释义 |
Renmark 基本例句 n.伦马克在澳大利亚;东经 140º45' 南纬 34º10' But the suffering in places like Mildura and nearbyRenmarkin South Australia is a sign that the industry fell victim to its own success.而南部的米尔迪拉及其附近的伦马克的遭遇,正说明这个行业搬起石头砸了自己的脚。 Mildura andRenmarkare surrounded by desert, and fruit farms and vineyards survive only with irrigation from the Murray River, the lifeblood of Australia's agriculture.米尔迪拉和伦马克顿时被沙漠所包围,果园和葡萄园必须依靠墨累河----澳洲农业的生命线----灌溉才能存活。 |