

单词 renegotiate
释义 re·ne·go·ti·ate 英ˌriːnɪˈgəʊʃiːˌeɪt美ˌrinɪˈgoʃiˌetAHDrē'nĭ-gōʹshē-āt' 高COCA²⁴⁹⁷⁸BNC³¹⁴¹⁴iWeb¹⁹⁹⁴⁹Economist⁸⁶¹⁰
negociate anew;

The two warring parties will have to renegociate

revise the terms of in order to limit or regain excess profits gained by the contractor;

We renegociated our old mortgage now that the interest rates have come down

re-后-negotiate⇒vt.重新谈判近义词 renegociate重新谈判

用作及物动词The proposal would allow the FDIC to sell the company's assets andrenegotiateor reject existing contracts.这项建议将让联邦存款保险公司有权出售这家公司的资产,并可重新谈判或拒绝现有合同。
When yourenegotiatethe agreement, ensure that the new commitment provides even more value to the other person.如果经过重新谈判达成了新的协议,那么你要确保这个新的协议能给别人带来更多的好处。 The prime minister first tried to renegotiate the tax clauses with Telemedia.
首相巴罗第一次尝试着与电讯传媒重新协商税收条款。 ecocn

The proposed change to this particular international border is unlikely to result in war. As the world warms up, however, more and more countries will need to renegotiate their boundaries.
就此特定国际边界提出的更改并不太可能导致战争,然而,随着世界变暖的步伐前行,越来越多的国家需重新协商边境划分。 ecocn

After that, Yahoo might have a weaker hand to renegotiate.
在那之后,雅虎重新谈判的能力可能大大减弱。 ebigear

CGNPC's reluctance to renegotiate may also reflect a belief that the current worries about nuclear power— especially in its home country— are overdone.
中广核不情愿去重新谈判很可能也反映了目前世界特别是中国对于核电的担忧有些过度。 yeeyan

Fiat will seek to renegotiate the terms of its investment in Chrysler.
菲亚特试图就投资克莱斯勒条款重新谈判。 hxen

He would use the threat of pulling out of NAFTA, he says, to force Mexico and Canada to renegotiate.
他说他会以退出协定来威胁墨西哥和加拿大,迫使他们与美国重新谈判。 ecocn

In these cases, the client and provider must renegotiate the terms of the agreement to establish a level that satisfies the customer.
在这些情况下,客户和提供者必须就协议条款重新谈判以确定满足客户的服务品质。 ibm

It will take years to renegotiate and ratify new treaties, even assuming there is no blockage of the sort that beset the Constitutional Treaty.
即便是假定没有任何类似围绕着欧盟宪法条约那样的阻碍,重新谈判及签署新条约也要耗费数年之久。 ecocn

Once the commission makes its recommendations, says Victor Kasongo, Congo's deputy minister of mining, the government will decide whether to leave the deals untouched, renegotiate or cancel them.
刚果采矿部副部长维克多·康索果说:“一旦委员会提出建议,政府将决定或者保留原来合同不动,或者重新谈判,或者加以取消。” ecocn

So RBS and LBG want to renegotiate to reduce the cost of the insurance and the volume of assets they place into the scheme.
所以 RBS和 LBG想重新协商以减少其参与计划的保险成本及资产金额。 ecocn

The Americans refused to renegotiate in part because they feared Prudential’s investors would have rejected even the lower price, hitting AIA’s perceived valuation.
美国人拒绝重开谈判,部分是因为他们害怕保信的投资者,就是在更低的价格下也会作出拒绝,打压 AIA自认的价值。 ecocn

They also know that dangers lurk in any attempt to renegotiate that system.
他们也知道任何试图重新商定现行体系时的做法都潜藏危险。 ecocn

This week South Korea’s government said it wanted to renegotiate the beef- import agreement.
韩国政府本周表 示想要重新商定牛肉进口协议。 ecocn

Valentino is trying to renegotiate its debt and Permira has reportedly written down its investment by roughly half.
华伦天奴一直尝试重新商谈其债务情况,同时据报道珀米拉则只写下大概一半的投资额。 ecocn

You can always renegotiate the allotted time; the important thing is to start out with a concrete limit.
你随时可以重新调整所分配的时间,重点在于你从一开始就要有一个具体的时限。 yeeyan




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