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词汇 renown
释义 re·nown 英rɪˈnaʊn美rɪˈnaʊnAHDrĭ-nounʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八TCOCA³⁰⁷⁷³BNC²⁹²⁵²iWeb¹⁷⁹¹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


fame;being well known for good things sb has done

the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed前缀re-指“重新,反复”,如repeat重复;词根nown指“名字”,和单词name名称同源,这里涉及到n、m音变,如:limit界限—lintel门楣,napkin餐巾—map地图,haunt常去之地—home家。GRE红宝书re反复+nown=nome n名字→名字反复出现→名望
re反复 + known 知名的→有名;re 反复 + nown name 名字反复出现→有名;
词根记忆re反复+ nown=nomen名字→ 名字反复出现 ⇒名望近义词 fame名声honor荣誉glory光荣repute名声memory记忆力celebrity名人popularity普及distinction荣誉recognition承认reputation好名声prominence突出物notoriety臭名昭著
用作名词n.His renown has spread throughout the country.他的名声已传遍全国。Prenowneda.有名的有声誉的

用作名词He is an artist of greatrenown.他是一位极有名望的艺术家。
Hisrenownas a reporter spread throughout the country.他作为一名记者的名望在全国都传开了。用作及物动词He is an artist of greatrenown.他是一位极有名望的艺术家。noun.fame
同义词 acclaim,celebrity,distinction,eminence,glory,honor,illustriousness,kudos,luster,mark,note,notoriety,preeminence,prestige,prominence,rep,reputation,repute,stardomprominency,éclat
反义词 anonymity,obscurity,unimportance
celebritiesnoun fame, notoriety
VIPS,aces,big cheeses,big deals,big guns,big names,big shots,big stuffs,bigwigs,celebs,cynosures,famous persons,figures,heavyweights,heroes,hotshots,immortals,lions,luminaries,magnates,mahatmas,major leaguers,names,notables,personages,personalities,somebodies,someones,stars,superstars,the cheeses,worthies
celebritynoun fame, notoriety
consequencenoun importance, significance
creditnoun reputation, status
authority,character,clout,esteem,estimation,fame,good name,influence,position,prestige,regard,renown,repute,standing,weight
creditsnoun reputation, status
acclaim,acknowledgments,approvals,attentions,beliefs,brownie points,commendations,confidences,credence,distinctions,faiths,fame,glories,honors,kudos,merits,notices,pat on the backs,points,praise,reliance,strokes,thanks,tributes
dignitynoun excellence, nobility
address,cachet,character,consequence,courtliness,culture,decency,decorum,distinction,elevation,eminence,ethics,etiquette,glory,grace,grandeur,gravity,greatness,hauteur,honor,importance,loftiness,majesty,merit,morality,nobleness,perfection,poise,prestige,propriety,quality,rank,regard,renown,respectability,seemliness,self-respect,significance,solemnity,splendor,standing,state,stateliness,station,stature,status,sublimity,virtue,worth,worthiness And even big Brazilian companies may lack the international renown needed to entice the most ambitious.
而且,甚至巴西大型企业可能仍欠缺必要的国际知名度去吸引雄才大略者加入。 ecocn

Its renown would soon come to outshine that of its parent.
不久,迦太基的声望就让腓尼基相形见绌。 ecocn

The southern American city of Houston is not one of great renown, yet it is one of the most famous in China because Yao Ming has made his home there with NBA team, the Rockets.
美国的南部城市休斯顿不是一个极负盛名的城市,但是在中国它是最有名的一个城市之一,因为 NBA球队,火箭队的大本营在那里,姚明的家也安在那里。 hxen

Ariely is a behavioural economist who has gained a degree of renown for his theory that humans are much less rational than they believe themselves to be.
丹•艾瑞是个行为经济学家,他提出的人们没有他们自己想象的那么理性,这个理论使他深为人知。 yeeyan

Be grateful that you do not have to live down the renown of a father nor the wealth of an uncle.
你应该感谢,因为你不必靠着父亲的名望或伯叔的财产来生活。 ebigear

But above all be grateful that no one will have to live down either your renown or your wealth.
但是最应感谢的是,没有人必须靠着你的名誉或财产来生活。 ebigear

Even at the height of his renown in the ring, Sir Henry could be found selling fruit and vegetables in the greengrocers he ran with his twin brother, George himself no slouch in the ring.
即使在他拳击生涯的全盛时期,亨利爵士也经常在他和双胞胎兄弟乔治乔治也是拳坛高手合营的那些杂货店里卖菜。 ecocn

He was also a loyal company man, never allowing his growing renown to go to his head.
他也是一位忠诚的团队成员,从不让其不断上升的名望冲昏头脑。 ecocn

He was a man of high renown.
他是位有名望的人。 hjenglish

Just as slack productivity and skill shortages were concealed by finance- fuelled economic growth, beneath the players' renown lay a hobbling deficiency in technique.
正如滞后的生产力和技能缺乏为金融带动的经济增长所掩盖,有名气的队员却球技匮乏。 yeeyan

Let’s visit a renown Russian cruiser Varyag and meet its crew.
让我们访问一下著名的俄罗斯巡洋舰瓦良格号并见见它的船员。 yeeyan

Life, misfortune, isolation, abandonment, poverty, are the fields of battle which have their heroes; obscure heroes, who are, sometimes, grander than the heroes who win renown.
生活,苦难,孤独,遗弃,贫困,这些都是战场,都有它们的英雄,无名英雄,有时比显赫的英雄更伟大。 ebigear

Many Rhodesians were far from ordinary: just look at Doris Lessing, the latest Nobel laureate for literature, or Merle Park, a ballet dancer of renown.
出类拔萃的罗德西亚人比比皆是:比如新晋诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛和著名芭蕾舞演员梅里·帕克。 ecocn

Moreover, as Mr Bach reiterates, Riefenstahl's reaction on hearing of men—it was always men— of renown was often: “ I must meet that man.”
此外巴赫再三指出,每当瑞芬斯塔尔听说了一位有名望的男人——总是男人——之后,她的反应通常都是:“我得见一见那人。” ecocn

Nevertheless, as this was the first time I had had such a distinguished audience, my desire to win renown was strong within me.
然而,这是我平生头一次面对这么有名气的听众,我心里不由激起一股博取声名的愿望。 yeeyan

Now imagine your father is the one who first drew this world- renown image.
现在,想象一下你的父亲是第一个画这个世界知名笑脸的人。 yeeyan

Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown!
啊,名声原来是这般苦涩和痛苦! hjenglish

She was the latest human- rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia.
她是最新一位在普京的俄罗斯死于枪杀的富有国际名望的人权斗士。 yeeyan

Sure, McDonald's has a great- tasting burger, but it was the business model that catapulted of the company and ultimately the fast-food industry to widespread popularity and renown.
当然,麦当劳做出了美味的汉堡,但是它的商业模式让公司乃至整个快餐行业成长起来,遍地开花,名声灼灼。 yeeyan

The Rhodes scholarships are perhaps the world's most celebrated, winning a renown for their founder after his death far greater than the opprobrium he earned during his life.
这可能是全球最受赞誉的奖学金。 它如此有名,并不是因为创立者一生背负了各种骂名,而是因为死后的这个善举。 ecocn

The transfer to the screen of his sprawling epic the author died suddenly in2004 just as the trilogy was being edited and translated will cement the Nordics’ renown.
在逝世后把小说改编成电影作者于2004年突然逝世,当时他的三部曲正在编辑和改编当中会提高这位北欧人的声誉。 yeeyan

Ultimately she divorced, moved back to Illinois, and became an artist of some renown.
最后她离了婚,搬回到伊利诺斯州,成为小有名气的艺术家。 ebigear

With an eye for the telling detail, this intimate and occasionally raw portrait makes it plain that despite all Sontag’s public renown, much of her was entirely mysterious.
从已知的细节我们可以看到,这幅私密、有时甚至毫无加工的肖像说明,尽管苏珊盛名在外,其大部分内在却是彻底的谜题。 ecocn

World renown speakers will be invited.
我们将邀请世界知名讲者与会。 iciba

Years later, whether your major becomes first-class and alma mater renown in international?
若干年后,你的学科是否已经一流,母校是否已经国际知名? ecocn

Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, through all generations.
耶和华阿,你的名存到永远。耶和华阿,你可记念的名存到万代。 ebigear




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