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词汇 renault
释义 renault
IT IS more than ten years since Renault forged its transformative alliance with a nearly- bankrupt Nissan.
自从雷诺与濒临破产的尼桑结为变革性的联盟起,距今已有十多年。 ecocn

Speculation rumbled on about an alleged leak of company secrets at Renault related to its electric- car technology.

The latter will launch four Nissan and four Renault electric models in the next two years.
在未来的两年内,雷诺-尼桑将推出四款尼桑和四款雷诺电动汽车。 ecocn

The tie-up between Nissan and Renault does not follow this sorry trend, perhaps because it is a cross- holding alliance, rather than a full merger.
日产和雷诺的联盟没有走上如此可悲的道路,而原因或许在于双方只是交叉持股,建立联盟,而未进行全面合并。 ecocn

“ We are examining all legal options, which will inevitably result in legal action, but at this point, Renault will make no further comments, ” he added.
他接着说,“我们正在了解所有的法律选项,肯定要诉诸法律,不过在这一点上,雷诺将不做进一步评论。” yeeyan

AFTER years of diligent, uncomplaining toil on the Renault assembly line, Mohammed has retired.
穆罕默德在雷诺公司的汽车装配线默默辛劳多年后,现已退休。 ecocn

Both Renault and PSA, he claimed, had given“a commitment” not to close any factories for the duration of the state loans, and to“ do everything” to avoid layoffs.
他声称,标致和雷诺公司以及做出了“承诺”,在国家予以贷款期间不会关闭任何一家工厂,并愿意为了避免失业“做任何事情”。 yeeyan

But if, as seems certain, AvtoVAZ needs more cash for restructuring, it is unlikely to be forthcoming from Renault.
换个方面来说,伏尔加需要更多的现金重组,但是它不可能从雷诺获得。 ecocn

But, thanks to the European single market, Renault continues to do so.
但是在欧洲统一市场下,雷诺一直在这么做。 ecocn

He insists that Renault has “ a long-term commitment” to AvtoVAZ, and that the use of its platforms and technology will revive the Russian firm.
他坚持雷诺对伏尔加有个长期承诺,它们的平台和技术的应用将会是俄罗斯公司得到回复。 ecocn

He kept his car parallel and did not allow the Renault a way out.
他保持自己的车平行驾驶不让那雷诺车有出去的路。 yeeyan

In a television interview, Mr Sarkozy had added that it was“unjustified” for firms like Renault or Peugeot to make cars in places like the Czech Republic, for sale in France.
在一次电视采访中,萨科奇还补充道,对于雷诺或标志这些公司在国外制造汽车比如捷克然后在国内销售是不适当的。 yeeyan

In France spooks have been called in to investigate whether China was behind the espionage that targeted Renault’s electric- car technology.
在法国,利用多种手段调查中国是否就是窥探法国雷诺公司电动汽车技术的幕后操纵者。 yeeyan

Just look at Renault: despite being hauled over the coals, it continues to make more cars abroad than at home.
就看看雷诺:尽管被至于万人唾骂的境地,它还是继续在国外生产汽车多于在国内。 ecocn

Long seen as the car industry's most impressive wizard, his image has been harmed by problems at both Renault and Nissan.
长期以来被视为汽车工业最富传奇色彩,他的形象被雷诺和日产两者的问题搞糟了。 ecocn

That would put BMW in a better position than rivals such as Mitsubishi, Renault, and General Motors, which also plan to make battery-powered vehicles.
这将使宝马在和那些也计划生产电动车的竞争对手例如三菱、雷诺、通用相比时处在一个更有利的位置上。 yeeyan

The row had been sparked by a report that Renault was considering moving production of a future version of the Clio, its popular small car, from France to Turkey.
这场纠纷的导火线是一则消息,据这则消息称,雷诺拟将其广受欢迎的小型车——克里欧新车型的生产线有法国移至土耳其。 ecocn

This gave a reprieve to rivals, such as Renault and Bajaj, which started talks on their ultra low- cost car two years ago.
这给了雷诺和巴贾吉等竞争对手以喘息之机。两者两年前开始就超低成本汽车展开商谈。 iciba

RENAULT is eating a lot of humble pie this year.
雷诺公司今年将咽下大量“内脏馅饼”屈辱。 ecocn

Renault faced a storm of criticism over its botched internal investigation into an alleged case of company espionage.
雷诺面临的批评风暴盛过其对所谓的公司“间谍门”进行的拙劣调查。 ecocn

Renault hired private detectives to look for secret bank accounts abroad.
雷诺聘请私家侦探调查神秘的海外银行账号。 ecocn




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