

单词 reordered
释义 re·or·der·ed 英ˌriː'ɔːdəʳ美ˌriː'ɔːrdər COCA⁹⁵³⁹⁷BNC⁶⁶⁰¹⁵
a repeated order for the same merchandise;

he's the one who sends out all the new orders and reorders

assign a new order tomake a new request to be supplied with;

The store had to reorder the popular CD several times

reorder trunk重拨中继器reorder signal挂机重拨信号…cost-minimizing reorder point保证最低费用的订货点…reorder connection重拨接续
近义词 alter改变mix up搅匀sort out整理reorganize改组regroup重新组合restructure重建rearrange重新安排move around走来走去

用作动词You cannotreorderbackground pages.您不能对背景页重新排序。
We'llreorderthe furniture for our bedrooms.我们准备将各卧室的家具重新布置一下。
We mustreorderthese item because stock get low.我们必须再订购这些物品,因为库存越来越少了。as in.transpose
同义词 alter,backtrack,change,commute,convert,exchange,flip-flop,interchange,inverse,invert,metamorphose,move,put,rearrange,relocate,render,reverse,revert,shift,substitute,transfer,transfigure,transform,translate,transmogrify,transmute,turndouble back,turn the tables
反义词 continue,fix,hold,keep,persist,preserve,remain,remove,stagnate,stay,takeleave alone
transposeverb swap, switch
alter,backtrack,change,commute,convert,double back,exchange,flip-flop,interchange,inverse,invert,metamorphose,move,put,rearrange,relocate,render,reorder,reverse,revert,shift,substitute,transfer,transfigure,transform,translate,transmogrify,transmute,turn,turn the tables As well as displaying data values, the table's columns can be grouped and reordered with drag-and-drop, or customised by the end user without any code required.
不仅能显示数值,该表的列还可以以拖拉方式被聚合和记录,或者终端用户不需任何代码对其进行定制。 infoq

The message set is then reordered into the combined fragment.
消息集合也会重新排序到合并的片段中。 ibm

The selected lifeline is reordered to the target location as Figure19 shows.
选择的生命线对目标位置得到重新排序,如图19所示。 ibm

The selected lifeline will be highlighted in blue to provide feedback that the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode, indicating what is going to be reordered see Figure17.
选择的生命线将会以蓝色强调显示,以提供回馈,显示序列图编辑器现在处于重新排序模式,意味着什么将会得到重新排序见于图17。 ibm

The selected lifelines will be highlighted in blue to indicate that the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode and to show what is going to be reordered.
选择的生命线将会以蓝色强调显示,以指示序列图现在处于重新排序模式,以及什么将会被重新排序。 ibm

The tool also allows multiple lifelines to be selected together and reordered in one action.
工具还会允许不同的生命线被一起选择并得到重新排序。 ibm

A bi- criteria combined traffic assignment and modal split model and algorithm of efficient path and user equilibrium were put forward through cost reordered virtual paths.
运用了交通方式路径虚拟和对路径费用重新排序的方法,给出了双准则交通分配和方式划分的综合模型、有效路径算法和用户均衡算法。 dictall

All of the answers and information herein are the words of Seth or Future Seth which I have reordered and revised to give continuity to my understanding of the material.
为使材料具有连贯性,这里所有的答案和信息是我依据自己的理解重新做了记录和改进的赛斯或未来赛斯语录。 lifechanyuan.com

America’s labyrinth of overlapping regulators will be reordered.
美国错综交替的管理者将重新被排序。 ecocn

As Figure22 shows, the selected lifelines are reordered to the target location.
如图22所示,选择的生命线会重新排序到目标的位置处。 ibm

For thousands of years humans have changed the sizes, shapes, colors, and coats of dogs through selective breeding. Now it seems we've actually reordered many breeds' brains in the process.
近千年来,人类经过选择性驯养已经改变了犬类的大小、身形、毛色等,而现在看来,我们已经进入到通过驯养来重组一些品种犬类的脑部结构的过程。 com

Frames can be reordered in the Animation palette by clicking on the frame you want to move and dragging it to the desired location.
位于动画控制面板内的帧可以被重新排序。你可以点击指定帧并将其移动到你所希望的位置。 dictall

He reordered two pairs of black leather shoes of the latest type.

If a create message is reordered, the starting point of the created lifeline will be moved to match the new location of the created message.
如果一个创建的消息得到重新排序,那么创建生命线的起始点将会移动以匹配创建消息的新位置。 ibm

Images encoded as quadtrees can be encrypted by a secret password as follows: whenever a subdivision is performed, the four branches are reordered.
将图像编码成为四杈树可以用下面的方式以密码加密:每当执行到一个非叶节点,这个节点的四个子节点将被重新排列。 hysbz

In a nanosecond, they completely reordered the priorities and perspectives of life.
在十亿分之一秒内他们完全将生命的优先权和设想做了重新安排。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this dialog, states can be created, renamed, reordered, removed, and edited.
在此对话框中,国家可以创建,重命名,排序,删除和编辑。 fantuaner

Multi-point driving directions: Multiple addresses can be entered and manually reordered for complex driving directions.
多点的行车路线:多个地址,可输入和手动重新排序的复杂的行车路线。 blog.sina.com.cn

Predicates are reordered and regrouped based on the kind of predicate local or join and the table reference.
重新排序和重新组合谓词是基于谓词的种类本地或联接和表引用。 ibm

Requirement attributes can be added, modified, deleted, or reordered using this editor.
可以用这个编辑器添加、修改、删除或记录需求属性。 ibm

Secret rites are performed there, and history is reordered; all is possible.
在那里,可以演绎神秘的仪式,可以重塑历史,一切皆有可能。 hjenglish

The problem here is not with sequential consistency. Code is being moved, not reordered.
这里的问题不是有关顺序一致性的,而是代码被移动了,不是重新排序。 ibm

UDP programs cannot rely on the reliability of the network; packets may be lost or reordered, and it's up to the application to handle these situations.
UDP程序不能依靠网络的可靠性;分组可能丢失或重新排序,它依靠应用程序处理这些情况。 ibm

Wanying smoothed the fragments patiently and reordered them together. Then she attentively read the letter twice.
宛英耐心抚平团皱的碎片,一一拼上,仔细读了两遍。 wumime.blog.bokee.net

When a program that depends on a given sequence is reordered, mistakes happen.
当依赖特定顺序的程序被重新排序时,错误就发生了。 ibm

You can see what is going to be reordered, and the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode.
您可以看到什么将会被重新排序,现在序列图编辑器处于重排模式。 ibm

You see what is going to be reordered, and the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode.
您可以看到什么将会被记录,序列图编辑器现在也处于重新排序模式下了。 ibm

Your priorities are reordered.
你优先考虑的事情会重新排序。 yeeyan




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