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词汇 René
释义 RenéEconomist¹⁷⁶³⁹
In the18th century a French scientist, René de Réaumur, worked out that the hexagonal structure ensures that bees fill the volume efficiently yet limit the total wall area of the cells.
18世纪的法国科学家雷内·戴·莱奥姆尔研究得出六边形的结构可以有效地为蜜蜂提供空间并且控制了蜂巢墙壁的总面积。 ecocn

ROW of public latrines stands near the park Sylvia René has called home since last January's earthquake destroyed her house, along with much of the rest of Port-au-Prince.
去年1月份,海地地震摧毁了西尔维亚•瑞纳 Sylvia René的住宅和太子港其它大部分房屋。 ecocn

The government of René Préval, which was accused of rigging the election, objected to the report’s methodology.
被指控操纵大选的 René Préval政府,反对报告的计算方法。 ecocn

The president, René Préval, and his cabinet have been reduced to meeting in a police station.
海地总统勒纳普•普雷瓦尔及其内阁成员被迫在一警局开会。 ecocn

The president, René Préval, as stunned and dazed as the people seeking refuge in the streets, said simply, “ It is a catastrophe.”
与寻求庇护的平民百姓一样,海地总统勒内•普雷瓦尔对这次突如其来的地震感到惊慌失措与茫然无助。 “这是一次彻底的灾难”,他如是说。 ecocn

WHEN René Magritte was13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river. When the body was recovered her face was found to be covered with her nightdress.
雷内·马格利特十三岁的时候,母亲在当地投水自杀,尸体捞上来的时候,睡裙盖在脸上。 ecocn

“ Of course, they’re all joining the queue when all they have to do is form a community to get land for free, ” complains René Araneda, who heads a group of non- Mapuche farmers in Araucanía.
“当然,他们联合在一起所要做的就是争取无偿得到土地,”勒纳-阿拉内达抱怨道,阿拉内达是阿劳卡尼亚非马普利农民组织的领导。 ecocn

“ We've been overstocked for a long time and there's no risk of a shortage of Chilean wine anywhere in the world,” insists René Merino, the president of Vinos de Chile.
“智利之酒”主席雷内·梅里诺坚持认为:“我们的葡萄酒长期超量储备,因此全球各地都不会出现智利葡萄酒短缺的风险。” ecocn

René Préval, the president, named the planning minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, in her place.
海地总统——勒内-普雷瓦尔任命规划部长接替她的位置。 ecocn

René Préval, elected president in2006, called for it to provide“ tractors not tanks”.
2006年当选的海地总统“勒内•普雷瓦尔”呼吁特派团提供“拖拉机而不是坦克”。 ecocn

René Preval, who was elected president in2006 to widespread acclaim among Haitians and outsiders alike, now seems indecisive.
2006年 René Preval在国内外的一片赞扬声中当选为总统,现在看来他有些优柔寡断。 ecocn

Chile's wineries need an exchange rate of530 pesos to the dollar at the start of this month it was at464 to be profitable, according to René Merino, who represents the industry.
根据工业界代表 René Merino说,智利的葡萄酒酿酒厂需要比索对美元的汇率维持在530的水平才有利可图本月伊始这个汇率在464比索对1美元。 ecocn

Haiti’s president, René Preval, said he would ask America to phase out food aid to his country, which is struggling with the aftermath of an earthquake in January.
海地总统勒内•普雷瓦尔表示他将要求美国逐步取消对他国家的粮食援助,海地现在正处于一月份地震后的挣扎中。 ecocn

He was in Berlin earlier this month to launch a new party called Die Freiheit “ Freedom”, founded by René Stadtkewitz, formerly a member of the Berlin branch of the Christian Democrats.
本月早些时候他在柏林推出了一个叫做“自由”新政党,这个政党是由原柏林基督教民主党人 René Stadtkewitz,成立的。 ecocn

In 2008 René Préval also went through two nominees for prime minister before a third was ratified.
2008年普雷华总统在第三个总理被批准就职之前,也被驳回了前两提名候选人。 ecocn

In fact, Jean- René Fourtou, the man brought in to rescue the firm, kept several businesses acquired under Mr Messier, including Maroc Telecom and Universal Music, a record company.
事实上,身负拯救公司使命的让-勒内-富尔图保留了几个梅西耶先生任内获取的公司,包括摩洛哥电信和唱片公司-环球音乐。 ecocn

Most of central Africa was colonised by the French or the Belgians, and René Lemarchand and Gérard Prunier are France's two leading experts.
中非大部分国家曾是法国和比利时的殖民地。勒内•勒马尔尚与杰拉德•布鲁尼耶,是法国的两名主要专家。 ecocn

One who is trying to do so is René Bernards of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.
来自荷兰癌症研究所的勒内。伯纳兹博士便是其中一位。 remword

Richard Lugar, an American senator, wrote last week that René Préval, Haiti’s president, had “ demonstrated marginal capacity to lead his country’s reconstruction.”
美国参议员议员 Richard Lugar上周撰文说,海地总统 René Préval“表现出来的领导其国家开展灾后重建工作的能力太薄弱了。” ecocn

The new transport minister, René Cortázar, is an experienced Christian Democrat.
新任交通部长雷内•科塔萨尔 René Cortázar是一个经验丰富的基督教民主党人。 ecocn

WHEN René Magritte was13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river.
当 René Magritte13岁的时候,他的母亲在当地的一条河中自溺身亡。 ecocn




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