

单词 renormalization
释义 re·normalization 英'riːnɔːməlaɪ'zeɪʃən美'riːnɔːməlaɪ'zeɪʃən 高COCA⁷⁹⁰⁷⁵BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb⁵⁶⁴³⁴
An effective Hamiltanian of the exciton is derived by the method of a linear- combination operator and Lagrange multiplier. The renormalization mass of a strong- coupling exciton is obtained.
采用线性组合算符和护格朗日乘子法,导出了强耦合情况下的压电激子的有效哈密顿量,得到了强耦合激子的重正化质量。 cnki

The paper will probe into origins of three features of complex networks and underlying mechanism of their relation using renormalization and box-covering method.
将结合重整化群和盒计数方法,探讨对复杂网络的这三个特征的产生机理和它们之间相互关系的内在机制。 dictall

The relation between renormalization and noncommutative geometry serves as a starting point to unite relativity and quantum mechanics and thereby fully describe gravity.

A new renormalization mathematics method of treating linear or nonlinear questions is used in solving parallel- kinetic equation in collision plasmas.
用一种新的处理线性或非线性方程的重整化数学方法求解了碰撞等离子体中的平行动力学方程。 cnki

An effective numerical solution of renormalization group equations is introduced, and compared with the traditional solution of polynomial expansion.
介绍了重正化群方程的一种有效的数值解法,并与多项式展开的传统解法作了比较。 cnki

As science develops, different connotations of renormalization group come into being.
随着科学的发展,重整化群有了不同的内涵。 cnki

By using the so called renormalization group method, we give a uniformly valid asymptotic expansions of the boundary value problems under consideration.
利用重正化群方法,构造了该边值问题解的一致有效渐近展开式。 cnki

By using the methods of table lookups, probability quantization and modified renormalization operations, a simple multiplication-free binary block arithmetic coding scheme is given.
通过使用查表、概率量化和修改的重正化操作的方法,给出了一个简单的无乘法的二值分组算术编码方案。 cnki

Finally, the sandon equation can be reduced to the renormalization group equation in par ocular the phase space.
最后,砂子的方程在特殊的相空间中可以化为重正化群方程。 cnki

In the problem of two-dimensional self- avoid random walk, the renormalization group transformation can be written directly according to the property of probability.
在二维无自交叉无规行走问题中,重整化群变换可由几率的性质直接写出。 cnki

In this article, the critical exponents of the polymer model SAT in two dimensional square lattice have been studied with the real space renormalization theory.
用实空间中的重整化群理论,对二维正方形格点上的高分子模型自踪迹规避链进行了求解。 cnki

Nowadays people mostly apply renormalization group theory and numerical simulation methods to deal with critical phase transition problem.
目前处理临界相变问题的方法主要有重正化群和数值模拟。 cnki

Propagation feature of optical soliton near the zero- dispersion wavelength point is researched by using Reductive Perturbation MethodRPM and Renormalization Method in this paper.
本文利用约化摄动重整化方法研究了光纤零色散波长点附近光孤子传输的特征。 cnki

The fidelity and the entanglement entropy in an antiferromagnetic- ferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain are investigated by using the method of density- matrix renormalization-group.

The models of percolation, rock fracture and flit ant are studied on the real- space renormalization group approach.
本文利用实空间重整化群方法对渗流、岩裂、飞蚁模型进行了研究。 cnki

The usual ways to study the subject are the transfer- matrix method, combination solution, the renormalization- group technique, and graphic expansion, and so forth.
在研究这类问题时,常用的理论方法有转移矩阵法、组合解法、重整化群方法及图形展开法等。 cnki

Thermal Renormalization Group equations are derived in the framework of Closed Time Path formalism in real time temperature field theory.
在闭合时间路径的实时温度场论的框架下,导出了热重整化群方程。 cnki

This article studied percolation problem on diced net by method PSRG of Renormalization Group.
本文用重整化群的 PSRG方法,研究了骰形网格上的渗流问题。 cnki

This article studied percolation problem on diced net by method PSRG of Renormalization Group. Critical exponents was calculated and its given good result.
本文用重整化群的 PSRG方法,研究了骰形网格上的渗流问题。计算了渗流的临界指数,并与理论值比较,结果很好。 cnki

Use coordinate space renormalization and spin replot combined together to ask out the systematic critical temperature again, have got the same result to the one by the method of calculating strictly.
应用坐标空间重正化群和自旋重标相结合的方法求出了系统的临界温度,得到了与严格计算相同的结果。 cnki

Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group NRG method is such a celebrated example, which is also the focus of this thesis.
威尔逊的数值重整化群方法 NRG是其中一个很著名的例子,同时也是本论文讨论的中心所在。 physics.zju.edu.cn

Renormalization group method is an effective tool to obtain the uniformly valid asymptotic expansion exact solutions of this kind of problems.
重正化群方法已成为获得这类问题精确解的一致有效渐近展开式的有用工具。 cnki

Renormalization group method which calculates fractal dimension theoretically is the most useful tool when we study critical phenomena of phase transition.
重整化群方法是研究相变的临界现象最有力的工具,它是一种由理论求得分形维数的方法。 cnki




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