

单词 renegades
释义 ren·e·gade·s 英'renɪɡeɪd美'renɪɡeɪd COCA⁵²⁵⁹⁴BNC⁵⁰²²⁰
someone who rebels and becomes an outlawa disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
having deserted a cause or principle;

some provinces had proved recreant

renegade supporters of the usurper

break with established customs近义词 rebel反叛者pervert误用traitor叛徒betrayer叛徒ratter 捕鼠者apostate背教者turncoat背叛者deserter背弃者defector背叛者recreant胆小的

用作名词His conversation with therenegadeseemed to have taken all the heart out of him.跟那个叛徒的谈话似乎使他完全失去了勇气。noun.person who is rebellious
同义词 defector,deserter,dissident,heretic,insurgent,mutineer,traitorapostate,backslider,betrayer,double-crosser,escapee,exile,fugitive,iconoclast,outlaw,rebel,recreant,refugee,runaway,snake,tergiversator,turnabout,turncoatabandoner,forsaker,schismatic,snake in the grass
反义词 adherent,followerpassivist The few of us renegades that have evolved past living based on conventions and social norms are trying to keep our heads above water.
为了生存,我们跟随大流做社会普遍认可的事,而至少数人敢于不走寻常路。 yeeyan

The infidels are defined first as the renegades of Islam-- that is, Muslims who do not practice some. . . pre- medieval religious creed that is hopelessly antiquated for most Muslims and most Arabs.
异教徒这个词最初指的是伊斯兰叛教者,也就是那些不信守一些对大多数穆斯林和阿拉伯人来说过时的、属于中世纪之前的教义。 ecocn

The latest renegades included17 footballers.
最近有17位足球运动员也叛逃了。 ecocn

But as rebels and renegades, emigrants and entrepreneurs, they infuse much needed flexibility and creativity into an otherwise rigid system.
但是作为叛逆者和不法之徒、作为移民和开拓者,他们同时也为这个僵硬的体制注入了急需的灵活性与创新意识。 yeeyan

I get inside the minds of six other renegades who have found ways to get paid to be who they are.
我脑海中6个人的例子,他们都是通过找到机会来成就自己的。 yeeyan

In a historic result, unofficial results showed that the Democratic Party of Japan DPJ, a leftist grouping of ruling-party renegades, social democrats and socialists, was heading for a landslide.
在这个具有历史性的结果中,一个非官方调查结果显示,这个由执政党左翼组织反叛者,社会民主党人,和社会党人组成的民主党拥有压倒性的优势。 ecocn

Just as in Soviet times rivals and renegades were airbrushed out of photographs, Rosneft and the Kremlin are now hoping that what they did to Yukos can be erased from history.
正如在苏联时期敌人和叛徒会被从照片上抹去一样, Rosneft和克里宫也希望他们对尤克斯的所作所为能够从历史里擦除。 ecocn

Many people have been working on ways of overcoming the camouflage of these renegades.
许多人继续研究克服这些逃离者伪装的方法。 ecocn

Microbes like P. aeruginosa were once thought of as disorganised renegades, each cell working alone.
像绿脓杆菌这样的微生物曾经被认为是一支杂牌军,各自为战,互不联系。 yeeyan

Of all the tens of thousands of known bacterial species, only about100 are renegades that break the rules of peaceful coexistence and make us sick.
在人类所认识的几万种细菌菌种中,只有大约一百种成了破坏和我们和平共处的规则而让我们患病的叛徒。 yeeyan

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao was also targeted by renegades on the same, but escaped unharmed.
总理古斯芒同样也遭到叛军袭击,但成功脱险。 ebigear

Reports of defections suggest that the regime is being whittled away. The latest renegades included17 footballers.
那些对叛变者的报导是卡扎菲政权正在不断消减的最好证明,最近的叛变者包括17名足球队员。 ecocn

Stem cell treatment: Stem cell renegades or pioneers?
干细胞治疗:干细胞是叛徒或先驱? mso.sysu.edu.cn

Such renegades are less likely than other tumours to stimulate an immune response, precisely because they escaped the attentions of the immune system in the first place.
这些逃离者不如其他肿瘤那样刺激免疫反应,正是因为它们首先逃避了免疫系统的注意。 ecocn

The Democrats have a solid majority in the House and, thanks to a few Republican renegades who fear for their political lives, a working majority in the Senate;
民主党人在众议院稳固地占有大数,同时在共和党人占多数的参议院,幸好存在少数担心自己政治前途的叛党份子; topsage

The Gileadites struck them down because the Ephraimites had said, “ You Gileadites are renegades from Ephraim and Manasseh.”
基列人击杀以法莲人,是因他们说:“你们基列人在以法莲,玛拿西中间,不过是以法莲逃亡的人。” ebigear

We shall reckon with the renegades sooner or later.
我们迟早要跟这些叛徒算账。 hotdic

Whenever the south became restive in subsequent decades, the ruling north would either inflict punishment or support renegades there.
随后的几十年内,每当南方不安分时,居统治地位的北方不是加以惩罚,就是支持当地的叛乱分子。 ecocn




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