a UK ambassador's rep and myself waited for Moussa at the Hilton until intelligence brought him back at around midnight.
就像是谍战电影,英国使馆代表和我在希尔顿酒店等穆沙,他在物业才被情报机关人员带回。 yeeyan

Marketing futures can be really good for enterprise software companies where the information is passed between sales rep and potential customer in terms of near-term roadmap.
营销未来策略非常适合企业软件公司,销售代表和潜在客户间可以就近期技术路线图互通有无。 yeeyan

Once you get into resort, speak to your rep, they’ll know of all the latest special offers and discounts available.
当你到达度假地后,要和推销员沟通一下,他们了解目前供应的所有最新特价和折扣产品。 yeeyan

One House member, Rep. Gary PetersD of Michigan, has introduced legislation that would recover the full value of the bonuses through a surtax.
国会来自密歇根州的众议员加利·彼得斯已经提起一项立法,要求通过一项附加税追回全部红利。 yeeyan

One senior sales rep had cancer and her doctor told her she could die from it.

Pot is one of those drugs that appears to maintain a fairly good rep, despite its growing bad rep.
大麻作为一种药物,它的名声似乎保持的相当不错,尽管正在变坏。 yeeyan

Send a notification to the customer's sales rep.
向顾客的销售代表发送一个通知。 ibm

These are also important because it gives you a case to show your skills and gain Rep. You would want to make these simple, but not too simple.
这也非常重要,因为它给你一个展现你技艺并且获取声誉的机会。让它们简单,但是不要太简单。 yeeyan

This is where budgets get a bad rep.
这是预算中一个坏的代表。 yeeyan

To some people, money rep- resents power— not just in the political sense, but in terms of independence or security.
对某些人来说,金钱不仅在政治上代表着权力,而且代表独立或安全。 yeeyan

To start a co- browsing session with the customer, a page accessible by the customer service rep must have a way to listen for incoming calls and initiate such sessions.
要启动与客户的共同浏览会话,客户服务代表可以访问的一个页面必须有一种方法来监听进入的呼叫并发起这样的会话。 ibm

When a customer buys from you, chats with your sales rep and maybe returns a product, a true CRM product or service can help you mine this data and use it to know more about your customers.
当消费者从你那里购买产品,与你的销售代表交谈,或者退换产品的时候,一个真正的客户关系管理产品或服务能帮助你记录这些数据,然后通过这些数据来增加对客户的了解。 yeeyan




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