

单词 reneging
释义 re·nege 英rɪ'niːɡ美rɪ'niːɡ COCA⁶⁵³⁸⁴BNC³⁹⁸⁰⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
the mistake of not following suit when able to do so
fail to fulfill a promise or obligation;

She backed out of her promise

近义词 default缺席back out退出renege on背弃go back on违背break a promise违背诺言revoke撤回,取消,废除…

用作动词Any more colourful candidate couldrenegeon a deal.任何不同政见的候选人都可能就此交易而报复。
You will almost surely have torenegeon some of these promises.你却几乎必然将违背你的一些诺言。
It says firmly that the EU must notrenegeon its promise.报告非常坚定地声称欧盟一定不会食言。
But there is also a temptation torenegeto gain sales, much as one prisoner might end up ratting on another.但违背约定,降低价格来赢得销售也很诱人,正如其中一个囚徒会出卖同伴,先说出供词。as in.palinode
同义词 abjuration,abnegation,about-face,abrogation,annulment,backpedaling,backtracking,contradiction,contraversion,denial,disavowal,disclaimer,disowning,forswearing,gainsaying,nullification,recall,recantation,renouncing,repudiation,retractation,reversal,revocation,unsaying,volte-face,withdrawalas in.recantation
同义词 abjuration,abnegation,about-face,abrogation,annulment,contradiction,denial,disavowal,disclaimer,disowning,forswearing,nullification,recall,repudiation,reversal,revocation,volte-face,withdrawalbackpedaling,backtracking,contraversion,gainsaying,palinode,renouncing,retractation,unsayingas in.retractation
同义词 abjuration,abnegation,about-face,abrogation,annulment,backpedaling,backtracking,contradiction,contraversion,denial,disavowal,disclaimer,disowning,forswearing,gainsaying,nullification,palinode,recall,recantation,renouncing,repudiation,reversal,revocation,unsaying,volte-face,withdrawalas in.retraction
同义词 annulment,denial,disavowal,disclaimer,repudiation,reversalabjuration,abnegation,about-face,abrogation,contradiction,disowning,forswearing,nullification,recall,revocation,volte-face,withdrawalbackpedaling,backtracking,contraversion,gainsaying,renouncing,unsaying
palinodenoun retraction
recantationnoun retraction
retractationnoun retraction
retractionnoun recantation
abjuration,abnegation,about-face,abrogation,annulment,backpedaling,backtracking,contradiction,contraversion,denial,disavowal,disclaimer,disowning,forswearing,gainsaying,nullification,recall,reneging,renouncing,repudiation,reversal,revocation,unsaying,volte-face,withdrawal And the European Commission has been considering whether to take action against the German federal government for reneging on the terms of the Bankgesellschaft sale.
欧共体委员会也考虑是否对德国联邦政府在德国柏林银行公司出售条款中的顽固采取行动。 ecocn

Be clear: the government disgraced itself by reneging on its pledge to hold a referendum.
清楚点:政府出尔反尔,不愿举行公投让自己名誉扫地。 ecocn

Both sides kept accusing each other of reneging on it.
两边都不断指责对方违反了协议。 ecocn

The UN chief also backed the plea by poor countries for more financial aid. He chided the world's wealthy nations for reneging on pledges to boost aid to Africa.

Bennett has also taken heat for reneging on his campaign promise, back in1992, to serve just two terms; this year, he was seeking his fourth.
本内特为了违背他的竞选承诺而受到批评,回到1992年,他承诺只干两届;而今年却在谋求他的第四个任期。 yeeyan

But within months tension rose as Camara began talking about reneging on his promise not to run for president.
但是在数月之内,形势恶化,卡马拉也违背了他曾经许下绝不竞选总统的诺言。 yeeyan

Hardliners in Armenia and the diaspora were furious, accusing Mr Obama of reneging on his promise.
对此,亚美尼亚强硬派与流亡者甚为愤慨,他们指责奥巴马食言; blog.sina.com.cn

Having allowed a belief in state- backing for Dubai World to become entrenched, the state's decision not to guarantee its debts therefore looked like reneging.
在放任“迪拜世界拥有政府担保”的信念变得根深蒂固之后,迪拜政府作出不担保其债务的决定看似有些背信。 iciba

If he makes a statement and acts accordingly without deviating in any way, then there'd be no such things as breaking a contract, reneging, or apologizing.
假如说了一句话,就至死不变地照做,世界上没有解约、反悔、道歉许多事了。 chinaorb

Max Lawson, a policy officer at Oxfam, describes the reneging of countries on promises they made to increase aid at the G8 summit at Gleneagles in2005 as a scandal.
马克斯.劳森是乐施会的一位政策官员。 他说,一些国家背弃他们2005年在格伦伊格尔斯八国峰会所作的增加援助的承诺,这是个丑闻。 kekenet

Naoto Kan became Japan’s third prime minister within two years when Yukio Hatoyama resigned after reneging on a promise to remove the American marine base near Okinawa.
在鸠山首相内无法兑现搬迁美国海军陆战队驻冲绳基地的许诺而辞职后,菅直人成为两年内日本的第三任首相。 ecocn

Other countries are reneging too.
其他国家也在食言。 ecocn

Rather than reneging on its debt, the US would inflate its way out.
美国不会违约,而会通过通胀来摆脱债务。 hao360

The G8 nations, especially France and Italy, were criticised this month for reneging on their promises of increased aid to poor countries.
八国集团国家,尤其是法国和意大利,在本月遭到了批评,指责它们背弃了对贫穷国家增加援助的承诺。 yeeyan

Using stream tapping algorithm, a true VOD system can be established. And this kind of system can achieve a high user satisfaction level, and the user reneging probability can be reduced effectively.
用流切入算法可以实现真视频点播系统,因此该算法实现的系统的用户满意程度很高,可以有效地降低用户的食言概率。 cnki




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